>No xenoverse 3
> shitty overhyped mugen
how can anyone defend this? xenoverse series was the future of dbz games and they ruined it.
Xenoverse gave us
> customisable character with races and tons of attacks/clothes to chose from
> original story mode
>co - op
fighter z has???
> competitive game play LoL
dbz will never be evo material and any dbz game based around such format is limited to the max because it will lack in character and story mode
fuck this shiiiiiit go play SF you fucks
No xenoverse 3
lol at your life shittaster
>not Budokai Tenkaichi 4
Xenoverse always sucked
Xenoverse is basically dial-a-combo
bait thread
>Budokai Tenkaichi 4
mah nigga
Xenoverse is a shitty fan fiction DBZ.
> rating any tenkaichi game
underage out
all characters play the same
>fighter z has???
A better DBZ game
It is giving us a real fighting game.
the game play is much more in depth but someone who never even played the game besides the demo wouldn't know
Xenoverse got boring like an hour in both times around.
I'm tired of this OC shit
>Every fighting game ever HAS to be evo
I'm fucking sick of this meme
I don't no why you think it's one or the other. Xenoverse isn't dead or anything, these are separate games. Are you unhappy that more DBZ games are getting made?
Fuck off filthy casual. This the dbz game the GUV has been waiting for.
Ah, yes, another MvC cocksucker.
Its must be painful to you, I understand that.
Maybe so, but there's a reason why the majority of the DBZ games since then have tried to copy it.
I bet a mexican wrote this.
dude xenoverse is not coming back the story is concluded als
dbz → high viewer base so making it competitive will expose e-sport even more. the days are gone for the casuals
No it isn't
Compared to a real fighter like Guilty Gear its almost childish
MvC will always be more popular you weeb cuck
Budokai 2 was GOAT.
This looks close to it.
I'm okay with this. XV2 was pretty good though, but I only bought it because it came out on my birthday
t. hadn't bought a DBZ game between Budokai 2 and Xenoverse 2
Good. Fuck the filthy casuals. They are hell bent on ruining the game industry. Finally we get a legit dbz fighting game with marvel mechanics. Can't wait for this. Oh and fuck casuals, can't wait to destroy xenoscrubs.
>the story is concluded als
Did you just start playing db games the last couple years?
I'll just keep on playing the patrician Dragon Ball game
>all characters play the same
90% of the characters have the same pool of moves they pick out of like blocks, and you construct them together to make combos.
Turles plays nothing like SSJ2 Goku, even though they both have the same construct of moves. And it's still more in depth than many DBZ games including xenoaids.
dragonball is the most casual anime you can get. this board is filled with shitskins and yuropoor with gay taste.
hahha what the fuck is that it looks like shit hahaha
this game is good because it's shitting all over capcom fighters who deserves it
Custom characters in DBZ games is a mistake.
Xenoverse is a poorly put together mess of conflicting game design, FighterZ will have less content but will at least be well made
t. 56%
Don't you have some tacos to make Pedro?
fucking retarded the game mechanism is not even remotely similar to caopcomvmarvel its more a 3v3 guilty gear
We've known since before XV2 released that XV3 wouldn't be happening right afterwards; they outright told us they wanted to have a longer dev time for it so they wouldn't have to rush it like they did XV2.
Of course a different game was going to pop up in between the two. Bamco aren't going to let Dragon Ball go too long without a major console release now that they finally have a new wave of hype to ride with Super airing.
The FGC has wanted a dbz game with legit mechanics, such as marvel 2 which is arguably the best fighting game ever. We don't want dumbed down diluted casual bull shit anymore.
>Dragon Ball go too long without a major console release now that they finally have a new wave of hype to ride with Super airing.
>game is called fighter z
> inb4 golden meme
excuse to give frieza a transformation option
It has an assist system similar to marvel.
>fighter z
I always thought it was a play on words. Like it's actually called "Fighterz" and the Z has emphasis in the title similar to in the USA it's "ZEE-noverse."
> competitive gameplay is all that matters
> worst selling dragonball game of the ps2 era
forgot pic
Dude the lead developer confirmed XV3 before XV2 even came out. He said it'd be a while before it's out though.
HD online remaster when?
>No streetfightooterverse 3
> shitty overhyped mugen
how can anyone defend this? xenoverse series was the future of streetfighter games and they ruined it. although no one cared about it 3 weeks after it released.
> customisable character with races and tons of attacks/clothes to chose from although fans only really care about the developed characters of that world so no one cared
> original story mode that has no canon and barely remember able
> non-competitive game play because the balance is bad and everyone stopped playing
not even going to parody the last line because it's retarded and street fighter never became competitive because of its story mode
In this case they are aiming to put it on EVO though, and it doesn't seem imposible with both Arcsys and Bamco working toghether.
People who complain about this are either shitposters or idiots who don't realize there can and have been more than one kind of Dragon Ball game at the same time.
just now
>> customisable character with races and tons of attacks/clothes to chose from
>> original story mode
>>co - op
lmao, and here's why:
Create a character is just a gimmick. It's there for fanfic dressup fags to play house in. Everyone who played XV2 that wanted a DBZ game, played without CaC.
Story mode was lame as fuck and the story was stupid. In the first game, Demigra doesn't even show up until it's like half over or some shit, and the premise was literally "Trunks was too weak, so he wished for a strong helper to stop Towa." XV2 was slightly better given the introduction of Bardock and the TrunksxFutureGohan ending.
The co-op mode is stupid and retarded. PQs? That's the stupidest shit ever, only useful for getting new characters to play as. Raids were just as stupid.
XV2's only saving grace—gameplay wise—was the PVP which was still broken and buggy.
Bait, but Dimps said that they wanted more time on Xenoverse 3, so getting FighterZ while we wait is fine
>go play SF
not fooling me combofiend
criminally underrated
Wait a sec, did Dokkan get card art from that cover? I recognize that 16 from clogging up my multis
i'll agree if the move to make this latest db game is to try and get into the "competitive" market it's both lame and shitty.
>hurr street fighter got on tv and was exsposed to a huge audience because of esports. maybe we can make more money if we do the same. hurrrrrrr hurrrrrrrrr
its the opposite actually e-sport /fgc/mlg sponsors try to use dragon ball as a mean to grow in audience
Have in game transformations been confirmed? I can't stand it when Goku and SSJ Goku are two entirely different characters. I don't understans why so many DB games have fuckes that up.
FighterZ > Xenoverse trash
for now you got time transformation like golden frieza or last resort ultimate transformation like ssj3 goku. there probably wont be base sayians characters
>liking xenoverse
[It was at this moment that he knew he fucked up.wav]