Sony: "Blocking cross play is a a responsibility to our install base."

>Well, you must see that PlayStation owners are upset. They want to play with Switch owners, PC owners and Xbox One owners for these two big and important games, and they don't have an explanation why. That's what I'm getting at, really.

>Jim Ryan: Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe. Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully.

>It doesn't seem to be a problem for Nintendo, perhaps the most mindful video game company of the protection of children.

>Jim Ryan: Yeah, that's true. Everybody has to take their own decisions. We'll do that. Like I say, we have no philosophical stance against cross-play at all.

Is arrogant Sony back?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Rocket League will have XBox vs Steam vs Switch
>ps4 players will play with themselves
sony a rude

Cross play benefits their competition massively more than it benefits them.

Last gen, Microsoft would have laughed their ass off if asked to do cross play with ps3.

I'm not sure why people are surprised.

I for one applaud this decision. Backward compatibility and cross play doesn't fit the PlayStation brand

If I were the industry leading king, ruling supreme I would block all the shit eating scrap collecting peasons too.

cross-platform play could save so many struggling online games, including the indie drivel sony puts on ps+, it's literally win-win-win

I don't see any problem here.

>yfw Microsoft pulls a PS3 and the Xbone is remembered as the better console at the end of the gen despite early fumbles

Ps4 and pc ha e had cross play in rocket league for pretty much always.

>Well, you must see that PlayStation owners are upset. They want to play with ... PC owners

No, we fucking don't.


theyd have to start releasing games first

ps3 got all its reputation through exclusives

Literally impossible given zero exclusives and no Japanese support outside multiplats.

I dont want to play with PC hackers

>Cross play benefits their competition massively more than it benefits them.
As someone who lives in the states, I can say the number one reason people own an Xbox is because they want to play with their friends who also own xboxes. No joke, that is the #1 reason why none of these people own PS4s. That's a lot of lost revenue for Sony they could get back by allowing cross-play.

T-thanks Sony

the problem is a dominant xbox usually results in japanese decline
the three system balance of power means everybody has to stay on their toes, but a healthy microsoft keeping market leader sony in check while nintendo remains a viable japanese alternative is ideal

This turned into a cult really fast

>we have no philosophical stance against cross-play at all.
That's PR speak for "our lawyers are dicks".

If this E3 was anything to go by, that's definitely going to be the case.



this 2bh

Fuck Sony, I can't stand Nintendo but Sony really are the Jewy as hell.

that works both ways though, with ps4 as a market leader they lose more than they win

We need "another Wii" to slap their senses and this time for good.

How do you think cross play will work anons?

It sure as hell can't use gamertags,Friendcodes, or Valve IDs.

No, that's the selling point for the PS4. People flock to it because that's where the games and their friends are. Microsoft wants to make that part about their friends irrelevant which makes their system viable. Doing this would just weaken Sony's market position .

>Sony gets another exclusive
They're also exclusively not supporting backwards compatibility.


>Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe.
They are literally playing the "mature games for mature gamers such as myself" card to excuse their isolation from crossplay.
For the players, I guess.

i feel like using minecraft was a bad example considering that random people can't really join you in that game.

the real reason is that if a game like destiny were to have crossplay people on xbox would win more over playstation players because xbox live is a better service than ps+

DRM on music CDs that installed a rootkit, lawsuit on modders for their consoles, DVD player lawsuits, sony has always been the most anti consumer of the big 3.

But ps4 is consistently still beating the Xbox in the states. This would just help Xbox by invalidating the friend draw for Sony.

>Nintendo is completely fine with this despite being anal as heck about this stuff

What is this bizzaro reality???

>>Jim Ryan: Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe. Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully.
wonder which jew lawyer conjured that one up


Yeah, at this point it seems like Microsoft has the most user friendly plan. Microsoft seems to be completely changing the way they do things in general. My school just threw out all their macs and ipads for surface studios and pro's.

Is this the new dawn of Microsoft?

We get it, sony is bad, sony doensn't do anything good, nintendo is good nintendo can't do anything wrong.

his right, only pedophiles play on the switch, even nintendo bros themself says so in every voice chat thread, who would know better if not them?

Of course, Nintendo is always out of tou

>Sony said it

Wait what?

Honestly Sony should just remove multiplayer, it would be fucking based and really protect the children.

Might just be for random matches.

I think PlayStation 4 is a great console and I think Sony did a good job with it but PlayStation 4 would be an even better console under another brand though.

>Not wanting to expose Nintendo and Xbox bros to their horrible Second Life userbase.

Based Sony.

Love how the interviewer immediately gets him with "Nintendo's allowing it and they are even more restrictive than you" and he's can only come back with "We'll that's Nintendo's decision"

what he's saying is what all know is true. Xbox players are animals who are just going to curse and populate mindcraft with swastikas and Nintendo players are pedophiles who are just going to use Mindcraft to build statues of Mario and Link.
Why let them corrupt are precious PlayStation Youth when we've worked so hard in raising them the right way.

PS4 can play with Steam but not Win10
Get your facts right

no it's the other way around retard, learn to read

I don't believe the reason they gave, but it's literally saying they can't control things outside of their control, and they have a responsibility to be able to make promises they can keep consistently

No, Microsoft is still trying to work towards their total product control angle.

They are not user friendly.

This has nothing to do with "responsibility to children" but with allowing cross play with other players that don't need to pay to play online.

Of they drop Online fee I'll believe that


>"Jim Ryan: Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe. Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully."

>"It doesn't seem to be a problem for Nintendo, perhaps the most mindful video game company of the protection of children."

>implying this doesn't benefit the rest of humanity

Yes, keep them in their own sandbox. For the love of god.

Yeah and computers with no internet are better because you don't have to deal with trolls and children!

they're at least honest about it. they're a big company with a big appetite but at least when they're fucking you they have the courtesy of asking how you'd like them to do it while lubing themselves up. Sony just rapes you dry.

Doesn't Sony have more cross platform games than MS and Nintendo?

They don't mind PC, they just want MS to fuck off

I can't wait for the sonybros to defend this and do damage control

Good, don't have to play with children and manbabies. Will continue to just play with socially adjusted humans.

Yes. Like how the PS2's success begat the arrogance that lead to the PS3, PS4's success is going down that path.

Hopefully now that Nintendo of all companies is doing cross-platform, they'll reconsider in the coming months.

Like pottery

>we must protect the kids! from other kids!


I know your being ironic but your not wrong. The Internet should be destroyed. It's unprofitable and unsafe and kills every other industry

It's already happening

Got you senpai

>MS to fuck off
How funny

such as

So what about all the other games that have requested cross platform play and Sony said to?

Is that for the kids?

Pretty simple, Sony is making sure less 12 year olds and manchildren show up in my games. Thanks Sony

>Games industry is becoming Sony vs. everyone else

Looks like we were ahead of the curve here.

This is why. Microsoft wants Sony to voluntarily stop being the console that every bodies friends are playing on so that it stops hurting xbone sales.

>Rocket league is on Linux

Really makes you think


nobody even speaks on xbox live anymore

it's kind of sad

>sony children need protection from abusive Microsoft consumers

>PlayStation owners are upset. They want to play with Switch owners

Xbox being in the lead dosen't help anyone
Yeah sony fucked up at the beginning of last gen
But so did microsoft when they took the lead
>Over 50% Xbox 360 would red ring
>Payed online
>Pushing the whole dudebro gamer stereotype
>Neglecting japanese devs which I personally think is the reason so many of them also started butchering their games just to gain favor with the west

They don't want to downgrade their play because of some mediocre peasants.

Seriously though, the experience on a switch and ps4 won't be the same.. imagine playing a stupid shooter or whatever, the increased technical capabilities, like draw distance as example, would give the ps4 players an unfair advantage.

Other games like.. maybe point'n'click mmo stuff, wouldn't be too much of an issue.


Oh Sony

>fuck cross play
>Fuck backwards compatibility

Sony are such cancer

I literally don't want cross play

>Rocket League
I mean I understand that the principle of denying cross-play is bad, but who really gives a fuck about those games?

gtfo portugal

Last gen Microsoft that had that advantage and loved it and would buy exclusivity vs current Microsoft who complains about people buying exclusivity and thinks not having cross play is unfair is hilarious.

They only act friendly when they are behind.

Nah everyone are in their own parties with their friends

I want to have cross-play with the switch is something nobody said ever.
PC is something else, but seeing how PC means win10store which a lot of PC users don't use, sure. Go ahead. What a horrible loss for Sony not to help Microsoft out of the gutter they got themselves in.

You think microsoft is bad? Look how much nintendo is ripping people off and how ok everyone on Sup Forums is about it. This place is full of nintendo babies.

Nintendo is the company that got rid of fucking swapnote because pedos were drawing dicks to send to little girls. The moment the Xbox playerbase can cyber with kids online, this shit will be AXED.

The company that won't let windows 10 store players play with steam players on the same platform are complaining that a competitor won't let their users play with their users?

Looks like someone is mad they're not getting the superior versions of games like Nintendo and Xbox players.

damn son...

>Nintendo multiplats
>Superior in any capacity


>windows 10 store players play with steam players on the same platform
Play what games?

Aren't they shooting themselves in the foot here? If I wanted to buy a current gen console but also wanted to play Rocket League and whichever other cross-platform games with my friends who own [Bone/Switch/PC], then why in the hell would I purchase a PS4? I would purchase one of the other consoles or put my money towards upgrading/building a new rig.

I'm sure they're being this cocky as the PS4 has outsold the Bone by a landslide so anyone who has a PS4 probably has friends who also own one, thus they don't need to worry about cross-platform support. That's not to say it isn't mildly disappointing though.

No gives a fuck about the failing Windows 10 store, only the Xbox One X and Nintendo Switch matter.

>when you lose E3 to Microsoft you get asshurt and start pulling shit like this

Have some fucking dignity, nobody likes a sore loser, Sony!

You hit the nerve man. Prepare to get the heat now :)

They have crossplay, that automatically makes them better.

>who really gives a fuck about those games?
Minecraft have like 50 million active users. It's safe to say a lot of people cares about it

A ton of PS4 games are cross play with PC, including games like SF and Rocket League, so why are they saying it's not cross play? Memes, or did something change between versions?

MS says they don't collect data from win10, yet they still collect data. Say you can turn it off, but you can't, not even on ltsb anymore. Saying they're honest is a stretch.