Are xenoblade games usually this boring?

Are xenoblade games usually this boring?

Usually the character design is better

Boring in what way?

I'm sick of the small-minded Nintendo fucks and Miyamoto cocksuckers that ignore a Xenoblade game and stick their nose up at it just because it's not a legacy Nintendo franchise or because EAD didn't wipe their cocks on it.

It's not me who's embarrassing, it's the fucking embarrassing Nintendo fanbase who finger their assholes 24/7 over their childhood memories of playing Mario or Zelda and don't pick up a Xenoblade game solely because it doesn't "transport them" to their fuzzy wittle giggly time childhood.

Cunts. Xenoblade deserves better than the cocooned Nintendo fanbase. I'm out

They play like MMO's so yeah, they're pretty boring if you're not into that sort of gameplay.

The character designs and voice acting is terrible, i already hate ever single character.
Which is a real deal breaker for an rpg.

Geez louise



theyre just MMORPG's without the MMO; dull and uninteractive gameplay

What the fuck is this watered down action shit? What the fuck was wrong with the original combat system?

ITC user shitposts at a fanbase about a flaw they've known about and accepted for ages

nah as MMOs don't usually have a plot or story/world progression

>RPG are boring


this plays pretty damn similarly to XC and XCX.

She look pretty cool.

The MC barely did anything but fucking auto attack. I didn't play XCX but XBC had way more moves to do.

why are all the areas unnecessarily huge?

They're the epitome of JRPG boredom. As you can currently see a single boss takes a quarter hour of mostly waiting for seconds to push a button to activate one of 4 weapon skills to combo at some point.

that's what it's always like early-game in xenoblade. It takes a while to get all your arts and characters.

No, they fucked up the arts system and the combat big time.
>Can only use/have four arts assigned to the D Pad compared to eight arts in past games
>Can't auto attack while moving - a staple in the combat
>Artstyle is shit
T. Xenoblade fanboy

>MMO's don't have stories


The only difference with MMO's is that Xenoblade has a cancerous fanbase filled with casuals who'll defend any shitty game just because it's "baby's first JRPg"

in my experience the xenoblade combat system is horrible in small spaces, so that's probably your answer.
you can switch your blades, each blade has 4 arts and you can have up to 4 blades to switch between during battle - resulting in 16 total arts. Pay more attention next time.

>You can asign atleast 3 blades,
>each blade have 4 arts.

Stop playing video games, you don't know shit

you sound really mad, wanna talk it over?

That's what I get for catching it for a few seconds before my break at work ends, thanks guys.
So you switch blades and the arts assigned to the D pad change?

yes, they also mentioned that different characters will have different sets of blades as well.

I'll take xenosaga ep 2 battles over this any day

Yeah. It spoiled XCX for me, I got as far as getting a Skell but I couldn't really stand the combat any more. I was going out of my way to avoid random battles; of course the problem with that is you need to grind to be sufficiently leveled for the main story quest.

It's a shame, since the world and story were great to explore, I loved sidequests. If they made the same game, but just made the combat and locomotion like, say, Lost Planet 2 then it would be my GOAT game.

>problem with that is you need to grind to be sufficiently leveled for the main story quest.
not really, just do some sidemissions - most of them are story-driven.

because user, it doesn't matter if the plot is cliche or the combat is boring the game is HUGE, BIG,

think of the exploration! see that mountain? you can go there!

Single player MMO design, so kinda. It's usually more fun when you're playing, but the combat system for this one looks a little slower than usual. Charging to higher attack levels seems to take too long, though I think I understand why they're balancing it that way.

I hate bottom heavy designs, so I sympathize.

Then fuck off and don't play it. Simple.

Actually, this round around it seems like the world is smaller and flatter, yeah there's still interesting things in the background scenery, but this time it doesn't seem you can climb them. The environment the showed off here was fairly flat, unlike XBC, which had a lot of vertical to it. I imagine flying around the world will make up for it, but we'll see.

I think the last side quest I did was the one with the three criminals where you end up fighting one in a Skell who's hiding in a big lava cave. Despite being the right level, I kept getting fucking annihilated by the monsters in there, or by the Skell if I made it through.

Although wait, I didn't have my skell then? Maybe I just gave up on that quest.

Regardless, it soured me on the game, and the combat just did nothing for me. I think I remember the exact thing that made me stop playing; I was in the desert area and drove past a big monster in Skell Bike mode. I woke it up but I had already driven past, right? Except it did a swing at me (fifty feet way, behind a rock) and hit and destroyed my Skell, because the combat doesn't take hitboxes into account.

I really really dislike abstracted combat systems and combat/games where you're telling a dude what to do rather than doing it yourself.

not really
but this one seems to be step back from X, and just being simple Xenoblade Chronicles sequel which it is
kinda sucks, I hoped more stuff from X will be incorporated.

still looking forward to it. but I guess now I can only dream of next Cross game.

>Don't attack while moving
Gonna feel strange playing it like that.

doesn't sound like you gave it much of a chance to me, but I guess if you didn't like it that's fine.

Not sure if I'm liking the combat. XCX had awesome, fast paced combat, but making auto attacks only happening while standing still and skills only charge with auto attacks seems like it'll slow down the game immensely. Hoping for some sort of unrevealed gimmick that makes combat more active.

Yes. Don't fall for the "It gets good 10 hours in" or "It gets good 100 hours in" or "It gets good on the second disc." Xeno fans are deluded.

I mean I put in what, 60-70 hours? Enough to get the Skell and do some stuff in that.

I'm not saying it's a bad game, by any means. If you enjoyed it that's great. It just couldn't keep me engaged which disappointed me.

It's the first time i see footage of this and im already bored

yes, they are indeed usually that good, thanks for making a thread about it and even posting a quality webm of the superb gameplay, OP.

Second disc?