Tfw when Devolver Digital unironically had the best conference of E3 2017

>tfw when Devolver Digital unironically had the best conference of E3 2017

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You have to go back

It's true, basically shit all over the whole idea of E3

devolver didnt show anything we havent seen
honestly it was okay but it wasnt great

you have to fuck off to Sup Forums

>lol edgy gore and randumbb

the abuse of stock audience footage was great but the whole thing felt forced otherwise

E3 feels forced in general. You're a humorless cunt.

If you're 12

>E3 feels forced in general.
That doesn't make any sense. E3 isn't a comedy event

>haha I'm so cool and grown up! I don't like EdGy humor! I'm too cool for reddit now

>That doesn't make any sense
how retarded can you be?

We watch Adult Swim just like you do kids!

Glorious isn't it?

Did she actually have a bloody nose during the conference or was it fake? I still haven't watched it.

less forced than Neokikeshitendo's way to announce NOGAEMS by showing us logos for 25 minutes.


It wasn't a real conference, it was just a big joke

It's 15 mins you fucking nigger, go watch it.

wow how did you know

>anyone disagrees with op
>he has an autistic fit
Good thread

The girl was hot.

I didn't think it was that funny but I appreciate the gesture and enjoyed it more than anything at E3 except for Mount and Blade I guess.

You're only allowed to criticize someone if you don't fall into the same pits.

>shows 1 and 1/2 games
>thinks they're conference is hot shit

A lot of jokes shouldn't have been so stretched out and instead show the rest of their line up (clearly they had a line up as shown in the scene when she's losing her mind).

Nevertheless Ruiner looks sick.

>I hate it when developers try to have a good time, and take the piss out of smug, self-satisfied AAA publishers.

So forward thinking and mature. You are truly an example to be followed.

Attempted comedy being forced is really not at all comparable to marketing and hype being forced, and even if it was, one existing doesn't excuse the other to exist.
How retarded can you be?

Sorry, I just think the "guy gets horribly disfigured by product being showcased and people ignore it while blood is spraying everywhere" shtick is really really overdone and shock value doesn't equal instant humor

I don't even know what to watch or what this is about.

It needed way more work to be memorable. But then again, gamers struggle to understand satire unless it's literally beating you on the head with a prostitute.

Do you have the other images that go with that one?

>watches Eric Andre once
>let's be meta and relate to le Adult Swim crowd

Tbh the games they showed in their montages looked fun. I would have liked it if they cut down on the anti-corporate satire by like 75% and just showed us their games

Is that a tranny?


Nina is mai waifu

Both actors were good, especially the lady. Ending was a bit too much with the vomit and exploding head and all

Looks like pic related so probably


So it was a prerecorded "event"


huh suda51 is still alive

Consider this, there's nothing random about making jokes you piece of shit.

>Muh internet hate machine

Stop trying to fit in so hard


I bet you liked the Amy Schumer special. Devolver is a shit hole with a fucking cuck at the head of it.

How was it random? They were making fun of the industry the whole time with very objective points.

t. fag who can't into humor

>Amy Schumer
>shit hole with a fucking cuck
You're trying too hard to fit in. Your Sup Forums buddies aren't going to think you're cool just because you pretend the conference wasn't funny.


Because shitting on the whole current state of the industry as a whole is comparable to a fat pig talking about how her disgusting vagina smells like rotten bacon?

I think you dropped this

>earliest access
>computer screen pay
>comment created content
>at E3


Honestly, if they had more games to show that appealed to me they could have easily won E3. Nintendo came off the best, but to who? Their echo chamber burdened fans who'd have gladly bought whatever they shat out regardless of quality.

stop giving this guy (you)s

It was a 15 minute piss-take at how shit e3 and the keynote format is in general.

It was a welcome break from the garbage monotony that is every fucking real keynote ever even if the humor isn't exactly your cup of tea.

you're trying way too hard to fit in


I'm inb4 it

i want to fuck the nurse assistant thing

The presentation was fun but they showed next to nothing.


one last time so nerds salty.
How do you spell Pearl Harbor?

It was literally made by them, look at the credits you dolt

Nina is cute, CUTE !

>all this butthurt over devolver winning with no games

that's fair to say, but they announced there'd be no new games to talk about.

I appreciated the earliest access bit especially. Other than that I think it would have been a legit 10/10 if they showed a few more games and trimmed a few of the bits.


>no games
found le redditor gentleman

No hyperbole, literally the cringiest thing I have ever seen.

Extremely unfunny, showed NOTHING and wasted everyone time just for the LE EPIC TROLL

Fuck this bullshit. You're supposed to show games at E3. Touting this as an actual press conference just to have some reddit tier meme fest was an insult.

I hope you learn how to have fun one day user

Sounds like someone went in misinformed

Was she blastin' her nips the whole time, or was it just the shirt?

I had never even heard of them before now.

They undoubtably won from a business standpoint, I'm sure more people have googled their name in the past 48 hours than in the entire rest of the year up to now.

>>no games

Since when did Sup Forums like games?

>touting this as an actual press conference


Do you know what satire is?

Jurst go fucking watch it


>I'd like to thank you for joining me here at the Dave Lang Memorial Convention Center
I still wasn't sure what was happening and then at this point I lost my shit

> I don't know what Hotline Miami is, in fact I'm a 12 yo newfag and I hate video games, I also suck cocks on daily basis

Remember, never enjoy ANYTHING.

>You're supposed to show games at E3
They did that, while just about everybody else was showing cinematic movies.If this is the worst thing you've seen you're probably too young to be here, which is against the rules.

How do you spell Pearl Harbor?


>What is self deprication


>dozens of similar, generic press conferences
>Sup Forums complains that E3 is boring, gaming is dead
>Devolver tries to be entertaining
>Sup Forums spergs out over it for not being enough like other conferences

There's no winning with you autistic fucks.

They had the most interesting conference I guess. But the point of e3 is to show off games. Not do a comedy act.

The best thing was the 12 hour shitposting fest from Twitch

you have to stop being such a faggot


>tfw you net BOONED


I had fun with the conferences that actually showed GAMES at E3. I also have fun with comedy that isnt reddit tier.

Yeah, I do. The jokes went on 10x longer than they needed to for them to be funny. Taking the piss out of something doesn't automatically make it funny.

Even if it wasn't meant to be a real conference, its a fucking E3 presentation. Show video games at E3. If you want to do some fucking satirical piss take out of E3 shows at least make it funny and not big bang theory tier.

>showing 20 second clips of literally nothing is games

Fuck even Uncharted: Uncharted - Uncharted was more interesting than that whole 60 seconds of games they showed in between the family guy comedy

Fuck off, you miserable cunt.

>This fag is an actual twitch streamer
>Boone is an actual movie
Reality is stranger than fiction

I don't give a shit about your fotm pixelgames faggot

I bet you don't like eric andre do you faggot

I wish I did have to have gone to bed at 3AM that night



>comedy can't be subjective

*tips fedora*

> Hotline Miami
> fotm

So you just discovered Sup Forums ? You'll really fit in here ! I'm sure you are glad school is over, no ? summer ! yaaaay !