
>known for its deep story
>great characters
>beautiful environments
>muh boobies XD

Fuck you guys.

Other urls found in this thread:


>good characters can't have big breasts!!!!

>implying implications
In the first game, 90% of the time Fiora was on screen her asscrack was showing and her tits were busting out of whatever little clothes she was wearing
Also if you think that Xenoblade's story is remotely deep you really need to play more JRPGs.

Unrelated but XB2's soundtrack's killing it so far

Virgin alert

>good character
>haven't played the game yet

Why not both?

missing the point there, senpai

>bad character
>haven't played the game yet

And in the second game we had this.

Also this is official art.

t. 14 year old who gets impressed by any girl with breasts

thank waifufags, truly a force to be reckoned with

Fuck off, I like Expelled from Paradise so I have no problems with the character designs. Plus Ayy Elmao's design was good.

Oh my god...this is so much better than the nigger grunts we got last game. Please tell me I'm not dreaming, this game is looking way to fucking good.

oh shut the fuck up

You're not dreaming. The soundtrack's fucking great so far.


Combat is still trash.

It's better than turn based trash

Not a fan of the Waifu shit but the main character is a much worser problem to me, absolutely awful.


was I wrong in thinking xenoblade wasn't even very anime-like? Why is it literal anime now?


Watching that trailer was like watching every shitty generic teen animu. I particularly got reminded of Guilty crown.

>that pic
is that a fucking nopon?

Damn this soundtrack is sounding on par with the original, I'm so fucking hype

Yeah dude nopon character was in the treehouse gameplay

>He lets his opinion be conditioned by the usual mass of people who spam waifu threads on Sup Forums for every single new female character that appears in a game
Do you avoid buy EVERY SINGLE GAME that contain a female character for the same reason? How about you you ignore those cancer threads like me and form an opinion NOT BASED on Sup Forums's shitposting?

t. someone who cares about gameplay first and "waifu" shit second

Character designer is Masatsugu Saito also known as Saitom

Yeah, from the treehouse gameplay shown it's also the party's tank too.

>muh boobies XD
Did you forget about Sharla?

Saitom drew my favourite madoka doujin desu

>known for its deep story
>great characters
>beautiful environments

The first maybe. I didn't even know it was a series until the WiiU game (which I've only seen on Sup Forums).

cry more faggot. getting this triggered over the art style. kys op

It was animu, but closer to grand adventure shonen like One piece with focus on adventure and shouting louder to save the world, while this is closer to romance-heavy shonen like Eureka 7 where focus is on MC and his waifu and how he has to shout louder to save his waifu.

>nopon tank

>Buy anime game

>deep story
>great characters

where exactly?

I'm fine with animu, I'm not fine with this particular shitty genre of animu that panders to lonely virgins who dream about being the best and getting the girl.

The whole E3 has been nothing but WE and sassy afros. Then Nintendo comes up and posts butts.

And theres more threads pointing how Nintendo is stealing from KH, than ass worshipping.

>Barely know anything about the story
>Already jumping the conclusions

Remember how Xenoblade started off as the usual by the numbers MC's home town gets wrecked and he's going to get revenge crap that shows up in every other JRPG?

>Eureka 7
I really am getting Eureka 7 vibes from Xenoblade 2.

Xenoblade's filled with anime and JRPG tropes, though. Especially the whole "guy's love interest dies so he goes on a revenge quest with his magical sword because he's the chosen one but it turns out his love interest isn't dead and the bad guys aren't the bad guys so he kills god" plot.

>A level 6 mob still takes two minutes to kill
Into the trash it goes.

>while this is closer to romance-heavy shonen like Eureka 7 where focus is on MC and his waifu and how he has to shout louder to save his waifu.
sounds like I'll give this a pass. Xenoblade originally appealed to me because Shulk wanted one thing, revenge on the mechon. Anime UGUUUUUU sounds just awful, the artwork isn't even good yet Xenoblade OG had fantastic art that was held back by Wii hardware

Too fucking generic.

I mean the first blade was pretty generic but this shit is on a different level.

What xenoblade should I play so that I can come back here after I finish and explain to you how it's still shit

>true form
Robutts are fine and so are swordgirls but god damn, 'technicolor human' aliens are my fucking jams.

Delusional hipster detected

Generic is generic. Either its generic or its not generic

Eureka 7 was actually very good, and had strong story about evolution of relationships. This looks a hell of a lot more generic.

Faggots like OP should be killed on sight.

It's literally taleshit now

RIP Xenoblade, you barely even had a chance

The combat is literally dumbed down 200x from XCX.

Xenoblade s story was shonen drivel basically. Typical animu shit

Not even xenogears had a deep story. Shallow Christian symbolism and entry level existential philosophy/ psychological themes don't make a story deep or complex

If you want a deep story read Dostoyevsky; you're in the wrong medium friendo

It's not even "UGUUUUUU" though. Like he said, it looks like the focus is on the MC and his waifu and how he has to save his waifu, which was literally also a good chunk of the plot of Xenogears.

Nobody said Eureka 7 was bad.
>This looks a hell of a lot mroe generic.
We know nothing about Xenoblade 2's plot save for an elevator pitch. Takahashi handles developing romance really well, Xenogears proved that.

>implying the first Xenoblade was not on the same level as Tales

go jerk off to your nigger main characters faggotron

Eureka 7 started off as generic boy meets girl shit. It didn't even get good until when Renton finally got his shit together about 15-20 episodes in.

The soundtrack so far is just as good as the original's. I'm already incredibly optimistic about this game. It's the one thing XCX couldn't deliver.

this is a million times more generic, if the tales style art is any indicator (which it is 99.9% of the time)

It's dead, Jim

Emotionally stunted 50 year old Japanese man who writes Nintendo games handles romance deeply and well

Holy shit read a book you sickening retard

Looks to me almost identical to Guilty Crown. There's surprised hesitant boy, there's a slim girl with red motif that turns into his sword.

>Go in the neogaf thread someone linked
>All of them are bitching about the boys design
>They are posting the edit someone in here made with the tiny head and think its the real one

>Xenoblade 1
>great artstyle
>great music
>great VA

>Xenoblade X
>shit artstyle
>shit music
>shit VA

>Xenoblade 2
>shit artstyle
>seems to be decent music
>shit VA

why the FUCK is this happening

>No Secondary Cooldown
>No Tertiary Cooldown
>No Overdrive
>No Character customization
>No Skells
>No customizable equipment
>No run or jump button
>No Soul Voice
>No Character Commands

No thanks, Nintendo

XCX fell for the open world meme and dumbed down the story and most other aspects, exactly like MGSV and Breath of the Wild.

XC2 looks like a clear upgrade of the first game, as expected of a true sequel.

>nintendo game

Also name a more well written, deeper and developed romance in vidya than the one in Xenogears.

She can be my oneup girl

Just streamline my shit up senpai

Be glad, I will finally buy one of these games with a Switch. Just need one more game so I can be satisfied with a Switch purchase.

>it's ANOTHER bladebabby gets triggered by anime in xeno thread

squall and rinoa

don't @ me

>name a more well written, deeper and developed romance in vidya than the one in Xenogears.

>XCX fell for the open world meme and dumbed down the story and most other aspects, exactly like MGSV and Breath of the Wild.

In XCX's defence, the gameplay was at least improved and the game was only an experiment for the devs as they'd never made a HD game before.

they said on stream XC2's combat and exploration is more like XCX, it's just story driven like XC1

Go back to neogaf.

>Use Saitou shit character design
>Meanwhile CHOCO is of starving and having to make porn to stay alive

Fuck this gay Earth.

You guys are fucking stupid. Xeno series always had anime lewd and this is literally nothing new

Pic related for you stupid kids that got into video games with the ps3. Momo loli panties for everyone to see and appreciate.

Too bad this kind of loli fanservice will never happen again.

>gameplay was at least improved
I hated X's combat so much.

It got slightly better later on, but the first enemies you fight giving you a single long CD attack and nothing else was such a bad idea.

>XC2's combat and exploration is more like XCX

Please, don't compare your filth with XCX

watch the treehouse retard, straight from the horses mouth (Takahashi). Actually the combat looks even better than X here

>I never played either Xenoblade

t. I've never played a xeno game but I hate nintendo


have some god tier music btw

Well, that's what happens when a hentai artist designs the characters.

Just like with Xenosaga, Xenoblade and Xenoblade X?

all games had no shame about showing cleavage fuck off


Ok guys, I found the reason, why the wialder of the blades are called drivers
if you pay close attention to the trailer, you can see other drivers with their blades (the Nopon and the Catgirl), who (the blades) seems also to function as a vehicle
but the question is, how does Rex drive Pyra?


Oh were they? I had no idea. Did Saitom do them too or was it someone else?

>started off as generic boy meets girl shit

I think you're forgetting how this shit went.
Eureka didn't get along with Renton for most of the first half and even became jealous of his talents.

Xenoblade 2 has this stupid bitch all over the MC from the start.

Don't worry OP. Treehouse will make sure to censor the cleavage to pander to your special snowflake ass

Monster Girl Quest

OP is a faggot

have some new tracks





I'm glad it seems like they've stopped making intentionally hideous characters, but these protags look really generic.

No Skell no buy

someone else did gears/saga/XCX, and someone else did XC but all do hentai

This soundtrack already kills XCX. Reminiscent of XC

Her tits are the only decent thing about her design.

The ones who hated Renton at first were the children. Eureka did grow to dislike Renton for a while in the middle because she was losing the ability to pilot Nirvash properly while he was gradually getting better. This isn't even talking about the part where she was confused about the whole transformation thing that she was going under or Holland being a huge asshole to Renton for a very long time.

Did they confirm this game's coming out this year or not?

but that's the main selling point.