
Nothing to apologize for until gameplay or literally anything else comes out.

What did Samus do to deserve this fate? She just can't get a break.

>"youre not on the list"
>*punches space pirate*
>"I am now"

She's taking black dick, so no

>prime 4 is just a logo
>3DS game is by the people who made mirror of fate
metroid should have stayed dead

Mirror of Fate was alright, dunno why you igarashi faggots pretend it was bad.

also, Lord of Shadows had the best Simon Belmont design over the Judgement shit version

kill yourself, you are not a castlevania or metroid fan

sorry that i'm not autistic. but hey, you have that shitty fangame's source code at least.

>A game is revealed with just the logo
>That means there's no game

it's that castlevania fans only ever want one thing and thats a metroidvania with a larger map than the previous game.

he's a salty and spoiled 2D faggot. don't bother

>we literally know nothing about Prime 4 except that Retro isn't making it
>Samus Returns is another shameless 3DS rehash

I realize it's really exciting, but Prime 4 could be worse than Other M for all we know right now, and a lot of people have already played Return of Samus.

It's hype culture. We know this. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

>New development team
Just like Arms and Splatoon development teams made two blunders, right?

>but Prime 4 could be worse than Other M for all we know right now
only 2D purists would think that. if they were to take any good elements from Federation Force to Prime 4, it'd be no scanning mechanics, online co-op, and the federation mechs.

Its being made by outside.

DS game is by the people who made mirror of fate
Mirror of fate might be an abomination. But the gameplay for Metroid 3ds was solid.

>Any other company shows a pre-rendered trailer or cinematic
>Haha no gameplay xD
>Nintendo shows a logo for a game with absolutely no information about it
>everyone loses their fucking minds

Need I remind you faggots that the Prime games got worse as they went on?

Retro is owned by Nintendo though. I bet Retro is already working on a different project and Nintendo is moving some of the Retro experts out into a new development studio made purely to create this game which needs a bigger development team than the ~50 Retro has. Nowadays such games need a team of at least 200 people so it makes sense.

>prime not by retro
>2 remake by Castlevania Mirror of Fate 3DS Devs


Take this with a grain of salt, but I heard from a developer friend who is buddies with a former retro developer. He told me that his friend told him that they had been working on a metroid game for over 3 years and were constantly having to re make the game because the executives didn't like the game.

No. Retro is making a new secret game for a old franchise.

Its either outsourced or 1 up who hasn't made a stand alone game in a long timel

>implying Nintendo learns from their mistakes
>implying modern post-Wii Nintendo could even make a good Metroid game

Use your head, user. Prime 4 will be a watered-down, linear dudebro shooter made for iPhone kiddies and you know it.

Boy who used to hit on me loved this picture

he's master chief btw

the last time i ever listen to cancerous fanbase if Metroid is not happening and Ridley will be in Smash.

fool me once, not again.

Yeah like I said. Some Retro veterans put in charge of a new development studio opened just for Prim4 while the rest of Retro works on another project.

Prime 3 was literally fun

>Ridleyfags being actually Metroidfans
They are furfags

Most retro vets left and some are dead. It's a new team.

Retros most likely either doing f zero or star fox.

It was, but not in a Metroid way. It was very clearly made in mind with the way they were marketing the Wii back then.

My gut says they'll do the same thing with Prime 4, but probably even worse.

>goes from 10/10 to 9/10
All the primes were fantastic, being just short of living up to one of the best games ever is pretty good for getting "worse".

>and some are dead

wait wut?

That picture reminds me of a simpler time when we weren't all fighting about politics and trying to end each others careers through twitter.

You mean, like Metroid Prime 1?

Hey, Retro were a bunch of newcomers literally-whos that wanted to take on 4 fucking games at the same time when they handed them the Metroid franchise. Let's at least wait for a proper trailer before shitting on these new guys.

What do you mean "we".

People were actively using social media accounts to out and shit on each other well before Twitter and these past few years.


We still have 1 up. They could just ask konami, they still have most of the mgs5 team.

>Prime 2

Yeah, no. Game is utter trash compared to the first.

Y tho?

Best ship

so is that tiny hand thing canon?


>Sky Keys
>those annoying ass flying ghost things
>inferior music, level design and atmosphere
>boring weapons
>the sky key shit

It's a decent game but it's not even close to the near-perfect Prime 1.

>Prime 4
>Metroid 2 remake