Who does this character design appeal to?

Who does this character design appeal to?

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My dick

Me I guess, She's a bit of a banger dude

Oh look it's that thing literally every generic waifushit design in the last 5 years has done.

Yawn. Why can't these people design original looking characters?

this tbqh


obviously this

you're not making any novel or clever observations here OP

It's over. Nintendo won.


she is my wife!
dont look at her with your filthy eyes!

I want to see Anzu poop

I don't get it, the hot pants are great but I'm turned off by visible underwear. I think I'm getting tired of Japan's fucking obsession over it.

What a cute little fuck pig. I hope this game actually gets porn and that she gets those shorts fucked.

I'm looking at her with admiration though, dude.
What an admirable body.

Skin detention.

She looks like somethin out of your generic mobage where you spend cash dollars just to get your waifu at the gacha


>Tits for days



The whole partner-following-you system was made so her ass is directly in front of the camera whenever you're running somewhere, wasn't it?


nintendo has the best fucking girls


muhhhhh diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

I cant take it anymore I need my dicj inside her or I might die x_x

>can play male
>can stare at a female ass the whole time
Takahashi has solved the argument for once and for all.

This user gets it.


>Newfags that don't know what skindentation is

Lurk the fuck more.

basically this. this stacked redhead is for impregnation

But user, you can't make babies with swords.

Is she aware of it?

>being a faggot waifufag


>Fire Emblem
Can't make this shit up. Best women in the industry.

I want to hold that sword

heterosexual non bigots people

look at that sword though

Silicone tits

>not seen in movement
>assumes big means fake

They are too SOLID
Cant you see it???

I'll refer you back to my post:

fake tits

I want Anzu's poop all over my face.

At least you got the webm right. Firm, not implants. Silicone tits don't move at all.

How do I achieve this body type, Sup Forums?

Them tits must count as a separate character slot

I hope the protagonist threatens her to destroy the sword if she refuse to ride his dick whenever he wants

the sword-girl trope would be absolutely perfect in a Rance game holy shit

>attractive female designs without being retarded
>literally the kind of shit you'd expect to find in garbage games that rely on generic sexualized waifus to get you to buy them

And the sad part is that this generic whore will get more porn in a week than the entire XB1 cast combined

you know how


those tits are fake, okay?

>Nintendo learning from Taro

Best timeline

Sorry, kid. There's middle ground between big sagging tits and small firm ones, and it isn't all implants.

greatest innovation in gaming imho
there should also be a floating companion facing the camera so people can enjoy tits too

Holy shit it's reddit+e3+summer and it shows.


On it.

His dick

And also mine

do i really need to link a pair of silicone tits?

Ronery weebs

Her entire body is artificial, user.

If you were able to find anything to support your claim and not support my own, you would have done so by now. Give it up. The webm clearly shows not just movement at the chest but also in the middle and the end of the breast. Silicone implants do not do this. Go to /mlp/ if you want to have an argument more on your level.

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Nia?

i have friends that doesnt mean i dont like hooker ass when i see one son
like what are you, eunuch? its an ass youre a guy whats there to understand?

It appeals to heterosexual people that are not afraid of being heterosexual

If she's faster than Rex when riding on the tiger, she's going to make exploring the overworld much easier.

It's a fucking Chinese cartoon. Literally nothing about her is real. How autistic do you have to be to want to argue over this?

look this more
they're so solid. they're just 2 big sack of salt

There's a 100% Nintendo of America will censor it so all the prudes will get their wish.

I hate ass.

>Dual chakrams
>Rides a Tiger
She is top cute


So, which god do i have to perform a blood sacrifice to for an Amiibo of her?

If they censor this for America I'll go active shooter

>linking the same webm after i used it to shut you down
Got anything else? Because it sounds like you're just going to keep replying thoughtlessly until 404, and I don't want to deprive Sup Forums of this thread by enabling you.

It will be censored 100%. XBC was censored similarly.

Has Anzu done anything even remotely close to porn?

...Asking for a friend.

I'd rather have a quality figure of her.

Half of them would have the shorts stained white within a week


Leave it to MonolithSoft to make sexy designs


$20 bucks says that her design will be censored for the western release.

How does he get any fighting done while being perma diamonds

I hate tits too.

girl fetishists

Hot half naked girls AND a good game, you get the whole package dude stop complaining.


>yfw the official artist draws porn of these characters

He has three swords to fight with, so he does more damage. It's simple mathematics.

Dumb waifufags who will buy anything as long as it's anime styled.

asses are for poop

It's pretty frowned upon to do that actually, company can straight up ''request'' they don't.

Cry all you want western pigs you ain't going to change the East with your tears.

>big tits no ass
Worst combination.

platinum mad spotted

I don't know what shitty companies you follow but literally no respectable company does this

So is she a shortstack?

its okay japan user we all know you´re racist neet pedophiles there in tokyo

That's Japan in a nutshell.

Nintendo doesn't like porn of its characters famalam. Author rarely do porns of their own series. Not even pure degenerate like Takeda Hiromitsu does.

>Her tits jiggle whenever she stops walking