Can you bodyswap female characters in Mario Odyssey?
Just curious haha
Can you bodyswap female characters in Mario Odyssey?
I imagine you should be able to
Here's another game to satisfy your weird fetish.
neever heard of that game. is it actually good?
It's actually really good. The combat is really neat since you have 4 different defensive moves you have to time against the enemy attacks. But it can feel really slow since you spend most of your team possessing people and helping them through their problems. You would have to get invested in this little town and it's citizens to enjoy it.
Omicron nomad soul lets you swap bodies I think. I picked it up back when David Bowery died because they were giving it away for free but I never played it. There was also some psx game where you played a cherub that did body swapping.
I want to fuck Ranma-chan
Righteous. I knew fetish shit would lead me to good games sooner or later
haha do you think mario would get embarassed when he swaps into a girl's body
Please let there be Birdos in this game
what if you woke up in a cute girl body tomorrow user?
wouldn't that be weird hahahaha
Are there any games that feature gender bending?
hoho, it would indeed
What happens if Mario builds up speed for 12 hours and then switches bodies before traveling to another PU? Does his soul come with him?
Of course that would be weird, but I'd probably be less depressed.
It'd be a fun experience
What would the first thing you would do after waking up as a girl be? Other than masturbate.
>not finding a qt boi/girl to hug
Wouldn't even masturbate first desu
First thing I'd do would probably try and cute clothes, and then try and then mess with my friends to see if reality changed too.
fashion show
get fucked
See how my clothes fit.
Are you the guy who always posts ranko?
I think this was the first Atlus game I actually played.
What if Mario is being possessed by the hat?
What if the hat is being possessed by us?
The first thing I thought about when I saw the trailer is the doujins this will inspire.
When was the last time Birdo showed up as an enemy in a game? The only time they show up is for a cameo or a rare playable role
>You would have to get invested in this little town and it's citizens to enjoy it.
So you are saying it is posession fetish and also it satiates my morbid curiosity? fucking tempting.
This. I hope to see a lot of anime girls with Mario caps and mustaches going forward.
>influx of nintendo girls possession porn incoming
first gerudo link now this, thank you for catering to my fetishes
The internet has conditioned us so hard that no matter what happens the first thing we ask ourselves is "oh boy can't wait for that new porn"
No shit, Sherlock.
Yeah, since you see through the eyes of so many people you get a lot of different perspectives on what's happening in the community and the town.
Wear cute clothes.
My nigga.
Have come sexy ranko.
What's going on with the new mario?
anyone who wears his hat gets possessed by him now
imagine how funny he would feel with a more curvaceous and soft body, not to mention the lack of his mushroomy weewee and two squeashy meatballs on his chest bouncing around when he walks, swaying his hips naturally.
it would be pretty funny haha
Can you make cute girls wear his hat?
In the trailer it shows him possessing male citizens of New Donk City, so I imagine you can do it with the women too.
That is why this thread was made, we're hoping to figure this out while discussing related things.
His hat has possession powers. The "powerups" in the game are the act of taking control of enemies, NPCs, and environmental objects.
Obviously the first thing that came to mind was "what if we put the hat on a cute girl?"
image him forgetting himself for spending too much time in that voluptuous body and it becoming permanent and his personality changes to suit the body more. that would be even funnier, harhar.
I'm thinking it won't work on anyone with a hat already on.
>The major theme of the game is hats
>Everything is given a hat
>This has the added effect of limiting what things your own hat can interact with
What a clever combination of visual theme and game design
it would be really funny wish that happened to me too just for laughs haha
*blocks mario's path*
Alright, OP, Crtl+F tg on /d/. I'm sure you will be happy there.
>I just want him to know who's wearing the hats in this relationship.
>Nice try, babe.
hilarious, m8
>she eats a mushroom
>her tits and curves get larger along-side usual height increase
>yfw you could make a girl end up a huge titty monster MILF with this hat
Put an add on local craigslist that I want to be blindfolded and groped by large amount of niggers and older men. That's if we ignore masturbating.
This character is just so hilarious. Being stuck in her body and slowly becoming her inside and out would be the height of comedy.
this game will be really funny haha
>can body swap with female NPCs
>game has vibration function
>Play game with GF
>Put hat on GF
>Become GF
I REALLY like this image!
You're right, it's a slippery slope.