Detroit: Race War

Who else is excited about Detroit: Race War?

I'm still not sure what kind of fucking game it is! Is it a fucking visual novel à la Until Dawn, or is it a shooter?

Seems like a visual novel where they subtly infect the console demographic with ideas of minority uprisings.

its the guy who did heavy rain and beyond two souls

>touch android with glowy hand

I don't think that's how personality works

"android" is not a race, fuckwit

It's Cage being "subtle".

It's point and click with better graphics. Just like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls.

If it went back to detective game it would be nice tbf

Replace android with blacks and it's a really heavy-handed black uprising metaphor, complete with mentions of slavery

I'll pirate this movie when it comes out

It's already pretty heavy-handed.

That game was seriously my biggest disappointment of the E3. After the Kara tech demo I was SO excited for the game it was basically the only game on E3 I cared about.

And then they came out with that shit.

>m-muh people
>I gotta free muh people
>muh fucking people

Shitty paper thin analogy for black Moses is not what I wanted for my game based on that beautiful tech demo.

It doesn't matter what the story to this game is
David Cage makes shit "games"

Sup Forums gives Kojima shit for being a failed filmmaker, but David Cage is infinitely worse. All he makes are these shitty derivative "interactive movies"


im confused where is the lead niggers glowing circle on the side of his head? Is that guy actually a human because all the androids had those circles

Do you not know who David Cage is? He's the Neil Breen of video games. He has two decades of laughably bad storytelling under his belt.

Ah, okay. So, it's not a game then. Think I'll pass, I'd rather read a book.

In my defense all the early promotional material/videos and basically everything before this year's E3 said "pretty good game about cute robot girl".

There was no implication or hint that it will be about shitty black Moses.

>David Cage


The first trailer looked really good however the second trailer has put me off.

>man about to shit into plate.jpg

Dude, it's David "Press X to make Ellen Page piss" Cage
If you actually thought it was going to be good, you might actually be retarded

Wow, that may be the gayest thing I've seen at an E3.