I think Kuze is the coolest character of all time. His voice is so fucked up I love him.
>Yakuza Discussion Thread
I think Kuze is the coolest character of all time. His voice is so fucked up I love him.
>Yakuza Discussion Thread
Best villain in the series, better than Ryuji Goda, there I said it
Is he still alive at the end of the game? Last I remember is when he got hit by a car.
>theme syncs up with the name/title drop
The hypest shit.
Nishki was an Anakin type character done right, but I he didn't come back to fight the main character 5 fucking times in the same game
He gets put in prison
i present to you the gay Kuze of Yakuza 6
I am so disappointed that all the enemies have just 1 life bar
Am I the only one who can't not see him as Japanese Harvey Keitel? It's all I can think about whenever he's on screen.