>play an RPG
>be mage apprentice
>call upon your magic powers to summon a familiar
>this is summoned
What do, Sup Forums?
Play an RPG
Other urls found in this thread:
give him a cookie?
It's a girl, user.
give her a cookie.
Give it the D.
fuck hard
You're really not even trying, are you?
It's plainly obvious you just made this thread to obsess over this character, and you're trying to get more people to chime in on sexualizing it.
We have a board for this kind of stuff. Not Videogames.
Have her use that snaggletooth to massage my urethra
Evaluate its intellect and cognitive abilities.
This action is not supported by Codex Astartes.
Gotta need some info on this cutie
>needing a codex
In that case, fuck her.
find a hole that is well lubricated
So it's just an OC? damn
Male, female... it doesn't matter as long as it is cute
Damn, I'm surprised
The art in the OP especially looks like some good concept art for a jrpg character
I dunno. Send it to fight some monsters?
fuck the mage up for having such a gay familiar