Is there hope, Sup Forums? Maybe at the Tokyo Game Show?
Is there hope, Sup Forums? Maybe at the Tokyo Game Show?
What's this from?
Zoomed in on the right side of the screen when Reggie was talking
they'll announce it tomorrow or the day after.
Source: Reggie is my dad
what a shit shop
that is not true, it will be announced in a direct in august.
Source: I am Reggie's dad
Tell Reggie to stop playing BOTW when he should be working.
>Using VLC
Ayy lmao
Nice photoshop.
False. They will announce it next.
Source: I'm Reggie.
>All blue virdii divint
>SMahs flame iz der semaz 4
Can't tell if port or noot
Fuck you for making me lose the game reggie
Nice shop
Looks like that Smashified logo with color adjustments
The time will come when you will forgive me.
game on until that time comes.
It's the normal Smash 4 logo. It's on my controller and in the game.
When they release the direct you can check yourself, user.
Don't know for sure, just that it's some time when Reggie is speaking
no it doesn't
Kill yourself faggot and your shitty shop. Nice image editing tools on the taskbar mother fucker.
It's fake.
It was Luigi originally.
Nice try OP, Its luigi
Whoops meant for
Eh, either way its still a bad shop.
>not disabling annotations for streams
post the shop to reggie's twitter anyway and see if he spills the beans accidentally
That's crazy enough to actually work.