>want to be a good guy in skyrim
>half the game isnt avaliable to ''nice'' heroes
>no daedra quests, no thieves guild, no dark brotherhood
Want to be a good guy in skyrim
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>he thinks good or evil exists
but im the dragonborn i should use my powers wisely user
You canonically have CHIN and can do whatever you want, how big of a faggot can you even be to get SPOOK'd out of content you paid for.
i dont pay for bethesda games. i already did everything in my first playthrough and just realized how evil you need to be in order to complete things
but user, in skyrim your actions bear no consequences, you'll always be THE good guy.
Get a job and grow some balls. Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue.
>thieves guild has no thieving quests
Also how would you even beat the game playing as a good guy?
The main quest is two groups of idiots getting played against eachother by racist elves.
Midorikawa Hana is my waifu
WRPGs are for edgelords.
>not exclusively playing as a poor inn girl who sucks cock just to survive
it's like you don't want to have fun
paarthunax did a lot of bad things in the past so its not really evil to kill him, just unforgiving of you if you choose to
but im roleplaying in my head user
That's par for the course for TES. Having a lot of content for different types of characters should be encouraged in RPGs. The less % of content available to any specific character archetype, the better the roleplaying experience and replayability. The real problem with Skyrim is that the gameplay is almost completely removed from the roleplaying aspect, so there's no reason NOT to do everything on every character. If it were a good RPG there would be real consequences to your actions that actually lock you out of content and open alternate paths rather than simply hurting your imaginary role-play.
For what it's worth, Skyrim's the only game in the series to provide a "good" option for dealing with the Dark Brotherhood by reporting them to the guards and then clearing them out instead of joining. Morrowind's assassin guild is completely legal so if your idea of "good" is following the law then I guess that can count too. In Daggerfall and Oblivion you only get invited by murdering innocents and in both cases you can just ignore them. Daggerfall's quest will fail after a certain time limit and you'll never hear from them again. In Oblivion you can kill Lucien and loot his robes when he first interrupts your sleep.
>you can wipe out the dark brotherhood
>you need to commit an assassination for them before you can
you can kill astrid as soon as you wake up, no need to deal with the hostages
>you need to commit an assassination for them before you can
Nah, you never do anything for them if you choose that path. An orphan asks you to kill a child abuser, and if you do that the Dark Brotherhood takes notice. After the Dark Brotherhood girl kidnaps you, you can start wiping out the Dark Brotherhood right away.
I'm talking about the woman who runs the orphanage. You can't meet Astrid until you murder her.
All Bethesda had to do was make it so there's an option to warn her or something, and when you do you get the option to kill the DB assassin sent after her.
yeah but she's kinda evil anyway so it could be seen as a good thing to do.
But Grelod the Kind was abusive and evil, murdering him in the name of justice IS good, but illegal.
>be the assassin's creed type of guy
>try to reason my way through the dark brotherhood with the excuse im gonna turn them into good assassins
>killing house wives, a girl who just lost her husband and a crazy homeless dude living in a half destroyed place
people who abuse children should have no mercy on them
MinMin best girl Chiyo can go fuck herself
Hana is a goddess.
>daedra are evil
You're an idiot.
heres your you
>literal demons who tempt and corrupt
>not evil
Not really
There are no demons in the TES universe.
>extra-planar tempters and corruptors who live in a hell dimension and are worshiped and summoned by murderous cults for dark deeds
>named after the wicked Daeva, servants of the malevolent Angra Mainyu in Zoroastrian myth
>not demons
>thieves' guild
>not a bunch of pansies
they're basically good guys. they don't really do anything actually illegal.
They don't live in a hell dimension, they don't even live on the same dimension.
Not all their cults are murderous.
Not all their deeds are evil.
The in-lore explanation for their name simply means they're not ancestors of the normal races.
You're a bad guy by default in skyrim. You start off being sent to decaptation.
>They don't live in a hell dimension
And yet the literal hell portals spawning hellish fiends and demons from hell were a major plot point
piss goddess
Because Mehrunes Dagon dimension, the Deadlands, is a representation of his major sphere of influence -destruction-.
The other hell portal transporting you to an alien land in which people lived with relative normality under the rule of Sheogorath was also a major plot point.
Literally a fae, which are also demonic temptors and corruptors from a hellish dimension, just a slightly greener one
You should learn a bit more about TES lore before discussing about it, user.
Judging Sheogorath based on beings that don't exist in the TES universe isn't an argument.
>this is the modern TES audience
kill yourself
Elder Scrolls doesn't exist in a vacuum, it is a setting created by present day actual humans and is informed by all of the influences and biases ingrained into us.
Renaming your demons doesn't make them not demons, just like calling elves "mer" doesn't make them not elves.
Hmm dont post again.
Try and stop me.
Yes, but judging it solely on its influences while being absolutely ignorant of its particular idiosyncrasies is utterly moronic.
Whether daedra come from daeva or not, you only need to learn superficial in-game material to find out that they're not demons, in fact, one of the books outright states that calling them demons is objectively incorrect.
>you only need to learn superficial in-game material to find out that they're not demons
A fiery red demon getting spewed out of a hellportal is not superficial. It's the actual game content.
A paragraph from a fictional contrarian doesn't change anything.
Something illegal by law doesn't mean its evil by moral. The orphanage lady was pretty fucking evil torturing kids. Killing her isnt evil at all, you're doing good to the world. But it aint legal but that means nothing
Isn't that a good balancing? 50% quests for the good goi and 50% for bad boys. Having a saint in the dark brotherhood wouldn't make sense.
Can you Bethesda haters make up your fucking minds? Is being able to do everything in one playthrough a good or bad thing? We spent a lot of time making this game.
That's Mehrunes Dagon.
Theres 20 something daedra princes.
Not all of them are 20-foot tall red demons with four arms.
Why is this something so hard to comprehend to you? Daedric princes are tied to their spheres of influence, Dagon is unanonimously considered evil because his sphere is destruction, so is Molag Bal because his sphere is domination, but on the other hand Meridia's sphere is hatred of undead, and Azura's sphere is dawn and dusk.
>The main quest is two groups of idiots getting played against eachother by racist elves.
actually you don't even have to resolve that in the main quest, I know I didn't til after, you get the truce quest and they back off til the dragons are dealt with.
evil can be just as uncooprative. mainly because immortals.
>We spent a lot of time making this game.
Fuck off, Todd.
Meridia's sphere is life, not hatred for undead, I wasn't sure and I was too lazy to check.
>Meridia's sphere is hatred of undead, and Azura's sphere is dawn and dusk.
These are the wicked tempters that seduce and destroy you from within, because they're demons.
Meridia was an aedra oddly enough.
for some reason I find it funny demons are being argued when CHIM makes characters literal gods.
>wicked tempters
>"hey mortal go kill some undead and the evil necromancer that were already murdering innocent people and I'll give you a reward"
>"ok here you have"
>"hey mortal be my pawn in my bid for power against fellow demonic entities"
>I don't know jack shit about Elder Scrolls lore but I'll keep posting
Please tell me the evil demonic entity that necromancers worship.
>this one paragraph from a series known for its unreliable in-game books said it's not a demon so I'm taking that as written in stone 100% canon
Azura is a Daedra and Azura is objectively good.
IIRC Mannimarco and, possibly, the Ideal Masters
>I don't like it so it's not canon
Sure let's just make up all the lore on the spot then.
>this one paragraph
is a strawman. There's plenty of stuff written about the Daedra, and they aren't fucking demons.
Not Daedra.
Neither of those are daedra, and they're not "worshipped", plenty of necromancers are independent.
She's kind of a bitch actually, and she really sucks at being a Daedric Prince.
Both Mannimarco and the Ideal Masters are ascended mortals. None of them is a demon.
>cursed the entire Chimer race because 3 people didn't do what she told them to
>objectively good
She cursed them because they used the power of euphoric atheism to become gods, betraying and murdering Nerevar in the process.
She did nothing wrong, around fedoras never relax.
>the ideal masters
>they are the least ideal masters you could have
bit on the nose, Todd
>cursed an entire race over what 3 people did
>nothing wrong
No, the tribunal betrayed Nerevar and did those things. The rest of the race didn't and she had no reason to curse them.
The tribunal also took care of the Dunmer after they were cursed while Azura did fucking nothing.
>"wtf we dindu nuffin"
Not an excuse, she's still a bitch. Meridia was super mad at Pelinal and she didn't curse mankind.
Because they followed them and believed their sweet little lies.
The point what the tribunal did, it's whether or not Azura is objectively good. And no matter how you spin in, punishing an entire race for the actions of 3 people is not objectively good.
The only difference between daedra and aedra is that the latter believed lorkan's lies.
>this guy actually tried roleplaying in skyrim
YHWY says hi
lorkhan didn't lie about anything, he just didn't tell them creating a planet would kill them.
>he just didn't told all the truth so it's not technically lying :^)
are you 12
Someone must have asked him if creating Mundus was safe at some point.
Were redguards also white but then some god showed up and changed them all? Was a Mormon god?
ecks dee
these are gods were talking about here, they didn't know about death.
why must they have?
>I don't like it so it's not canon
... Said the lorefags reeeing over Elder Scrolls Online
>did all the Daedra quests
>appeased the Daedric faggots and got them to cease meddling in human affairs, locked up their powerful artifacts in my home
>did the thieves' guild line
>now control the actions of the most notorious gang in Skyrim
>did the dark brotherhood quests
>accelerated the destruction of most of their members and their hideout
>they are now like 4 members and don't operate, I'm their most active member and control them
>I now guide all the evil forces in the land and can either halt then entirely or use them for good
You can role play user you just gotta be creative
Because no one died when Mundus was made, the shitty part of the deal was that a part of their power would be consumed to create the world, which is why Aedra are weaker than Daedra.
>why must they have?
I refuse to believe all the Aedras were massive retards.
Beast races and racism is suppose to exist too but apparently Bethesda just got rid of that and it isn't cannon no more.
You should probably stop assuming stuff.
>no daedra quests, no thieves guild, no dark brotherhood
For "nice heroes" theres the aedra quests, warriors/mage guild, and literally every other quest where you help NPCs.
Also theres mods for that too, like the one that lets you be a Vigilant of Stendarr that fights against the forces of evil.
Google isnt that hard to use.
There was racism in Skyrim and Bethesda didn't make ESO.
>killing is wrong
>expect when it is not
This pretty much
Even guards comment that you're a bandit when you wear iron armor which is plastered all over the promo material
Wow literally underaged.
YHWY is the actual jewish name for the christian god. It means I am what I am.
Jehova is another name for him.
It's "YHWH" and "He causes to become"
He probably didn't know what you meant because "YHWY" is nothing, pleb
this was a great doujin
Looks like someone isn't coming back to the thread.