What went wrong?
What went wrong?
You wanted to play the contrarian.
Female mayor.
They didn't release it two years ago.
Open world meme hits again. Also Nintendo is getting lazier.
muh 3000 different moves that you don't ever need to use
64 and Sunshine both had open worlds
Fuck off.
When did you ever, ever need to use the breakdance kick or kick-hop in 64? I bet most people playing don't even know that they can be done.
Hell, when did you ever need to use the water-powered belly slide in Sunshine?
64 and sunshine also had gameplay and level design. Odyssey has neither.
No, they didn't. And neither does Odyssey.
I swear, you faggots and your buzzwords...
Literally nothing so far
That's my point, genius.
So, your point is that the moveset suggests the game will be similar to SM64?
We should be so lucky.
Nothing so far, looking great.
The trailer showed the same 3D linear gameplay like Super Mario 3D World but with goofy costumes
Nothing. Looks cool, and that song is catchy.
Pee your pants
Nothing went wrong. They took their idea of suits themed after animals/enemies and expanded it to everything in the level. That sounds like a great idea to me.
All according to plan!
What the hell is your guys' problem? The game ain't even finished yet and you're all throwing around these stupid accusations.
Hub world is boring.
Check the treehouse stream
There's a hub world?
Are we just gonna ignore that the game LOOKS like shit. Both Sunshine and Galaxy looked incredible for their hardware, even 3D World was visually pleasing - this looks like a fucking fan game.
Sup Forums
Spend it wisely
I love how you switch faggots have to play every shit game from Nintendo now cause that's the only way you can justify your purchase.
It's going to be so good no video game can ever top it. It's all downhill from here.
Only the city looks iffy, the rest look fucking great. Some parts of the city looks great too
You aren't even trying now, sorry you don't get a pity (You) from me this time
Nothing yet.
>real people instead of cartoons in a mario game
>real life dinosaurs instead of yoshis
>mario's hat is literally the most broken power up in all games. Allowing you to take control of enemies? Who thought that was a good idea
>mexican stereotypes
>trying to cram a million worlds into one game instead of making one really good world/theme like mario galaxy
>introducing romance plots and having peach getting married
the real question is, what went right?
I don't even own a Switch, but it still looks good.
>looks good
Man standards have really fallen these days
>10 years ago
>The game is too linear! This sucks!
>The game is too open! This sucks!
Funny how cyclical these trends are. Like now people actually want a WW2 shooter from Call of Duty.
>what went right?
(You) getting triggered.
Your butthurt
>real people instead of cartoons in a mario game
Mario is just a manlet. That's what they look like.
Nah SMB started in '85. Grand daddy of platformers, both 2D and 3D and has re invented the genre multiple times. It's ok user. Having an eye for quality isn't something you can really learn. You either have it or you don't.
(You) got triggered by him saying something bad about your baby nintendo game.
The hat ship is the hub world
Here's the actual issue with odyssey:
Jumps lack momentum and seem generally floaty; additionally: run speed seems sluggish. The game seems to control more like galaxy than either 64 or Sunshine and therefore seems to lack the sheer amount of control those games gave you via their robust movement systems.
Open world vs linear is a complete non-issue that's just easier to market to the unaware, or those who purely associate sunshine and 64 with childhood nostalgia. Not to say the open level design of this game is a problem; but, to claim this game looks like 64 or sunshine in terms of anything other than how "open" it is, is in itself a bold-faced lie.
Nice 5yo comeback. I'll enjoy my baby game no problem.
>what went right?
>real people instead of cartoons in a mario game
There are both m8.
You clearly don't have that eye then.
Well it doesn't look like an unfinished mess so you're right that it definitely doesn't look Sunshine.
It's less about a game being open or linear, and more about them being buzzwords to cover up the fact that the game is lazily made. Linear games got a bad rap cause they had less content for more narrowed, cinematic experiences, aka being cheap on game design. Open world games have the same problem where you get lazy on game design again, only now you fake content by copy pasting the same thing multiple times.
The old adage still remains: the game sucks if it sucks.
Really? I thought they all felt okay. We'll get impressions soon anyways
>Not to say the open level design of this game is a problem; but, to
Not him but for most people, that's what they most associate and care about, in regards to 64 and Sunshine, and how they differentiate it from the later games. Stuff like physics and moves, most people don't really care about, at least not as much. In other words, for most people, Odyssey is enough like 64 and Sunshine, to be different enough from the other ones, for most people.
I think Odyessy mario has much more moves than galaxy mario?
I know having actual games to buy is a foreign concept to PlayStation and Xbox owners, but...
I don't think jumps lack momentum or look floaty at all, what are you on about?
The ruins were bland as fuck when they weren't in the 2-D section. Those textures look straight out of 2005.
Nintendo really dropped the ball, I'm guessing the project was rushed out the door way ahead of schedule to get it out this year. They butchered Zelda to get it on the Switch, so I don't find this surprising at all.
Xbox and PS owners have games. That's not the problem here. The problem is Nintendo's shift in design philosophy. Gamecube and earlier Nintendo would never release such a boring, lazy mess like Botw or this shit Mario game concept.
Wow now you are baiting hard
Have a (You) for effort
>They butchered Zelda to get it on the Switch
They did?
>lazy mess like Botw or this shit Mario game concept.
You're not even trying ahmed.