They're fucking right. I didn't bought a PS to play with M$ slaves or Nintenbros.
Sony is based.
How much is the check?
Making your version of games the most inferior version is not based at all.
They have the install base to get away with it this generation.
Kinda bums me out that the underdog is always the one trying to do things for the consumer while the one winning stops trying after the first year.
Not that I really care about cross play with nintendopes and xboners though.
Think of the children
thanks sony, for protecting non-sony players from having to deal with sony "gamers"
You can play with steam users from the PS4.
You can play with PS4 users from Steam.
which is why they don't mix up with live players :)
>"no one wants backwards compatibility to play old games"
>re-release every game anyway
>"no one wants to have cross-play"
>effectively kill online for multiple games (not going to bother with MHW for PS4 after this)
>"We have a strong Japanese showing this E3"
>show nothing new, not even from western devs
Sony is finished kids. They got their millions of console sales and they're ready to just sit on their stacks while watching people eat table scraps.
Why would I want to play old games I already own when I can buy an up to date version for my new console?
they are ahead by a wide margin
its minecraft who cares
they got crossplay with other games
do you want pc hackers or screeching xbots in your games? the answer is no
This, Microslaves actually need other consoles to play with, PS4 doesn't.
Honestly, I assume the PS4 is mostly for single player games anyway. If you want to play with friends or other people, you get a different system or a PC.
>rocket league
who the fuck cares beside underage idiots?
Why do you people try so hard to rationalize the same things you would be shitting on other companies for doing?
because Sony does it right
>Why do you people try so hard to rationalize the same things you would be shitting on other companies for doing?
I don't give a fuck If Nintendo or M$ do the same. I just don't want to play with M$ slaves or Nintenbros. If they want to play with me, they have to buy a fucking PS4.
I didn't buy a console to be mixed with other kind of gamers.
I could tolerate to play nintenbros, but never with M$ slaves.
How does playing with someone who owns a Switch or an Xbox affect your experience at all? Yes you can say some of the player base is toxic, but that goes for PlayStation also. Sony is only shooting themselves in the foot by doing this. It may not be a big deal now because it's just Rocket League or Minecraft, but why wait to complain when it happens to one of your favorite games?
wow you must be a real hit at parties
>limit the amount of people you can play with
bullshit, only a true sonybro would defend this
The real reason is to be fair to the gamers on other platforms. Sony gamers would blow other players out of the water in competitive games.
>I just don't want to play with M$ slaves or Nintenbros
Don't worry, you won't be playing with much of anyone.
Because they are faggots. Seriously, the only reason people used to say they preferred multiplayer on the PS3 instead of 360 (besides it being free at the time, for course) was "thankfully no one talks, because the system didn't come with a mic!". As if the 360 didn't have a mute option, I guess.
Some kids here, especially in the thriving newfag summer, will always justify the lack of a feature as a good thing, because their feelings would be hurt if they weren't "the best" for choosing one system, and being too poor to buy another. I mean, I've had times when I could only have one current system, when I was younger, but I didn't feel the need to bash others for having a different one. I mean, who cares? I've played on every system and PC, and the groups aren't honestly all that different.
People who play those fucking games, which do have thriving multiplayer communities on various platforms. I'm hoping to see crossplay for a fighting game, the genre that needs it the most. And I know PS4 and steam can play SFV together... but SFV is kinda shit.
>Two dated games that got cross play.
Well they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get all 6 player slots filled.
>I didn't feel the need to bash others for having a different one. I mean, who cares?
because what kind of IDIOT would buy the console I didn't?
As you can see in this thread, true sonybros have already tried to defend this shit. Such a joke. Sony is pulling some anti-consumer bullshit and need to be put in their place.
people still play this shit?
who cares, literally?
>How does playing with someone who owns a Switch or an Xbox affect your experience at all?
I do not like to at at the same table than coprophages. That's why I never want to be mixed with M$ slaves.
>some of the player base is toxic
A M$ slave is always toxic. For many reasons, but one major is that they support M$.
>why wait to complain when it happens to one of your favorite games?
I complain each tab I mixed with other kind of gamers.
What a delusional fuck. I got the feeling you'd only play Sony 1st party games if you had the choice anyway, so it wouldn't effect you much if EVERY third party game had crossplay.
Hell, I kinda doubt you play multiplayer at all, considering your idealized view on Sony players.
'tis why competition is always a good thing
mixing with xbox live would show how weak PS+ is in comparison when xbox players would be destroying playstation in multiplayer games.
right now it's indies but the second sony says yes the conversation moves onto bigger games. obviously first person shooters would exclude PC but playing Call of Duty matches PS v Xbox would be something to talk about.
how does this even work
once a pc player connects to a ps4 player, bone and switch kids can't join their game?
Only couch multiplayer. Lan multiplayer if for losers without friends or family.
The only game I play online is GT, so zero risks.
What backtracking cunts. I have a PS4, but they won't get me dead paying for PS+.
Internet, not lan.
This damage control though.
The PC version might be referring to the Windows Store edition.
I don't know why Nintendo fags are letting themselves get used by MS.
Won't argue that friendo
>There reasoning is literally console wars
I thought Sony was better than their own fanbase, but clearly I was wrong. Guess asshole anti-consumer Sony is back.
Becayse it's literally okay when Sony does it, bro. Remember when they announced paid online? It's okay. Remember when they raised the price of paid online even higher than MS asks? It's literally okay. Sony can do no wrong.
If your fanbase lets you get away with stuff, you just do it. They know they have a lot of loyal kids who will see anything they do as right, and they're making sure to cash in on that.