>When you bought a PS4pro instead of a Switch
When you bought a PS4pro instead of a Switch
Nathan Gray
Julian Williams
Why not both? Not enough NEETbux?
Kevin Lee
Literally no point. I have a regular PS4 for the small list of exclusives
Dissidia was the only thing I really care about that's PS4 related. I might check out MoHun World PC streaming to my Switch.
Gavin Cruz
Just take a BB credit card out and put the Switch, a game, and a pro control on 12 month financing.
Chase Long
If i have a 4K HDR tv, is it worth going up to Pro?
Josiah Jenkins
Sell your stupid pro and buy a ps4 then save for the switch.
Thomas Allen
In my opinion still no, it's not even every game supported.
Jackson Bell
Who /masterrace/ here?
Carson Collins
no 4k bluray player so no
Angel Long
Oh shit what?
Shit sucks then.