So these games didn't stop Nintendo from announcing a Core Pokemon game for the Switch
Are you now willing to give these a try?
Black 2 and White 2 were among the best Pokemon games alongside Gold and Silver after all...
So these games didn't stop Nintendo from announcing a Core Pokemon game for the Switch
Are you now willing to give these a try?
Black 2 and White 2 were among the best Pokemon games alongside Gold and Silver after all...
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Nah I'll just wait for the Switch game.
They didn't annouce a new pokemon game, stop it.
BW2 are objectively the best games, these games look like they will be meh, unlike bw2 it's not a sequel that completes the story, it's like a redo.
>They didn't annouce a new pokemon game, stop it.
But...yes, they did?
> BW2 are objectively the best games, these games look like they will be meh
We know next to nothing about these games
Sounds like you either want them to fail, or are pessimistic for no real reason
>they did?
Nope, anything mentioned in the spotlight refered to Pokken DX
Anons sucks at attention span and reading comprehension
Switch can wait till 2018, eventhough I want to play mario so fucking much.
>"Gamefreak has begun developing a core RPG Pokemon title on Nintendo Switch."
Gee, sure sounds like they are talking about Pokken.
Here's the thing
Black and White were already good games. Black 2 White 2 expanded and made them better.
Sun and Moon were horse shit. Doesn't matter how much gold paint you put on shit its still shit in the end.
They said in the spotlight that they are working on a main series pokemon game that won't be out for a while.
"Ultra moon and ultra sun switch edition"
Gee I see that coming
They're making a new core game. No more two versions though.
Black amd white nearly killed the series and are for rapeable faggots like you.
Sun and Moon are better than Black 1 and White 1
I'm pretty sure he said that we wouldn't see anything until next year, so obviously it's not Ultra sun.
Probably not a port, either
no, they probably only announced that theyre making a switch pokemon game because of the backlash and assumptions that switch isnt getting a pokemon
Black and White sucked. B2 and W2 redeemed it.
If you didn't like Su/Mo, then maybe Usu/Umo is for you
It's not really going to be a court game. It's going to be like Colosseum or XD
>implying that's bad
>implying you aren't wrong anyway
They literally said "Core RPG"
It's not a spin-off in any way
I really don't get why people suck BW2's dick so much
HGSS I could understand because nostalgia
Will this meme ever die?
Both are games that no one wanted or asked for. Also BW are the worst pokemon games that have ever been created.
Although not as good as XY or GS, Sun and Moon at least had a fuck ton of pokemon variety within the game, Alola forms, and cute girls.
>Anons sucks at attention span and reading comprehension
You're aware that Ishihara said, and I quote, "Game Freak has begun developing a core RPG Pokemon title on Nintendo Switch." Straight from the horse's mouth.
You're a fucking mongoloid if you think that had anything to do with a spinoff game, or Pokken DX.
S&M truly made Pokemon a children's game. So boring to play through and without gyms felt pointless.
>I really don't get why people suck BW2's dick so much
Well hard mode and enhanced AI, tons of content, the PWT, graphics with full animation, interesting villains for starters...
>Will this meme ever die?
The fact that you believe it's a "meme" just shows how many people consider B2/W2 among the best pokemon games.
I didn't even care for B/W, but B2/W2 just blew my mind
I will say that Gen 5 has my least favorite starter trio however...