This is my wife (sword). Say something nice!

This is my wife (sword). Say something nice!

>silicone tits

Boobs are too big. Absolutely disgusting.

Knowing Xenoblade she's probably a robot, so, yeah?

silicone implants

She needs that in her ass more then anything.

it's not the sequel of that XCX shit

You'd be great in a Tales game that's generic and boring

Exactly what i thought
Her ass is too tiny

For you

>silicone tits
>ass too big
>dresses like a slut

I have nothing nice to say.

I CANNOT wait for the doujinshis.

>ass too small

But that's not so much the shocker as much as it is that she's the final boss.

>ass too big
Bull shit. Even the irish are saying it could be bigger.

Good news. Artist is a hentai artist so the best doujins will come from him.



if that is the case, loads of things that are also weapons here are robots, including a tiger.


The Xeno games are all about robots user, X didn't invent that.

her apparently

And also artists generally don't draw porn of their own characters.

i hope you like being a cuckold coz im gonna be all over your wifes ass
we get it shes a hooker okay

>Girls are cute
>Male protag looks awful
I hate this, I can't love the girl because it's like the shitty male MC is cucking me.

you know she's gonna be censored

>silicone tits
>ass too big
fucking potatoes
>dresses like a slut
fucking mudslime potatoes

I wish I could fap to her TODAY, user


i'm against censorship, but she's way too sexualized

I actually wonder. Isn't it NoE doing localization like XB1, not NoA like X? I mean, MC's a Brit and there was someone with a Scottish voice too.


>ass too big
this goes beyond the pale

>ass too big


>made by fat Japanese men

>your wife


first Xeno is about Matrix
not robot

Anyone with an afro in this game or do i need to take this to twitter?

those are REAL titties
look them

The plot of the first Xenoblade is LITERALLY about humans becoming robots. Fiora was a robot once she became a party member.

Even before Xenoblade, the Xeno- series had giant fighting robots and characters like KOS-MOS.

I see what you did there

christ, they could have chose anything but britfags
looks fun though


She is hot (fire element)


There's nothing wrong with a nice cute butt.

Give me (You)s if you agree.

she got some pretty huge knockers

This is boner inducing.


Which side of the sword is supposed to be the sharp one ?

Pretty generic.

>6 months to release
>The game is already in english completely with same progress as Japanese game, likely a world wide release
>the treehouse gameplay is uncensored in the English version
Don't fuck this up.
Please god don't fuck this up treehouse just give me this once.

>actually changing the character's names
Localization already confirmed to be trash.

Her butt looks soft as fuck

she has perfect butt
fuck off thickfags

this, massive fat asses suck
no niggers allowed

she has nice tits, but her "ass" is terrible

wtf i want to get blacked now

>*buries face in shithole*


How is she a sword? Explain the lore, in the 2 other Xenoblade games there sword was well just a sword. There was no Fi like character in the previous Xeno games like Zelda Master Sword had a human form. How is she a sword? Plot pls?


I pity normalfags.
The idea of udderly massive breasts is to alien to them that they can only scream "silicone" in disbelief. Perhaps they are afraid of hopes and dreams, which good breasts are full of.

First thing I noticed

What version is FoB on now, anyway? Any interesting new monsters?

She has great hips

>that art direction

Post the blonde waifu. She looks better in every way.

The fact that skindentation tag exists is a proof that gods do smile upon us.

my fetish

1.11b. What was the last version you played?
A new one will be coming Soon. Probably. Zell is still regularly posting blog updates and previews.

She is too tall

I think it added the beach with those floaty shark girls who shot bubbles, but I'm not 100% certain on that.

Endgame right here brothers.
Spoiler for lewd.

She could do some squats, though

Doujins when?

Fuck off thiccfag

What am I looking at and is it an actual game?

>hand holding
t-this on a blue board, user!

I don't think art of her exists yet.

This. In order of most important, Tits > Hips > Thighs > Ass.

1.11 rearranged the map a bit and introduced three new girls, Afanc, Kamaitachi, and Devil Coral.

Not into big butts, but her ass is so fucking soft it almost looks a little flabby


This is a Christian image board user. Delete this.

>wife (sword)

I can imagine all of the cellulite.

>>ass too big

>tfw her hips are maximum

>*wins E3*
>*steals your heart*
>*sells you a Switch*

Well played, Nintendo. Well played.


Thoughts on not-Vert?

>in the 2 other Xenoblade games there sword was well just a sword.
>There was no Fi like character in the previous Xeno games like Zelda Master Sword had a human form.

why don't you try actually playing the first game

is she Shiro's daughter? Is her body swords?


>ass too big

She is not physically THE sword

>There was no Fi like character in the previous Xeno games like Zelda Master Sword had a human form

I'm more interested in the loli party member with the blade hoops.

Is anyone else bothered by the horrible voiceacting? I played the original in both jap and english and the english cast did manage grow on me after a while, but everyone in this trailer sounds awful especially Rex and Pyra.

Her design is a disgrace and makes me physically sick. I loved the first game but things like this are making me not want to get this one. This shit isn't acceptable in 2017. I would rather complain about her than the 100x worse looking MC

It is a real, but very lewd game.
Half the time you're getting raped by monster girls. The other half you're trying to catch them all for your harem. This is done by getting raped in certain ways, using masturbation as a weapon, or using powers like fast running or slime walls acquired from some girls.
A few can't be caught though, because the dev hasn't made them catchable yet or they're just too... mean to be part of the harem if you know what I'm getting at. Don't worry, there's only 2 or 3 really mean girls out of dozens who just play with you.

Anyone else noticed how you can see the strings of her suit digging into the flab on her hips?

This dub is a piece of work
You copypasted this from GAF didn't you?