You're buying her game, right Sup Forums?
You're buying her game, right Sup Forums?
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nice audio
Why can't everyone have titties like that?
Life isn't fair.
Yeah, Day 1 probably. But I'll be getting a used Switch to play it on
And yes, I'm aware finding a used one by release will be near impossible
It looks incredibly fucking generic
and that's what I like about it, I just want a honest to goodness WE WILL WIN WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! JRPG with cute girls
I really hope they tweak boob girl's running animation. It's not well synced with her movement speed so it looks like she's gliding a lot of the time.
Combat looks gay.
She has my attention.
It will be difficult for me not to.
If it's not censored, if it is I'll probably still fumble my way through the JP version instead. The dubbing is atrocious this time around but I can forgive that if there's no censorship.
Tits too big.
I want her in Smash...and hentai
Not unless it's dual-audio. Xenoblade's dub was pretty good, but XCX's was awful, and even though this is Brit voices again, it seems a lot worse than the original.
A lack of censorship is also a given.
from what I've seen, she's the only selling point
Yes...with a fully detailed trophy you can look at from all angles...
That is indeed my current objective.
>the way her hips sashay when walking
>official artist can make hentai of the characters
yfw the Switch has a dedicated Zettai Ryouiki button
The gameplay seriously looks like shit. Way worse than the first Xenoblade. What the hell were they thinking?
And right after I say this the stream confirms that you can't control other party members in combat.
>treehouse says you can't control other character in battle
>proceeds to control other characters in battle
Blade characters can't be controlled.
Which is lame as fuck.
You're right. What the fuck are they doing?
>still haven't bought a ps4
>expecting me to buy a Switch
That is too much money for 2 games each.
I want to buy her but cant so buy her game so i can fap to her body
muh diiiiiiiiick
The character designs are terrible
when demo will be playable?
no jap audio no buy, dubs are too shitty
release date when?
no region lock, eop.
I didn't like XCX so...
those boobs are literally bolted on spheres, I love me some big tits but this looks awful
Are you blind? Those clearly have a sag to them, as any breasts weighed down by gravity should. Look at Senran Kagura for bolted on spheres.