Are Dishonored fans upset about Billie starring...

Are Dishonored fans upset about Billie starring, or are people just upset about a negress on the cover of a game they weren't going to play anyway?

It's a bummer Daud won't be playable, but that's the only thing I don't like.

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I think the only thing Dishonored fans are upset about is that they want to kill the Outsider and most likely will do it.

My biggest problem with the game is that it looks like they're ignoring the possibility that you changed the timeline in the time travel mission. Obviously this isn't the first time Dishonored has taken its own canon and ignored yours, I just think it's something they could have done if they were so interested in her robo arm.

I loved second game and really looking forward to dlc.

I'll probably buy it in six months when it's on sale for 75% off. And hopefully the performance problems are fixed.

dishonored players aren't the ones making the hate threads.

I would bitch about the dumb premise of killing The Outsider, but considering how poorly Dishonored 2 sold and considering how this is almost certainly them saying goodbye to the series, I'm just happy we're getting a conclusion to it.

I don't believe there are going to be able to kill the outsider. Being the literal name of the expansion I think there's a catch and reversal of expectations

What is dead cannot be killed, for killing requires life. The outsider, according to Dishonored 2's lore, was killed 4000 years ago, and spurt forth the void.

The biggest concern I have is, yes, Billie's hand. It makes absolutely fucking no sense, and invalidates all player agency of Dishonored 2.

Make no mistake, this is a DLC Boxed. Staple bethesda tactics.

>Robo arm, nowhere in the base game
>Whatever eye, also nowhere in the base game
>Base game has you change the timeline if you will, and have her arm back on.

Watch them tiptoe the issue and say she got into an accident and had to get a Robotic arm. Details will be unspecified, and it will be made so vaguely, it fits both having her own arm, and not.

Ridiculous misuse, misdirection of plot.

>Not playing as Daud

>Billie has a new outfit, a robotic arm, etc.

I don't even know. Why not just add a damn DLC menu?

I don't like Billie. It has nothing to do with her skin color.

Possibly so that they can try to protect it with Denuvo separately?

She had that gear in the comic, too.

I liked her in KoD but she was terribly boring in 2.

The comic (that came out before the game) did foreshadow this. Should have kept up with the lore :^)

>I don't even know. Why not just add a damn DLC menu?

I think because there is inherit bad code in D2 and they don't want to build the DLC over that. Just a clean slate works better for them maybe

What's the point of protecting it with Denuvo, really? Dishonored 2 has Denuvo... no point whatsoever.

I feel like this is horse armor vol 2 from Bethesda.

Time traveling Lurk will go back 4000 years in the past and save the Outsider from getting killed in the ritual, retconning the events of Dishonored 1 and 2.

>kill the outsider
Is this their way of killing the franchise off?

I honestly don't give a shit about the protagonists look and race in a first person stealth game.
It would be different if it was 3rd person.

I liked Dishonored 2, played through it once and am going to do my non lethal playthrough soon.

The only complaint I have is that the controls on PS4 are hot garbage. Makes me wish you could insert a mouse and keyboard.


I'm sorry but I do not see any canon label on it...
Ah who the fuck cares. They're going to ignore their own plot. Meh.

I still haven't played 2, but I'm pleased they didn't forget about her.

Daud had his time to shine, bringing him back would destroy the importance of his story.

Same people bitching about Billie are the same people bitching about Emily being playable in 2: faggots who didn't play the original Dishonored and don't know how good those characters were.

No user, I love that an original good franchise that was about a disgraced assassin turned into some Lifetime made for TV movie about a black transexual lesbian fighting the patriarchy.

I'm sure people are going to be lining up to buy this tumblr fanfiction

>Literally has the exact same robot eye and arm
>Comic came out before the base game was even out
>Durr I wonder if it's canon
Are you kidding me?

>their own plot that they already established in a different medium


>What is dead cannot be killed, for killing requires life. The outsider, according to Dishonored 2's lore, was killed 4000 years ago, and spurt forth the void.
They could do something about the void in general. I guess we'll have to see.

I'm not upset but the story concept makes me extremely worried.
This series did not need multiverse time travel shit, but the developments out of no where with Billie have introduced those things into the series. And killing the Outsider potentially means "going back in time to prevent his creation and retconning the whole series"
It's scary, is all.

>to get the whole story, read COMICS

I'm sorry, but I forgot we're in merchandiseland for a bit. I'll do the recommended reading.

What I want to know, is why there are black people in an parallel industrial british society? How did they evolve in the same tiny isles as the white characters? They can't be from the continent, as it was noted that the continent was never colonized and to bizarre and primitive to interact with.

I mean technically, BIllie fits the description of "disgraced assassin" far better than Corvo.

They're idiots if Daud isn't playable, no one wanted to play as her of all characters. This series is fucked if they wanted sales

but will it run above 15 fps

lmao I don't doubt it

this is what happens when you hire straight off feminist twitter

An user dumped the comics right before 2 released. You missed out.

>good character
literally just walking story exposition and a shitty "boss"

>Robo arm, nowhere in the base game
I don't think that's a robot arm, seeing how there is no arm to connect the hand to the body.

I am not upset, Dishonored 2 was very disappointing and after I finished it I knew I would not give them any money on DLC's. I don't care if Billie is the star, but for sure there are more interesting characters to pick from.

>dishonored fans
these exist? Sad!

>I want more DLC with Daud in it
>we get a fuckfest that involves multiverse timetravel bullshit and a story that will probably mean the retconning of all the games
And no, The Outsider's Timepiece wasn't the same as this.

I liked both games and would have liked to play DLC as Billie, but I think making her a time-traveling cyborg is a step too far.

The original game was a pretty grounded setting with one big lie: whale oil. This was a pretty good explanation for having fantastical things that are pervasive in the setting (like the tallboy walkers). It made sense that their society was more or less like ours, but had been dramatically changed by one innovation.

Layered on top was the occultism and religious themes of the Outsider, but this didn't have a huge impact on the world. It felt unique; you only ever saw two marks in the first game and you are told there are only eight. This let you be disruptive in the world by not playing by its rules.

I think a cyborg alone would have been pushing it but still acceptable because it could be some kind of whale oil tech cooked up by Sokolov. A time traveler would have crossed the line for me personally because I hate time travel plots but maybe they could have pulled it back in by relating it to the Outsider (i.e. maybe he sends your character back in time and you're trying to get home).

Billie isn't the issue, it's the intersection of two other factors layered on top of her character that really stretch my faith in the setting overall. Once the writers take the time travel pill they have an out for any lazy fuckups or to introduce random elements instead of being focused on the existing feeling of the setting.

>hate threads
go back redditor

>I think a cyborg alone would have been pushing it but still acceptable because it could be some kind of whale oil tech cooked up by Sokolov. A time traveler would have crossed the line for me personally because I hate time travel plots but maybe they could have pulled it back in by relating it to the Outsider (i.e. maybe he sends your character back in time and you're trying to get home).
What makes you say she's a time traveller? Her robot art could be something that was created by the crazy scientists out there. Unfortunately I'm not a big enough fan to remember the character names of the scientists, but they've created crow robot soldiers, electronic mines/walls, etc. Why not a robot arm?

Billy is uninteresting.


Cyborg Billie time travels in the comic to save a person from dying.
The comic and this game introduces multiverse timetravel bullshit.

I don't mind at all. At least we're getting a new character to play. Plus more Dishonored is always nice.

That could just be occult teleportation or something. I read her line about "knowing what's to come" just meant "we can't warn them the witch is coming for them" and "Another time" just meaning "I'll tell you later."

I guess the idea of time travel in Dishonored never occurred to me.

>That could just be occult teleportation or something
The comic is explicitly about her being a time traveler.

Her teleportation also has a digital effect unlike the dark, smokey look of all other occult powers, including her own when she was tethered to Daud.

As I understand the Outsider mainly helps you during the games and he's quite charismatic, why would they want to kill him? Furthermore, why they think that the main plot of the game being killing him would interest the fans?

The game itself already involves time travel as a significant gameplay mechanic though. There's a whole level based around travelling through time.

It doesn't occur to you because it's a fucking stupid idea, but that's what the comic is about. But I can guarantee killing the outside means going back in time and retconning the entire series.
Harvey is a fucking hack.
Daud blames the Outsider for all the world's problems. He blames himself using his powers to do bad things on the Outsider and he blames the Outsider of Delilah as well.

It's very clearly time travel if you read the whole thing. She literally stops time, enters the frame, saves the woman, takes her to another time and then disappears.

More importantly than that, the events that you're seeing in the comic happen before Corvo knows about Delilah, meaning that it's before the second game. As you can see later, Billie Lurk is normal and doesn't have cyborg shit. Time-travelling is confirmed.

It's localized to one mansion, depends on an artifact of the Outsider and is only a link between the present and a specific point in time due to an occult ritual that occured there.

It's not technological time travel at all, it is not at will and it does not grant any special powers.

Pff the Outsider should be the prota, and everyone else should try to kill him.

Unless she's not using it to not let on to Corvo that she's a former assassin. It doesn't appear embedded in her flesh so there's no reason why she couldn't remove the tech. Poor crippled boat owners don't have robot arms.

>She literally stops time, enters the frame, saves the woman, takes her to another time and then disappears.
There's nothing wrong with stopping time in Dishonored, Corvo has done it before.

He's giving random people super powers, many of which murder people and seize power with these abilities. Those that he doesn't give power he's slowly driven insane. That's not really the best thing to have running around unchecked.

I'd say it's of interest to see why or how they'll do it.

>There's nothing wrong with stopping time in Dishonored, Corvo has done it before.
Corvo stops time for a few seconds at most, he does not literally go back in time.

Great things come from chaos, it's hard to say why he would do such a thing if he is literally outside of the human understanding. But killing an interesting character like him that doesn't do the player any harm is ridiculous and retarded.

Well sure, I wasn't saying he was, just that her stopping time doesn't automatically mean she's a sudden master of time travel.

>Are Dishonored fans upset about Billie starring
Her pwoers seem like a cool reskin and i think Daud will be selectable, much like you can pick between Corvo or Emily.

I don't see a problem with Billy being a protag, she was set-up from a long way, nothing outrageous about it.

I haven't played Dishonored 2, so I don't know what role she plays in it if any, but I really liked Billie after reading that journal entry in the first game.

Time travel is silly though, and kind of out of character for the game, but the worldbuilding in Dishonored is fantastic so I don't think it'll be the end of the world.

More filthy casual/sjw/feminist cancerous propaganda. I'm fucking sick and tired of the pandering , why has gaming gone in this direction...

>It's not technological time travel at all, it is not at will
but it is at will and it affects the present in huge ways too.

I only care about 1 thing at that point, will the game be actually playable or another broken unoptimized mess like 2 was

The Outsider is basically a nuclear arms dealer who sells to both sides. He basically is bored as fuck so he escalates both sides of a conflict to entertain himself. He's not good or evil, just chaotic neutral. Daud is likely sick of that bullshit

It's just really obvious that it's what's happening in the comics.
Billie Lurk comes in with her cyborg arms, says that the characters can't know of what's about to happen (which she herself doesn't realize until later when Sokolov figures it out and gets kidnapped), pauses time and tells her that she's taking her to another time.

It's patently obvious that she's travelling from the future.

The Outsider is the reason the original empress died, Corvo would have fucked up all those assassins if they didn't have his power.

>Time travel is silly though, and kind of out of character for the game

The most iconic power in the game besides blink is time manipulation, and there's an entire mission dedicated to a time travel mechanic in 2

Except he doesn't sell, he gives it for free.

You are not against free shit are you?

Either way I wonder if the Outsider would ask for Corvo's help in case he needed.

>that spoiler
Really, that makes me feel better about it then. Thank you user.

A choice between Billie/Daud would've been nice as a reflection of Dishonored 2. That said, playing as Corvo in D2 felt out of place, his dialogue with other characters is disjointed and his cutscenes are odd, overall it clearly felt like the game was Emily's story and Corvo was sorta shoehorned in. I'm a huge Dishonored fag so I've played the second game about four times, after playing Corvo once I had no desire to play him again because it just feels like Emily's game so much. If Dishonored 2 came out 10+ years ago I feel like playing as Corvo would've been an unlockable feature for beating the game on hard or something, not a major feature.

So honestly I'm glad they're just focusing on one character. They clearly set up the premise for the DLC/expansion and I'm glad they're sticking to it. The idea of a protagonist who isn't marked by the Outsider, forcing them to rely on an array of weird supernatural artifacts, is really cool.

Plus I like the parallel between Corvo/Daud and Emily/Billie. In Dishonored you play as Corvo, whose protege Emily serves as a reflection of the player's actions and she then goes on to star in Dishonored 2. In Knife of Dunwall/Brigmore Witches you play as Daud, whose protege Billie serves as a reflection of the player's actions and then goes on to star in Death of the Outsider.

Was everyone else infuriated by this time travel bit in the main game or if it's a gimmick for one second does it not raise so many eyebrows.

>Dishonored 2 let's you play as a male and female with different powers
>implying the DLC won't let you choose between Billie and Daud
Only summerfags and Sup Forumstards are triggered by a black female

I agree, Corvo feels out of place and levels really were designed for emily considering the range of the most obvious jumps.

>What is dead cannot be killed, for killing requires life. The outsider, according to Dishonored 2's lore, was killed 4000 years ago
>hurr durr semantics

Whether the author calls his particular brand of sentience and consciousness "life" or not, if you rob him of it he's dead for all intents and purposes.
>but you can't kill what's not dead
The author decides how that works.

They've already said Daud isn't a player character.

Daud isn't playable? Then I won't buy it.
I didn't like Billie even when she wasn't a negress so fuck this gay earth.

Imagine how pathetic your life is that you hate women and minorities due to what anonymous shitposters say on a message board.

>I didn't like Billie even when she wasn't a negress
When would that be?

Not him but she does have lighter skin there.

I liked dishonored 2 but if you buy this shit boxed dlc you support the Bethesda cancer growth



They've said it several times, look it up yourself.

I'm surprised this game is a standalone 30 dollar game.

I like her just fine, and it's good to see Daud back. I'm interested to see how big this content actually is though, if it's just fucking DLC masquerading around like an expac i'll be fucking pissed.

On the other hand, if it is actually an expac, i'm all for it. As much as I like these two characters though, I would have rather played Corvo again.

If they have the balls to charge $30 for typical DLC length content then good for them, but I'm betting it's going to be 6 or 7 missions. Possibly even challenge stages if there's enough unique abilities.

>another nigger game

Tell me again why people buy and play these?

Fun gameplay mechanics.

>weak bait

>had lighter skin in Dunwall and was wearing a mask
>moved to Karnaka and got darker skin

im ok with this

im gonna play as Daud anyway so fuck it

>im gonna play as Daud anyway so fuck it
You're not.

Ask yourself this- why is there no Daud on the cover, only Billie? Both Emily and Corvo were on the cover of D2.

>im gonna play as Daud anyway

>no playable Daud
I like Billie Lurk, but Daud is way fuckin cooler and Michael Madsen's voice over made the first game's DLCs for me.

This is probably the thing I hate the most.
I wanted to play as old man Daud. I don't give a fuck about Billie and her stupid cyborg shit.

I dunno. At the end of Dishonoured and the DLC, it felt to me like Daud's story had come to a satisfying conclusion. Given his canon ending is that he finds a degree of redemption, having him come out of retirement and go through the same old high chaos/low chaos dilemma feels a bit cheap.

I sure want to play as 60y old dude with no powers.
The Outsider abandoned Daud long before, and it looks like Billie is using some kind of technology based skills rather than void "magic".

When I played Dishonored last time it was about a white male assassin not some gender-queer nigger.

>with no powers.
It was never confirmed that Daud lost his powers.
Once you're marked, you're always marked. If The Outsider could just abandon someone, he would have told Delilah to fuck off, considering how he causes her downfall twice.


Daud looks like he's accelerated in aging. I didn't think he was that much older than Corvo. Either that or Corvo is a handsome fuck like Clooney that is eternally middle aged for 20+ years.
At least a decent actress plays Billie. Emily's was okay, but really up and down. Sometimes she sounded really unenthusiastic.

When I read over the cast for both 1 and 2, I was surprised how many high profile actors were in it.

Like Cersei Lannister, dude whose head was crushed like a watermelon in GoT, Kingpin, even princess Leia.

Won't daud be playable as well?

And Private Pyle as The Duke. I don't know why Bethesda wastes money on celebrity voices, when the only one that added anything was Michael Madsen.