Was it on purpose?
Was it on purpose?
Other urls found in this thread:
was what
WE *pause*
the fuck you on about?
just don't buy it.
If you don't like SJW stuff simply don't buy games that feature it.
What the fuck dude elaborate on your post.
That's amazing.
but user, this is Sup Forums
everything is SJW stuff
You fell right into their trap. You won't shut the fuck up about it, giving them exactly the buzz they want.
I'm cracking up after seeing that.
Absolutely beautiful.
Everything in an ad is on purpose. We can argue about what the master plan was, but as long as you realize there is one, then you're doing better than most people.
holy shit
What the fuck, I didn't know WE WUZ posting existed outside of this shithole.
WE WUZ originated from Sup Forums check your privilege
he meant this site, not this board you dink
was WHAT on purpose? explain your post.
Top fucking kek
Maybe, just maybe, we where commenting on twitch or whatever whil watching it live?????
This shithole has become more mainstream every year, and had a large impact on the 2016 election which brought in a ton of people. Pepe being """""racist""""" made international news and Sup Forums was in the news regularly.
>racist memes are becoming mainstream
can we just...ugh, like, stop making such problematic memes?
>hundreds of WE scrolling buy and catch a glimpse of a HEYOOO
fucking hilarious
>assuming my tone
>implying my assumptions
just because I haven't been brainwashed by Sup Forums you assume it's bait?
Just..ugh, okay?
>be education major
>get placed in a nigger school for student teaching
>That's OK, I'm going to teach history and have fun!
>Get there
>Niggers nigging full time
>Will never, EVER be quiet
>Look at their phones and interrupt me constantly
>Spend so much time trying to get them to behave I can't even focus on teaching anything
>One of them spits in my coffee
>School decides it's my fault the students don't behave
>Fail the course
>Don't get my teaching degree
>Am now bagging groceries
>Just..ugh, okay?
Does anyone type like this unironically?
>The first to fuck your daughter
this is impossible, because you can't be as ignorant as you apparently are and be educated.
user, can you try again somewhere else?
It looks like they're dropping turds.
Believing Egypt is black instead of Middle Eastern is racist though. These people deserve to be mocked for purposely advocating such stupidity.
>the actual literal trailer starts with the words "WE"
can't make this shit up
this is honestly pathetic. its already cancerous spam on Sup Forums but thats a whole new level of hist
>911 at 0:07
What did they mean by that?
go back to reddlt neofaggot
>These people
Who? The game doesn't portay the Egyptians as black.
Yeah I reported them all and also downvoted them . I hope they get shadowbanned. FUck these Sup Forums people they should mind the rediquette!
Get fucked
You think that's saying brown is above white?
well yeah motherfucker it's your fault
get a whip in class and those niggers are gonna pick your cotton off your clothes
but seriously get authoritarian if they don't behave just by communicating
Almost as if you guys forget which site you're on.
shameless self promotion
This shithole is now a part of the mainstream internet on the scale of reddit and 9gag. You shouldn't be surprised.
Long pause after "WE" in the trailer
What a shitty forced meme
Web culture or even Sup Forums culture doesn't exist anymore. It has been assimilated into real life.
>being this much of a fucking doormat
you probably got placed there because you didnt negociate a better place.
youre also probably a woman
this is why you get paid less than a man
fucking normals
And we're all worse off for it
Are you seriously saying you think the first stop for most new anons isn't Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
>hurrdurr reddit
I bet you were a chanology faggot too
Get fucked, cunt
I bet you're anti gamergate, loser
go to neogaf where you belong cuck
it's not racist mocking idiots who pretend in a flase history.
In places in this world you get locked up for shot like that, like holocaust deniers.
It's actually racist to assert they were egyptian royalty.
You're a fucking retard if you think that standing up to niggers in a classroom environment isn't gonna lead to you getting kicked out anyway.
I realllyyy hope you're baiting. Otherwise - kys.
Why wouldn't I be anti-gamergate? It brought dumbfuck redditors like you to this site
Should have gone with Hyperwar instead.
Thats funny but also kinda fucked up when you think about it.
>implying he or literally anyone else posting WEWUZ shit was here in 2008
I've been here longer than you, and if you don't like the overwhelmingly right wing-libertarian culture here, fuck off to neogaf and complain about "MUH SOCIAL INJUSTICES MUH RACISM" there
nobody likes you irl. do everyone a favor and end it nigger
this proves that memes are used as means to quell genuine revolt against corporate agenda rendering it harmless and enabling (((them))) to push this and similar things further.
>all the niggers getting butthurt at this
>whites try to embrace their culture
>It's good
>minorities try to do the same
And you wonder why the globalist are winning.
t. NeoFag
Why are there so many annoying faggots on Sup Forums now? Did /leftypol/ migrate here or something?
>their culture
hol up, so you be sayin...?
yes, we were all black supremacists back in 2007
Kek I'm proud of you guys
Can you be more of a faggot? Fucking newfriends.
Uhmmm, we are half the internet. Not by numbers of course, but by shitposts
there's an ongoing raid from leftypol
Except it isn't black culture to be Egyptian, especially during the time period this takes place in. This is the whitest Egypt has ever been, and the protagonist is a groid.
>Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
Fucking disgusting this pol tier cancer
Shills have joined forces with /leftypol/ to copy chan culture and infect us from within
>using meme pointers outside of Sup Forums
They feel bad because we made fun of the poor niggers who don't have history, and have to resort to stealing from middle easterners :(
Don't worry, cucks, deep down we all feel bad for them too.
Didn't know we were going for cultural victory.