Why can't we get Zone of the Enders 3?
Why can't we get Zone of the Enders 3?
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Kojima isn't in konami anymore
All Kojima did was shoot ideas, like robot penises
Because Kojima was burning through too much money making 3 fucking games at once.
And direct the trailers!
ZoE is overrated garbage
>niche as fuck
BG&E is being remade, so if they put a afroed black woman runner in as the protag, he may convince Sony to let him make a game called Area for the Starters.
That was not Kojima's idea.
Neither game is a top 50 mech game. It would be completely forgotten if not for the MGS2 demo that made people pretend it was a hidden gem.
We were and the orbital frames were going to be a weird hybrid organic thing similar to EVA but then Kojima had a hissy fit because no one bought the HD collection due to it being badly done and he shut it all down. And that kids is why Kojima is a hack.
But did you try the 2nd game?
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Same reason we can't get Dragon's Dogma 2.
Big companies hating money.
because mecha fell out of fashion
Hahahahahaha, that never happened.
Is there a term for the kind of punctuated speak-warbling that the singer does? Is there some musical name or is it just a byproduct of the pseudo-Finnish words?
yeah you're right gundam, robotech, mechwarrior and armored core are the most popular franchises right now.
Macross Delta is totally selling well.
Because Konami is dead, and never coming back.
Also fuck you.
Because the ZOE HD Collection bombed after they let some shovelware developer that shouldn't had any right handling the franchise do the HD ports. Instead we got MGS: Ubishit Edition starring Fake Big Boss.