I think we can all agree this game won E3

I think we can all agree this game won E3

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was the first game actually interesting, or is it basically just a coming of age novel?

It was as if a Tumblr Blog got adapted into a Telltale game

irony is, nobody cares cause thats less sjw now

bad writing =/= tumblr

try using less buzzwords

>Chloe is voiced by a different VA


This so much. They already fucked up.

I found it was a nice coming of age story but it seems like they are making the new game for the misaimed fandom that thinks Chloe (the lesbian punk) was a good person and not the source of everyones problems.

A true Lfe is Strange sequel would have transferred the story to another person with another dilemma, maybe even another superpower.

I thought it was a legitimately great game, but I enjoyed the sci fi time lord shenanigans more than the teen melodrama.

So a prequel without any of the time jumping is pretty much the last thing I want from the franchise.

as a straight white male who lifts and has never used tumblr I enjoyed the shit outta it

take that as you will


Looks like shit

Bay > Bae

>Ashly Burch isn't in the game anymore

I'm fucking SOLD


Why? Her voice acting was great.

It was really interesting and put these kind of interactive novels on another level. It isn't one without flaws though, the lack of meaningful choices, sometimes amateur voice acting and somewhat forced drama was really awful. It has nice story, pretty fitting soundtrack, "realistic" characters, and a great atmosphere.

I just want the option for her to try to message max and never getting a response

It was not just bad writing, it was literally tumblr writing.


unironically, yes.

Honestly the only thing that got me slightly interested.

I'm getting tired of Dota 2, there will never be a new version of Rocksmith and Persona wont be ported to PC.

I think I might finally grow out of videogames.

>A true Lfe is Strange sequel would have transferred the story to another person with another dilemma, maybe even another superpower.
There will still be a season 2 of LiS, besides the prequel you know.

I don't know man, it looks pretty much tumbrl stereotype

>arcadia bae

God fucking damn it steam won't let me gift this to my canadian friend.

its hipster/punk stereotype, not tumblr

>Life Ais Strange

What kind of name is that?

There were influences, but it wasn't a full-on Bioware shitshow.

Life Is Strange™


Maybe try it?

>the lack of meaningful choices
A lot of the choices had significant repercussions. The problem is that the ending literally undid it all.

Obviously. Only a sociopath would think otherwise.

Life Aids Strange

With black romantic interest.

It wasn't great. It was barely passable and on the most important scenes (like the ending) she fails to express the feelings of the character and just force her voice into a cringey crying one. If you think that shit is great you need to watch any good animation and pay attention to the infinite levels of quality between them.

She is not a good VA and only got the job because of contacts. Her normal dialogue was pretty good but it shows that she didn't put any effort on them and was just "acting" like her normally would.

sag-aftra strike means Burch can't do voices in Square Enix games.

I hope the model gets a little bit of an update so the SFM porn gets better.

>Only a person who values their friend/waifu would think otherwise
enjoy living amongst a shit town of fuckheads who will never appreciate you

Did they announce that or is it still just a rumor? I only saw the trailer for the prequel

would you sacrifice your gf for me and my family of 6


she'll be 16 in this game instead of 18 and it's not being developed by the French any more so I doubt they'll have her strip off.

Dontnod is making S02, this prequel was just announced as a surprised.

Are you and your family blacks?

No, but maybe your family of 60,000


every time you post that in a thread you become one


>using my sexual preferences as an insult

So what if I like getting fisted by black males?


>Netflix shit
>Multiple parts


It didn't even deliver a well-made ending if you chose anything other than the default one. It looked like a fanmade youtube video made on source. Even if you had the choice of endings, it just made your choice seems fandom and not canon. In a game that completely went nuts on the "actions have consequences" warnings, It's easy to see how much hate it attracts when all of those were for nothing.

you must be new.

As someone who liked LiS it looked like a boring prequel that nobody wanted.

Giving more exposition to characters like Rachel ruins the mystery behind the character.

she's a bitch to chloe in the video that shows 20 mins of gameplay too

are you seriously going to tell m a person you know isnt worth more than a bunch of people you dont know


How about no i went through this once i dont want it again. I´ll just play actual animes not this how hard its to be white student in america bullshit

Sjws are here to stay on 4/v/, I guess.

Dontnod should develop the next Persona game.

>>I´ll just play actual animes

what did he mean by this

this :/

I don't even get how it would work except by giving Rachel some kind of power or something. I don't know I can only see it as messing with the original.

A sequel would have done less damage.

why would you lie about being straight?

Not a game.

>Developer: Deck Nine

Traps arent gay user.

>gets mad because someone insulted the "game" you enjoy even though it's objectively hot garbage
>calls others new

You have to go back.

I don't get it.

Why would you want to play a LiS game without any supernatural/sci fi super powers?

Is it just going to be characters talking? Like some drama game? Or is there any interesting hook at all?

I love Max Caulfield!

Chloe's ability to be a cunt is a superpower now, and you can play dress-up with her. I wish I was joking.

Hella agree thot
*dabs and spins fidget spinner*

>spends his time shitposting in threads about games he doesnt like

fucking an hero

the fact that this game gets accolades here at all tells me Sup Forums is run by shills


but it had good characters, good writing, a good story, good performance, and the animations weren't horrible.

>Why would you want to play a LiS game

I said the same thing user


Does she have the ability to anger people or soemthing? Rewind a conversation and then do it again, but this time worst and saying all of the wrong things?

go to bed chloe we all know you were gay for rachel too and made out with the blond cunt in alternative reality meaning youre gay across all time and space no matter what multi universe max is at

It's just what the steam page says, I don't know more than that.

It could work if they make her choices being unchangeable to make an big contrast of the first game. Knowing the devs I doubt they would put that much impact on the game, even more if it has to end exactly in one line so the second game makes sense.

I bet even if there endings were rachel doesn't die it still will feel like those are easter eggs.

>Prequel about the character nobody liked
Give me a Kate game you faggots

What kind of faggot wouldnt want to play dress up with her?

>good performance
On some episodes yes but the game had it's share of bad perfomance, especially at the most dramatic moments.
>good writing
No, it really didn't we can see the lose ends everywhere and it wasn't the story's fault, some shitty dialogue writings really shine on some parts.
>good characters

I agree with the rest though.

It'd honestly be a better game if its not a straight prequel, but something involving a different sort of supernatural power junk.

Like maybe Chloe from the future sends her past self knowledge of what's going to happen, and you have to try to stop those bad things from happen and can actually save Rachel this way. Make it a totally separate timeline, why not?

my fiancee is almost exactly Chloe and she hasn't used tumblr ever. covered in tattoos, bad attitude, bright pink hair, loud, obnoxious, and yet not an sjw.

I think we can all agree that op has shitty tastes
fuck off with your tumblr game fag

got pics baby

I would prefer just a sequel with completly new characters to be honest, Max and Chloe story already ended.

>Like maybe Chloe from the future sends her past self knowledge of what's going to happen, and you have to try to stop those bad things from happen and can actually save Rachel this way. Make it a totally separate timeline, why not?
Seems silly but I would like it.

why would i ever post my fiancee for a bunch of degenerates?

she doesn't have a cock so no one would be interested anyways ;)

someones upset that this game won, suck it up faggot

i'll fondle your nutsuck

I bet my arm that she is cheating you IF she is real

A sequel is actually being made by Dontnod as well isnt it?

Anyone else want the next game to focus on a different power as well as different characters?

I'd love to see some time stop mechanics in a new game.


Gameplay demo

Can't, shes a tulpa.

>tumblr problems is good writing
>tumblr characters are good writing

I can't deal with how 1993-1995 and 2005-2008 this game is. Just whiny, neurotic, feel-sorry-for-me alternative rock pretending to be self-aware, yet crushed by its own self-indulgence. It's this:
the game.

Wait for the quote 11 seconds in.

A black with super strength.

I think we can all agree this game will win E3

tumblr problems? oh i gotta hear this dont hold out