How did we get to this?

How did we get to this?

Other urls found in this thread:

FROM this ?!?!????!!??

yeah man, kratos has never EVER encontered mythological creatures before. Especially not ones that talk. The fuck is this shit?

By letting creatively bankrupt westerners whose brains never left middleschool run game development studios.


its like a 10 year old is making dialogue for god of war

>Kratos: What is he saying?
>Boy: he says he needs about tree fiddy

because meme magic is real

So by deciding to due something new with the series, that means they are creatively bankrupt?

why isnt kratos angry

>shitposting in 4chin is any better

Anyone else think the graphics aren't as sharp as in the reveal trailer?

It definitely still looks good but it's a bit more muddy I would say.


I laughed

Who is this cutie


Underrated post.

If you don't go in thinking every single trailer is a bullshot then I don't know what is wrong with you

>The plot details given in this trailer was enough to piss me off more then the plot of God Of War 3
I'm impressed

>my wife's son

To be fair, that was the kid's translation. For all we know Jourmangard could have said something like "Stay your blade, son of Zeus, I shall aid your quest."

So yeah, it makes sense for it to come out the other end of a 10 year old translator as "HE'S A GOOD GUY!"

so is it confirmed that this game will play just like dark souls + TLOU

Pandora gave him a dollar.


Exactly. If they had any creativity left, they would have just made GoW4 another rehash of the old GoW formula

Is that Kratos pennis?

From this?

Thank you for this

>Jourmangard could have said something like "Stay your blade, son of Zeus, I shall aid your quest."
Which is sounds even more like dialogue written by a 10 year old.




Isn't that supposed to be the bad guy though? Didn't Thor or Odin fight it because it would eat the world or something? Is this game really gonna pull a "all gods are bad" again?


yeee wolololo

yeee recepta

you stole my joke from the other thread you mother fucker! srop saying it, it isnt yours

Who the fuck cares about the "plot" of god of war? The only reason to be upset is that there will be no tiddies so long as his wife's son is there.


It's a joke from twitter you faggot

Can you fags stop posting this image.
It really pisses me off.

You know that someone already tweeted that last night right?

I chuckled/10

already saw this on the yt comments section

>Didn't Thor or Odin fight it because it would eat the world or something
No, Thor tried to fish it a couple of time and failed. Odin did die fighting it during Ragnarök
>Is this game really gonna pull a "all gods are bad" again?
A lot of people, because the first game had a good plot. It's all been downhill sense then with the third being really bad


I'm not feeling into this game at all. It's like having a sequel to Jaws where instead of ripping people to shreds, he's looking after a baby shark. No one wants to see that shit; they wanna see Jaws murder people without remorse. They fucking Terminator Genisys'd it.

>kid understands the snek
>Kratos doesn't

Gentlemen, theories please.




I said the exact same thing when kratos acted surprised

>something good came from the raping of Kratos and the GoW franchise.

Thank you.

You said yesterday the Cavs were goin to win BC of meme magic : (

that fucking kid riuned the trailer for me
"OKAY" "a-are you go-gonna do it?" "ITS THE WOLRD SERPENT!" "HE WANTS TO HELP!"
so annoying and cringie, it took away all seriousness and matureness

I don't get it

i didnt get it

Three dollars.......and fifty cents

south park
chefs fathers story about the lockness monster asking them about $3.50

Thanks. It seems like a different setting, copypaste story.

i'm not the only one kek

Kid is a gay scalefag

South Park

Kid doesn't actually understand the snake, he's just playing pretend. Kratos trusts him since he's seen some shit. Snake is actually just curious and can't actually communicate with them

Why did Kratos throw his axe anyway? He just seems to chuck it away. At first i thought it was maybe to summon the serpent, but then he's so surprised.

He expected it to come back like Thor's hammer, something he did in the trailer last year.

I think the kid wanted to see it.

He's really young and still gets excited by things. To you just want him to be like Kratos-MiniMe?