>people thinking Nintendo "won" because of a 50 second teaser with no gameplay, release date, or anything other then a logo
Come the fuck on. The only interesting thing they had was Mario Odyssey (which does look amazing) and maybe Xenoblade 2 if you're a weeb. Other then that they where as mediocre and disappointing as Microsoft and Sony
Nicholas Smith
But Metroid II Remake is even more important
Nicholas Williams
t. Salty Sonybro
Kevin White
It doesn't fucking matter you stupid fuck. What matters is that they care about the saga and they dont have it rotting htere.
Adrian Nelson
They have more games in 2017 than Sony or Microsoft. Plus 2 GOTY games.
Jacob Hughes
t. dumb console war faggot
Brayden Hernandez
You lost, bro. Just accept it and move on.
Eli Hall
>one of the most anticipated title releases in gaming means nothing >a SECOND announcement of another heavily expected variant of the same franchise which included several minutes of gameplay also means nothing >and this is just a small portion of the announcements
keep crying, it's delicious
Gabriel Martin
Why don't you be a cool kid OP and wait for nindo to finish their weird schedule and announce all their shit first ye?
Matthew Richardson
the fact that they won with a 50 second teaser isn't a testament to how well Nintendo did, but how absolutely shit everyone else did.
Owen Foster
>gamers jump the gun and get hyped over just a logo Are you new? It is literally always like this.
Levi Ortiz
>"Hey, everybody else's presentation sucked. Somebody get that intern to draft up a Metroid Prime 4 logo. No, it doesn't exist."
Aiden Moore
>Being this mad K E K
Robert Stewart
Xenoblade is such an over hyped series. Played Chronicles and X and the whole time I was just amazed at how basic they are.
Oliver Richardson
>no gameplay, release date, or anything other then a logo Funny, because except for a shitty outsourced CGI trailer that describes the FFVII Remake to the letter, and that apparently "won" it for Sony.
Gabriel Hughes
Would you be happier if they did a cgi trailer like any of the other companies would have done? Because it would have been exactly the same but less honest.
Charles Butler
I am still mad they didn't announce Monster Hunter 5 or an English release for MHXX Switch edition. I mean I am probably getting it for Mario Odyssey anyway but it would be nice to know Capcom wasn't abandoning Nintendo after XX for casualized cinematic multi plate Monster Hunter games
James Collins
Only retarded actually care about a remake to a game that was never that good anyway
Chase Rogers
Might announce it at treehouse. MonHun5 won't happen that quickly though, it'd kill xx sales.
Jace Fisher
I thought people were being ridiculous for getting excited over a CGI trailer with no date when BGE2 was announced, but the reaction to MP4 makes that seem reasonable.
Austin Young
Not really. I mean it would be more proof that it actually exist and is further along in development but it would still be a big fat tease with nothing to show for it
Justin Turner
>with nothing to show for it Oh, fuck off. Nintendo said it was coming and they delivered. Teaser, trailer, it's the same thing. The game is coming and it's all fans wanted to know.