Nintendo shows a logo

>Nintendo shows a logo
>Wins E3 somehow
Why are nintenbabbies such drones?

adelaide stop being so rude

Shut the fuck up you god damn Makiposter.


Its ok when kojima does it

why do people call maki, adelaide

Stop making this thread.
You're the only one making this thread and you keep spamming it because of how butthurt you are that Sony got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

>everyone else was so bad that a minute of new Odyssey gameplay and xenoblade confirmed 2017 was enough to win e3

>Implying Metroid Prime 4 was the only good announcement

Death Stranding had an actual trailer you knob

>Nintendo wins E3
>Sonybros have the urge to make these threads because they have no games
Feels good

At least Kojima somewhat showed a premise.
Prime 4 showed nothing, it might as well be an online only game for all the teaser showed us.

Why are anime posters such betas?

Ubisoft and Microsoft did really good though

I remember why I stopped coming on Sup Forums. I'm too old now to read 14 year olds argue about which box their parents bought them is the best and "won" E3.

yes but PC isnt allowed to win E3

>Nintendo gives people what they want
>"man nintenbros suck"

Fuck off anti Nintendo shill

Dumb animeposters.

Commenting as the same anime girl in every post is the definition of autism please stop

Congrats on Rocket League, a game everybody else had for 2 years

Dumb idol posters all of you

why do people, insert redundant commas


>Not knowing that Kojima at least is funny
He's a showman, not like the Nintendo puppets.
Is still shit tho.

The gameplay they showed of Xenoblade at the Treehouse just now was objectively terrible though. Odyssey looked fun.

Tell me about the game. A trailer doesn't mean shit.


Why are you so obsessed with Sony?

Watch his interviews

To be fair, Shiggy and Reggie are most at home on a stage

>Why are nintenbabbies such drones?
low standards

Seriously I cant fathom how anybody could think they've won when E3 has been a collective shitshow

Love Live is niwaka shit.

the chances of getting a new Metroid wasn't that high
also, more or less the same would have happened if...
...Microsoft just has shown a logo of Halo6
...Sony just has shown a logo of (I don't know) Socom
...SquareEnix just has shown a logo of FinalFantasyXVI
...Valve just has shown a logo of HalfLife3

>nintendo isnt even done revealing games
>but one giant reveal that Sup Forums has begged for ages didnt get a trailer so i guess they didnt win lol

And what the mechanics of Metroid Prime 4 hm? What new abilites is Samus going to have? What planet is going to be set on? What period in the timeline?

and we still know nothing about kojimas latest excuse to gush over random d list actors

>Game series many thought was dead is revealed to not be dead
>Game from a company that actually releases finished games, doesn't hit you with a kickstarter, doesn't tell you months later that it will be episodic and maybe out by the next generation
>Game from a company that has new blood who have already proven themselves multiple times working on said new game from now not-dead franchise

Are you upset?

Please do not use my waifu for shitposting

Maki is a miracle of the universe

Weeaboo are subhuman trash that will never reproduce.

Just end your life now.

Don't use one of my cum dumpsters for shitposting. Thanks.

tomato was made for shitposting

kys normalfag

You could've at least tried with the Sony bit and said Spyro, but I digress

You're right, Metroid fans have been starved for something for over 7 years. You can debate if it should've ever gotten to that point, but this is still a huge deal for them

At least Nintendo announced games instead of showing the same shit like Microsoft and Sony.

>love live
>not one of the most normalfaggiest shit in the anime industry

Polls right after announcements don't mean shit

People said UBISOFT WON yesterday after BGE2
Now nobody gives a shit anymore

There is no point in reproducing.



>mfw people complain about a logo winning E3, but Nintendo was the only conference to actually have a surprise

>Hates weebs
>goes on Sup Forums
What's your mental deficiency son?

Microsoft's was terrible though.

It's niche as fuck, are you on drugs or what?

Based fucking Nintendo. Now I'll be able to play Metroid 4 on PC!

Yup just like how 3D women aren't important right? :)


2D women are unimportant too.

>You could've at least tried with the Sony bit and said Spyro
guess you are right, I unfortunatly didn't come up with a better example

Outside of their meme worthy 4k shit, it really wasn't.

>love live

Is this guy for real?

You don't know how extremely popular love live is in Japan do you?

Idolfaggotry has grown to be very entry tier in the West nowadays.

>Nintedo has 1 reveal
>Sony had 1 reveal
>Microsoft had 1 reveal
>Pc had 1 reveal
>Ubi had 1 reveal

They aren't though, relationships really are a meme perpetuated by normalfags for social points.

>shows 40 fucking gametrailers
>no bullshit in between
>labelled as shit

>SotC remake, a bunch of PSVR stuff, GoW and a Monster Hunter game that looks fucking great
>labelled as shit
>for some reason Monster Hunter is labelled as worse than hitler

>shows 3 games, a logo (a fucking LOGO) for a game, and some DLC
>conference is over in 15 minutes

It was true ten years ago and it's still true today, Sup Forums just can't get enough of Iwata's ghost dick.

in Japan


I agree. There was no fucking gameplay.

please don't use maki for your shitposts

You sound insecure

>try to talk about games with nintenbros
>they say everything made by nintendo is automatically 11/10 transcendent
>everything not nintendo doesnt even exist

just don't bother interacting with nintenbros, they are worse than religious cultists.

Microsoft and sony showed stuff we already knew, the only reason you see so many people excited for the Nintendo conference it's because it was totally unexpected

So did you miss Ubi's conference or just erase it from your memory?

Is that supposed to insult me?
Like I give a shit

Yeah it's crazy the shit people will get hyped about.
They should be excited for that Metroid 2 remake but no.
Niggas want to hype a fucking title.

Because they're actually making games, not shoving identity politics in my face.

Reminder that Nintendo fanboys defended FUCKING RABBITS yesterday when Ubisoft revealed it.

Nintendo conference could have been a guy in a Peach costume eating mushrooms infront of a small audience and they would still scream THIS IS THE BEST NINTENDO JUST WON E3

>shitty Makiposter confirms he's a shitty Sonyfag

HAHAHAHAHA How does it feel when your dear Sony fucks up so bad.

Also, dumb tomatoposter

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is only online shit and tainted by social justice tripe

>graphic literature shops
This is why the industry is spiraling downwards, just call them fucking comic books

It's a third person action shooter in the vein of Uncharted or The Division. It's a grimdark apocalyptic scifi setting which you can watch the trailers to get a feel for.

>A generic pirate game copypasted from AC4 and SJW shit
>Better then metroid prime 4, a series everyone supposed to be dead

nintendo FINALLY listened

who asked for a shadow of colossus remake?

The only thing unknown game that came from Nintendo was Prime 4.

We knew about the others, and if you didn't think they wouldn't make new Kirby or Yoshi games then you're an idiot.

Why should I be hyped for MP4 when I saw nothing besides a title?

I too liked Zootopia.

AssCreed looked like every other AssCreed, DBZ was previously revealed, Anthem is a modern Bioware game, Forza 7 is going to be just like the first six, Crackdown looked like shit, Life is Strange is a prequel to a bad game, State of Decay looked like shit. The only surprise was Metro and it was a heavily scripted demo.

>Nintendo conference could have been a guy in a Peach costume eating mushrooms infront of a small audience
That would still make them the winner, since at least a guy in a Peach costume might be able to give me a boner instead of the literal apathy I had for the rest of E3 this year


t. no one ever

Mhe, not "she breaths through the skin" levels.

>People who've never played Beyond Good and Evil and possibly didn't know about it's existence bitch about it
I can't fucking wait for more of this until release

Because it's the first one in over 7 years.
Prime series is pretty much the only game of its type, an FPS/metroidvania hybrid, it's hard to think of any games in the same vein.

Are you guys ready for BotW and SMO winning all the GOTY awards?

kirby has its fans

i dont know why but it does.

all yoshi titles are terrible.

You do realize that this'll end up breing a completely different game from the original, like not even in terms of story just gameplay.

BGE wasn't GTA in space

So you admit literally the only thing Nintendo had was the Metroid announcements?

People wanted a fucking pirate game separate from ass creed for 3 years and beyond good & evil 2 was already shown 9 years ago.

They make creams for that ass pain, user.

Yeah but there was no gameplay. I like MP and NMH but I can't get excited over the existence of it alone.

But this is how it is every year.
Some overhyped title that most people already know about or a surprise trailer with no gameplay both gets brand loyalists to sperg out in their hype, convincing themselves that these conferences haven't become a waste of time.