Can we take a minute to discuss the philosophical underpinnings of Super Mario Odyssey...

Can we take a minute to discuss the philosophical underpinnings of Super Mario Odyssey? I'm talking about object oriented ontology, speculative realism, onticology, Derrida's pluralism, Deleuze's concept of deterritorialization and so on.

Sure. What do you want to know?

80% of the users here are underaged, probably better to discuss this with a GameStop employee or something

Its going to be yet another shitty 3d Mario game. Nothing else to discuss

Go on, it's the one sphere of philosophy I know absolutely nothing about


Intracerebrally consuming cephalalgia through the cranium macerating debrisfucked manure ingested remains of the mindfucked cataplexic wicked mankind whom fistfucked the progenies from the deepest depths of the analmaggot raped human pieces of erotic shitmasses which gave birth to worthless eunuchs as travesty for cumstained whorefaced sluts enslaved by this stupid society full of fetal garbages!

Another example

This thread is going places.

I think the 64 -> Sunshine -> Galaxy progression mirrors the ontological structure of Hegelian dialectic

You sound like a cuck

i dont know what any of these words mean :(

Another example OP, these people can't function in society how are you going to expect them to do a philosophical conversation?

>I majored in philosophy and since I can't find an actual job, I'll just sound like an insufferable asshat on Sup Forums 24/7

What are the required readings to understand the philosophy of Super Mario Odyssey?
I think pic related is a great way to get started on the superposition of idealism and realism in Super Donkey City.

I had this thought when Mario transformed into the sidewalk post

Object Orientated Odyssey

Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom are spooks

I hate this book about faggotry

When Mario possesses enemies is he BECOMING the pure ideology of a spook that over arches their lives?

No, Mario's sense of freedom comes from the illusion of this pure ideology. In fact, Mario, or any other inhabitant of the Mushroom Kingdom, save for Wario, lacks the LANGUAGE to express the invisible, shackling dimensions that hampers freedom par excellence

You just don't get it

Mario has no LANGUAGE. Without the chains of expression, he is the most free to experience P U R E ideology.

You should start with the greeks

you sound like a huge faggot desu. if you want to talk about prentenious things, use layman's terms- you won't come off as a faggot and you might actually have a discussion...

or you could go to reddit :^)

they're up their bums like you are OP

Sure, but first, we need to talk about parallel universes


Intelligence: The ability to take complex matters, break them down into simplistic principles and explain/exploit them with efficiency.

Pseudo Intelligence: The need to take simplistic matters, exaggerate them into complicated nonsense, and abuse them to stroke your own ego.

Holy shit I never knew I'd find another fellow scroogly boogly on Sup Forums. How's the scaflargen friend? I too can scandantly agree that scabbaraba is a bit lacking,gagolon presence is bit kabopoly but I'm still a bit optimistic that the hogola rogla will be accurately portrayed. Truly today is a ekisnoich day!

I get it. But german philosophers and their philosophical concepts are trash. I make a simplistic analysis: " Muh name is emil sinclair and i want to kiss muh friend demian and her mother"
This guy. Forget german faggotry.

This is the most obvious underage post I've seen in years

>faggot twice
>le ironic smiley
>le go to rebbit

You must be at least 18 to post on this site, young man.

I'd be willing to speak philosophy with you regarding The Legend of Zelda, but not Mario.


They're invisible platforms, user. Mario need to become a moai statue put on sunglasses to see them.

>getting mad because you can't understand some basic PoMo concepts

Your ego is more impinguated than your body could ever be, and your parlance manifold more dropsical, which only makes one anticipate consectaneous sphacelation, It's tenably perspicuous that the amount of astrocytes in your callosal commisure is inversely correlated to your sense of self worth, and your surbations of adducement thereto only evinces that your self worth isn't too fulcible. If your eristic facility were more habile than you wouldn't feel it exigent to expatiate as you do. Brevity is the soul of wit. Tedious are your limbs and outward flourishes. Your "facundity" makes people user desirous of your moribundity.

you don't have to be underage to recognize the fact that you're analyzing a video game for children with silly words that no one could reasonably understand.

nice bait tho senpai

This new Mario game is the most Nuanced of them all

>an excerpt from the AVGN: Super Mario Oddysey episode script

Still not as nuanced as Majora's Mask with its Nietzschean themes

>object oriented ontology
I know Object Oriented Programming, is that similar?

all those low lifes who might have a job but knows inside they are uncultured trash and scum of the world so they try to hate on academic knowledge

I have no idea what your talking about. I don't think there are any philosophers on Sup Forums.

Can we instead talk about how disappointing BotW was?


sometimes the curtains are just blue, user.

Thus, OP is pseudo intellectual faggot.