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But that was a vita game too, what do you mean with exclusive?

Looks like shit.

>that jaggy boob

isnt this a mobile game

It was never PS4 exclusive though.


>port game
>have a chance to add in some of the cut content like robin hood
>lol no saber just gets a slightly altered costume

Saber was a mistake. At least Extella 2 was confirmed already.

Those graphics...I can't, what the fuck, how can you even sell something this ugly in 2017? It looks like a ps2 game with retarded effects. Barf, literally barf.

Fate Extella is trash

How many clones are now?

it was a vita game that was ported to PS4 and now to Switch

so it's expected

>no collectors edition

Bring on Extella 2 and hopefully instead of being a shit DW clone, it'll be a decent one


Looks like that's the resolution Nintendo consoles will never pass.

>Shitty musou game you buyed only because your waifu is in it
You can take it, Nintentoddlers

You do realize the PS4 doesn't need exclusives nearly as much as the Switch does right?

Plus it was never a PS4 exclusive in the first place

nothing is sacred anymore

Did people forget that this is legitimately a cash grab? XSEED is dying right now.

Wow, its fucking nothing.

Call me when Extra + CCC gets a Switch port.
Or better yet, when all three games show up on PC.

I've already played the Vita version, and I don't need to pick up the game again. Especially not on a system I haven't bothered to buy yet.


I'm surprised that the SJWS here aren't getting triggered by her pure aryan boobs

The best part? this image is outdated.

There is more Seibahs

Looks better than Xenoblade 2

But only one really matters

>fate extella
>literally the worst installment from nasu since CCCucks
>probably only 2 enemies on screen worse than the PSP release
wew, it's fucking nothing

Cake Seibah is truly best Seibah.

>Switch exclusive costume
>Shackled Bride outfit, which was a preorder bonus on certain copies
>But with the zip down for absolute cleavage

Is this game actually good? I like musou games but I can't stand Nasu's godawful storytelling anymore


what's the black armor one next to Lily?

Depends, it's basically a watered down Dynasty Warriors

Gameplay is good, but there is a shit-ton of text to go through.

So exciting!

Artoria Lancer Alter

Cake Saber Alter

>its censored

>not liking mollusks

>Extella show up on PC
I really wish this would happen.

I'm a massive fatefag but this game is fucking garbage

Someone translated the whole Gil's route from CCC.

fucking weebshit pandering garbage excuse for a franchise

A TL group is making slow but steady progress too

It's not bad. The biggest problem is that everyone has an attack (Extella Maneuver) which trivializes nearly every fight. Even the high difficulty bosses will forget to block it if used from a distance.

On the other hand, it's more of a fast paced Musou. (areas are directly linked, so you're jumping from one to one) The traps are interesting and need some foresight or the right vest equipped to get around. And the characters have nice variety with strengths and difficulty with the various enemies, if you aren't relying on EM to just destroy everything.

They don't even know about them; they were excised from the English trailer.

Unless they have UNRIVALED DLC it's shit like it has always been.

Not for you , but its okay you are not missing anything


No Mashu no buy



>Still no translation for CCC
This one still hurts me more than it should.

>FGO CCC event will be translated before CCC


>All these people bitching about CCC not being translated
>Not knowing japanese

>People wanting a translation of the biggest turd that Nasu has made
end yourselves

Stay mad

>Oh I will be mad for a PSP game
retarded cucklord

No. That's Fate/Grand Order. Which is coming out in english in two weeks.

What's bad about it?

Looks like shit

oh shit really?

finally I'll be able to engage in gacha hunts for sabers like god intended


>go into a thread about a game series you obviously dislike
>reply to a post mentioning a completely different game in the series
>give a high generic shitpost in reply
>I-I'm not mad! You're mad! You all just so mad!
Sure, sure. Here's your (You) award.

>Switch getting Extella
>F/GO getting English release real soon
>TFW I get to bask in the glory of mine emperor no matter where I go

Not him but i've played Fate Extra and it was one of the worst game i've ever played.
Tamamo was the only good thing to come out of that turd.



I want to do unholy things with the Jeannes.

That particular version of her hasn't really featured in anything at all. She's got an interlude, but that's it. She hasn't appeared in any events. She may or may not have appeared in the main story, but that's not even clear, and it would only have been for a few seconds to say something like a handful of sentences about nothing in particular.

It's fucking hard to be more irrelevant than she is.


>She may or may not have appeared in the main story, but that's not even clear, and it would only have been for a few seconds to say something like a handful of sentences about nothing in particular.
But she was one of the main antagonists of the Camelot chapter, with plenty of screentime and dialogue.


>implying the gacha will be that generous
I've been trying to get her since I began and nothing to show beyond countless fat Caesars.

>Original saber gets tons of clones
>so many original is forgotten
>have to remake her as a titty monster
>have to add the alter version
>still forgotten and given no real storyline

The irony of Shirou being a faker that's better than the orignal and then saber clones everywhere.

I prefer the titty monster over regular Arturia so it's a plus for me

>Wanting to play a game that has this as a final boss
Nasufags should be gassed and executed for their shit taste

Traded my PS4 copy in the second I saw this announced a few months back since the Switch release is getting all the DLC for free. Game wasn't really graphic intensive, but I hope the Switch release isn't shit

I also want best emperor protecting my Switch

That's the Lion King, not Lancer Arturia. You can see the differences between them, LK has growing green eyes, white cape and full armor. Lancer Arturia shows cleavage, and a red cape.

I can't believe I've ever been interested in getting into this series

Aren't you thinking of the the properly dressed one?

They're not the same person. The interlude elaborates on it.


Oh how I wish I could upgrade my original Artoria into this titty goddess, somehow.

Get to saving up, user.

Camelot is the real hurdle for me right now.

the best and only good seibah isn't even on that list. Too bad she's shit in gameplay, but they won't stop me from using her IF I FUCKING HAD HER. FUCK YOU DW. I WASTED 120~ QUARTZ AND GOT NOTHING BUT SHIT CE

There is, for $200 in Japan, which also has english translation if you wanna buy it off Play-Asia.

Good luck on learning moonspeak

You can do it, user

Normally I like titty monsters but it just feels so desperate to remake her that way. Like the original couldn't stand out vs all the clones. Doesn't click for me.

I've ignored every clone aside from Okita until this happened.

Is that Youtube compression or does the game really look that low res?
Nero doesnt deserve that.
Release it for PC at once!

either youtube shenanigans or the game will be an upscale from the vita version which makes no sense but who knows

>758 damage

Seems a bit...low

Couldn't say but the game is pretty dull anyways and looks like shit even at hi-res.

>TFW kept my PS4 copy in case the Switch port isn't great.

the story mode was more cringy than even senran kagura, seriously, it's worse than a self- insert waifu fanfic wrote by an autist.

Probably the best idea. We know the switch can handle it. It's just a matter of if the port is done well or if it's a shitfest like DQH2 was.

>was more cringy than even senran kagura
now that's gonna need some dedication

Is SK better than Nep at least?

CCC has the same gameplay mechanics but the story is good
but yeah Tamamo is the best thing that ever game out of it