Evil Within not hamstrung by PS360 and IDtech5

>Evil Within not hamstrung by PS360 and IDtech5.

This could be geniunely fantastic.

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should I play the original? It's on sale right now but I've heard bad things.

>but I've heard bad things.
Probably from casuals who complain that it's too hard and that they keep running out of ammo.
It's ten times better than any of the nu-Resident Evil games.

It's a decent/fun horror-themed third person shooter ala RE4, but not as good.

>should I play the original?


>This could be geniunely fantastic.

TEW was already fantastic if you had a beefed up PC at the time.

It's janky but charming, quite a lot of action; don't play on easy since it ruins the mechanics.

If you play it approach it with an open mind. It's not pure horror but not quite cheesy action Resident Evil either.

Go for it. There are strong and weak portions but it's worth playing through.

the plot and gameplay hamstrung it way more than engine choice

that being said I still recommend playing it, just don't have big expectations

its a Not-as-good-as-RE4 horror game but its still good

The 360 port of TEW was tolerable. Very surprised they fit it all on one disc, considering it was a 40GB game on the other platforms.

>Color/Blood dripping off his wedding ring.

That ominous foreshadowing.

the protagonist is really fucking boring and the gameplay is missing some kind of fun hook.
but it truly is a survival horror game with low ammo and spooky shit.

More like The Ludo Within

I had fun with it even though the engine really fucked my machine up, to the point where I had to manually edit out post-processing to get the game to run at a respectable speed.

People get too mad at the extremely limited ammo at the beginning. Protip, use everything you got and stealth as much as you can. Upgrade crit damage and running (ignore melee) first and everything should go well.

Savescum the lockers for goo. It's a single player game nobody is going to hurt you.

The plot is whatever. Cool setting and Mikami gameplay so at least it's fun.

>the gameplay is missing some kind of fun hook

What? The matches and agony crossbrow are great fucking mechanics.

You mean The Kino Within?

Is the game really not directed by Mikami?

>Devs will take these critics seriously

If you are expecting RE4 then you are going to have a bad time. If you are expecting to be scared then you are going to have a bad time. Plot, atmosphere and theme wise it's similar to games like RE, silent hill but TEW is it's own thing gameplay wise. It expects a lot out of you and the more you know about the mechanics the better it is.(which why everyone loves their second play through) You need a different mentally to approaching the game. It's not like old REs where you have to decided whether to fight or run. And It's not like new REs where you just gun down everything. There plenty of moments where you have to kill lots of enemies and you can play the whole game that ( I personal love too) But there's a tactical edge to the game. Stealth is just an option and only necessary in the tutorial and on "AKUMU". You can't shoot everything your first play through because you most definitely will run out of ammo and the game is not very forgiving when you have nothing. Using what you can find like bottles for setting off traps or using them to get knife instant kills, or one-use items come in handy. Also Matches are probably one of the most useful things in the game for saving ammo. Not only do they instantly kill downed enemies. But they will instant kill anything around that enemy giving you some nice setups. Then there's all the other stuff you can do by disarming traps(or saving them to use for your advantage) to make arrows or stealth kills. The gameplay is very unique compared to RE4/DS and one of the best thing about it is that it makes you improvise on the spot. Fighting things head on without knowing if you will find what you need or have enough ammo makes the game quite thrilling.

>Catering to casuals

I mean The le ciné Withyon Deux

compared to inventory tetris and melee followups it was kinda meh.
i realise that melee followups made RE4 a little easy (granted the adaptive difficulty did a great job) but i really am missing that mechanic.
and yea, sebastian basically being a personality vaccuum you had to escort to the end of the game didn't help

>with a boss that's literally unkillable
But everything is killable

This pic is objecticely true though.
The game is all over the place and none of the components really work on their own, forget when put together.

Good post.

Like usual, a Mikami game gets shat on because people don't understand the mechanics. TEW has extremely interesting gameplay, but it's written off because its a bit janky and people expect the wrong things.

Is it directed by Mikami?
I know it's made by tango but Mikami wasn't confirmed.

>Stealth is just an option and only necessary in the tutorial and on "AKUMU"
And the mannequin factory. I would risk to say stealth is necessary since you can get stuck due lack of ammo. It didn't happened to me in my playthrough but i was really close. That tower with the ballistas, made the whole thing, reached the end of the level and suddenly bam!, that brute shows up and all i had was three flash bolts for the crossbow.


>The game is all over the place

That is what makes it good though.

The premise of TEW allows the game to throw constant curveballs at you, and it's goddamn great.


He's listed as executive producer here but Mikami strikes me as the kind of guy who would be very involved in the game regardless.
Wikipedia also has him listed as director but I haven't found a source confirming that anywhere.

Please let the game run on id Tech 6.
Please let the game run on id Tech 6.
Please let the game run on id Tech 6.
Please let the game run on id Tech 6.


It's still hamstrung by the poor imitation of jacobs ladder story.

Thanks user

>poor imitation of jacobs ladder story.

The game is basically Inception with spooks, the premise is interesting but people get way too caught up on the plot when that shit isn't really the focus here.

It's running on the Unreal Engine 4

So who's directing it?

>The Evil Within® 2 © 2017 ZeniMax Media Inc. Developed in association with Tango Gameworks. The Evil Within, Tango, Tango Gameworks, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. id Tech and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of id Software LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.

I thought it was running un UE4 since they were hiring people with experience in using it.


If it's done in Id Tech 6 i'm sold

That game had way more problems than just engine/hardware related.

Hopefully they learned some of the lessons from the first one because if they make the same game with a better engine it will still flop hard.

Fuck you, casual. Go play your shitty Mario game.

Just saw this in TEW1

Are Id Tech 5 and 6 really that different?
IIRC ID5 took a long time to make, with RAGE being the flagship title. ID6 I think was announced before RAGE even came out but I doubt it could have been made that fast.

Then again I know fuck all about game engines

I like the Silent Hill vibes from the trailer.
i hope they give Sebastian more personality and make the antagonist better.

but now it's hamstrung by PS4/Xbone

>should I play the original? It's on sale right now but I've heard bad things.

If you love survival horror games, well, it's a survival horror game. And some of the things it does are cool. Overall it's not that good though. Out of high budget games from real studios, Evil Within is the one with the most clear-cut "you did that 100% wrong and you can't defend it" tier design errors I've seen. For example:

- enemies with instant kill attacks when your character is glacially slow and you have no dodge roll
- melee attacks that do no damage, with upgrades to damage that make it still do no damage

>That is what makes it good though.
nah, linear narrative-driven games need to be way more focused

the jumping around between village areas, asylum, modern times was on the same level of jarring poorly-fit together level design as dark souls 2

hopefully they fix that in the sequel and give us a protag (or fix the protag) to have some sort of personality so he isn't so boring

NuDoom used idTech 6 and looked and ran beautifully. Yet that means nothing if the team is not competent enough to properly optimize it.

Looks kind of like Unreal to me, it seems to have a bit more of that clay'like look a lot of newer unreal games have.

Then again a lot of games look like this nowadays so who knows.

>consoles 5-6 times stronger than 360/PS3

They're fine.
Shame about the Switch.

>the jumping around between village areas, asylum, modern times was on the same level of jarring poorly-fit together level design as dark souls 2

Well that's kind of the whole point.

The game takes place in a reality creates by several different people's minds.

>the jumping around between village areas, asylum, modern times was on the same level of jarring poorly-fit together level design as dark souls 2
Why this bothers people so much?
By the end of the game you figure out why everything is scattered into pieces and actually makes sense. Yet people keeps bitching about it because it's not as straightforward as they wish it to be.

Playing TEW1 right now. Honestly this game is the Resident Evil 7 I've always wanted.

The original is flawed but enjoyable.

The biggest problem I have with it is that the game is filled to the brim with instant deaths. Most bosses one shot you, trip mines are everywhere in the second half and it has really unforgiving QTEs

The game also assumes you'll play it like TLOU. If you play it like RE4 you'll run out of ammo.

Also fuck the funhouse/carousel level, don't know how the fuck you're supposed to do that without running out of ammo.

>Why this bothers people so much?

'Cause it undermines EVERYTHING. There is no sense of progress when you're just going from random ass level to random ass level with no logic or coherency at all.

It's made pretty clear pretty much from 5 minutes in that you're not in the real world which is especially shit story telling

>If you play it like RE4 you'll run out of ammo.
This is a good thing though.

>tfw october is 4-5 months away

It's a golden rule of the universe that nothing which uses Clair de Lune can possibly be bad.

Here is some advice, even if you are tempted to cheat, FUCKING NEVER DO IT. It ruins the horror.

the release date is literally 4 months from today

FUCKING DO IT YOU NIGGER, and don't fucking cheat or use hacks. It ruins the game...

What do you mean by cheat? Or are you just referring an infinite ammo mod or something like that?

Has anyone here actually managed to beat it on Akumu?

Yes, don't fucking do it.

Yes and no. I thought it took a bit too much from The Last of Us personally.

The game is set up for you to kill a sizeable number of enemies with stealth , I would have rather it gone the RE1+2 route of requiting you to be clinical with your weapons. The aiming system was too janky and the enemies too fast for that though (plus it's actually harder to hit enemies the closer they get to you).

the first one runs like trash in my toaster. it is a performance mess
in contrast, RE7 works pretty decent

I know the first game I'm going to finish when I buy a new graphics card

Is it too much to ask that TEW2 doesn't have fucking zombies with guns again?

I've never played a horror game besides silent hill but I'm very tempted to buy the evil within with all dlc for $15 on psn.
I'm a huge horror fan but also a huge pussy. Should i?

This thread has convinced me to replay TEW on a harder setting. Thanks, guys. I'll probably do the DLC right before 2 drops.

Where is our edgelord Ruvik?

If you haven't played REmake play that first, it's Mikami's best game and one of the best games of all time.


It's not so much as pant shitting like Project Zero or PT but it does have a very oppressive atmosphere.

To some extent the fun of the gunplay and generous safehouse points help make it too much to handle (too many horror games don't understand the need for cooldown periods).

I have played it indeed. It didn't make me feel scared except for that one girl

Actually i think he's inside Sebastian's mind.

oooooh shit. but then why was leslei's body never seen in the tub and then we see leslei/ruvik.

The first game you are in leslie/ruviks mind

The second game you will probably be in Sebastian's mind. That's my guess, it seems like STEM is sort of like an inception machine.

>discussion of TEW2 outside of this place seems pretty much dead
Well, that's pretty depressing. Did the first game really sullied people's expectations of the franchise, or was it simply Bethesda that didn't do a good job at promoting this?


And this so fucking much. Some of the criticism I've heard against Vanquish made me want to kill myself. I hate it when people shit on things they didn't even take the time to understand and just call them "mediocre".

>MFW Jim Sterling described Vanquish as a GoW clone
>MFW IGN's reviewer was too casual for God Hand

TEW was always Kino.

It's all of the Resident Evil faggots taking a giant shit on it. In my opinion TEW was better than RE4, RE5, and RE6. It was also better than RE7 will ever be imo. RE7 just had absolutely 0 replayability.

Cover name for the love of god please

I'm glad this game is getting a sequel. I hope the Agony crossbow is still there.

Yes. Once you get to about the half point Chapter 6 is by FAR the worst part it's not so bad.

Literally already screenshots with it.


Ah ok. That's good to know then.

The art direction for The Evil Within is honestly god tier.

where the fuck is muh joseph?

Sebastian didn't even know myra was in with Mobius, why make this game about fucking lily of all things

It's at the end of the DLC The Consequence. It's never clarified what was of leslie after he wakes up. My guess is that leslie gets captured by Mobius but they find he's just Leslie and not Ruvik, and Ruvik is "partially" inside Sebastian's mind, because when you see him at the end of the game, he's walking calmly away from a crime scene, there's no way police would overlook that, so that "Leslie" might be just a vision

Yeah I got the plat.
It was a nightmare.

Going for my first AKUMU play through. Pray for my soul, bros.

Thanks. Favorite weapon in TEW.

What exactly makes AKUMU so much harder?

I hope it has more upgrades and addons like a scope, and maybe a fucking bigger arrow pouch, the last one only let you hold 5 arrows of each kind...

You die in one hit and there are a lot of unfair bullshit sections.

TEW is seriously one of the most underrated games I've played, almost the entire time I didn't understand all the hate.

There was only a couple frustrating sections.

>almost the entire time I didn't understand all the hate.
Casuals who grew up on nu-RE who complain when they can't treat it like RE5 and have to actually use smart play.

People only hated it because of the odd PC port when it first came out. The game is so fucking decent once you update to the latest patch. I haven't gotten to the kidman DLC yet but I'm looking forward to it. On chapter 15 of the base game right now.