I'm not usually one to join in on le epic console war shitposting but what is there to actually play on the Xbox One that warrents spending $499?
$1000 dollar alienware, maybe
there isn't one single exclusive. I'd rather get a fucking switch than an xxXboxXX1xx
>paying half the price to play games that you can play on the PC anyway with superior controls.
Pretty much every western game.
A proper $1000 PC build can also be workstation meaning it can run hardware intensive productivity applications and recoup its hardware cost + utilities. The Xbone X can't do that, it's just a money pit like I say to my kids.
>good deal on PC hardware, can't run PC games
They should have just made the fucking thing run windows 10.
>another halo
>a racing game (also on PC)
>gears (also on PC)
>sunset overdrive
hoo fucking boy
>win store
>can play
damn that's a good joke nigga
You don't need a $1000 PC to run games at 30fps.
memes aside i'm playing on consoles next generation when im 30 and PC overwatch stops being fun
LOL no it fucking doesn't
They made this shit up on the ps4 shit before its a bunch of dogshit
So you're gimping yourself for no reason? Okay.
Its the best way to play multiplataform games and anything woth a comtroller. When they throw in mouse and keyboard support it will be the best way to play period!
OP if you can guarantee that it can
1. Play 4k 60fps
2. Play 95% of all games at 60fps or higher on high settings consistently
I'll buy it.
Except you know, the whole having to pay for online thing. Everyone seems to forget that lately.
nice try microshill no one wants your 500 dollar cuck machine
Tell me how to play my Steam library on an Xbox Onix without hacking, then, faggot
Bonus points if my emulators and non-Steam games can join too
Yes, it has to allow third party controllers and M&K
>Deticaded server
>4 free games per month
>its always $40 on cdkeys for a year
>best online
Its worth it
It doesn't though
>play on win 10
>get another shitty port
Nah nigga
>PCfags increasingly butthurt that consolefags will be playing 4K at $500 price point when they spent $1k on their irrelevant PC
>muh exclusive
Kys, it has best version of every game. PC is shit
Still hyped for the xbox one x because of the og xbox and 360 backwards compatibility. I not obsessive about exclusives and none of sony's modern exclusives are any fun and become more of movie cinematic games. Nintendo games after the gc and wii have no charm to them and are watered down for causals and kids.
you seem the most butthurt here by far.
Pc master race should just be left alone to enjoy their steam indie shovelware garbage. Thats what you guys like. Buy 1000 $ pc and play undertale cuz Sup Forums said its good.
And then I read this guy.
I'm hyped for it too Xbro. I actually hope they put Morrowind on BC
The GPU on the Xbox One X is equivalent to a 1060, the GPU that's used for mid-tier, average budget builds. Sure it has some extra memory, but that doesn't mean much.
>mfw console plebs don't understand shit
Whats the price of this gpu?
Not a argument PCfat
>Western games in 2k17
The price of it is: If you pay more than $200 for it, you're an idiot.
isnt sunset overdrive also on PC
Maybe if you're buying INTEL/nVidia parts
Undertale is on PS4 now, you have to suffer the indie shit with us
It's actually pretty close to a 980 Ti if you wanna compare to Nvidia, though thanks to no power consumption standard on PC, a 980 Ti's higher clocks create a nice improvement over X's 1100mhz clock which is a bit low honestly & will be the bottleneck devs have to get around for 4K, along with the horrid CPU
>all these epic performance specs
>games are still console locked at 30 FPS.
b-but muh 4k resolution
Okay thats 200. Can you just post specs of scorpio equivalent PC in the same price please? I just want to know as im trying to decide to get a pc or this new console. I have nothing to game on.
>4k Blu Ray Player
>1060 GPU
A pc build with that in it would cost you $800 minimum, not to mention it would be in a big case and not a small form factor like the One X.
>uses the same parts as a PC
>sold for a massive loss.
It was planned but they didn't bother, it didn't sell that well on Xbone, which is a shame because it was fun
k Blu Ray Player
For what purpose? You can just pirate movies.
>xbox stop listening to every conversation in the room and sending it back to a secure microsoft server along with every other piece of data I've ever input
There are no 4k movie rips. God PCkeks are uninformed.
>Destiny 2 runs at 30fps on Xbox one x
What makes you think you'll be playing at 4k. Moreover, what makes you think you'll be playing at 4k while the game actually looks good?
Can someone tell me for what purpose does one spy millions of worker class people?
>30fps is bad meme
I love this reddit meme!
I fucking DARE you to find a $1000 PC with an AMD jaguar shit for a cpu
Parity with PS4 because Sonyfags would get their feelings hurt, X could easily run it at 1080p/60fps
>tfw ill be buying an xbox one x.
>no bully pls
BC games
most other games are multiplat on pc
No Weeb games, no buy.
I'd rather buy a PS4 +switch, already have a PC.
>X could easily run it at 1080p/60fps
All the multiplatform triple-A titles, along with the all the Microsoft exclusives (forza, gears, halo etc...)
Don't compare anything AMD makes to Nvidia products, the differences in performance are still pretty significant
It's obviously a political move
>people listing multiplats as a positive
The state of microshit.
>he plays games at 30 FPS because he's a stubborn console cuck.
Playing what at 4k? Minecraft?
>AMD laptop tier CPU BUT OVERCLOCKED LOL still holds back the rest of the console
It's the entire reason why destiny 2 and other games will just focus on 30FPS and just bump up the resolution. It's also why the console is priced that much.
Is this a thread where console plebs think they have any argument to why their shit system is better than a glorious PC??? Will you kids ever learn?
>Thinking it takes 1000$ to build a pc that better than the XboneX
>Only being able to do one thing at a time and not having multiple monitors
I'm sorry your poor op. But maybe you should get a job instead of shit posting all day.
I'm pretty sure PCfats refusing to buy an Xbox has more to do with Xbox exclusives leaving Xbox.
I still don't get this image, it looks like the fucking motherboard is sinking in
What the fuck happened, did the zerg take over the inside of this computer?
>Paying half the price
This is bad?
Xbox One X it is then.
The GPU falls between the 1060 and 1070. The CPU is laptop quality trash. It might take time/deals to get a PC that outperforms the XboneX at $500, but at $1,000? Get the fuck out of here.
Is this a whole ***new*** console? Am I going to have to trash my regular Xbone because it won't have anymore support?
can't fucking wait November can't come soon enough.
Xboxfucks sure are excited to play games at 4K with 30fps. Have fun.
Even admitting this is true, it will be outperformed within one, two years tops.
And speaking of years, at this point it's quite sure the next gen will start in 2019, considering the current one is running on fumes.
It's the Xbox Pro basically, Xbone still gets games until 2020 or whenever 9th gen kicks off for real. Only stuff that won't be on Xbone is VT stuff.
Didn't they say Forza 7 is 4k 60fps?
>inb4 someone says racing games are shit, I fucking love racing games
I will only believe that if either the resolution is stretched, or the graphics are turned down. I'm more sure the former is the case, but they turn other shit down to try and hide the fact.
Microsoft has made slightly more effort to hit 60fps than Sony, what with Halo 5 and the mainline Forza series.
isnt the Xbone basicly running on a closed windows 10
this anology doesnt make any sense
I literally pirated a 4k movie last week you drooling ape
Turn other shit up, my bad*
It's easy as hell to run Forza 6 on 4k/60 on PC.
> make some bullshit claim
> others call out on bullshit
> "they're just mad at my superiority"
B-but they totally learned their lesson.
Is there any source counting the millions they wasted not on one, but two kineckts?
Nah, they confirmed it's actual native 4k/60 on ultra.
You can run almost anything at 4K/60fps on PC. You just gotta adjust the settings. Just saying it'll probably be something like low/medium with the X specs
Imagine being this salty your $500 console has no exclusives
But we Halo and Metroid fans are friends ,m8.
You LITERALLY have no idea what you're talking abou
protip: what you watched isn't really 4k
I was just answering someone's serious question about the console, not sure why you took the opportunity to shitpost.
>on ultra
[citation needed]
tho 4k/60 is accurate
Digital Foundry
>Calls medium settings ultra
You exclusives shitters deserve death. Seriously, shut the fuck up already. Some of us don't like weebshit, SHOCKING I know.
>You LITERALLY have no idea what you're talking abou
Pot calling the kettle a nigger. You are fucking clueless retard.
>PCfags this mad console gamers will be paying at least half of what they would for a max setting 60 FPS gaming PC
Imagine owning a pc that cost $500 haha imagine having a gpu that cost $500 suck it bitch you like that bitch fuck yeah you punk bitch
>Is retarded