>Coco will be playable in all of the on foot levels throughout the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, and to keep the story consistent Crash will remain exclusive to Bosses, and levels featuring Hog & Polar, using a Jetpack, are Underwater, or are on a Motorcycle. Of course, the Coco-only levels in Warped! will remain playable as her alone.
We need to see more death animations. Apparently some guy said theres 300 between here and Crash.
Aaron Gomez
>furry thread
Jacob Robinson
Chase Watson
Little girls are hot, I want to have sex with young flat-chest coco
Benjamin Baker
What kind of bullshit excuse is that? I want both characters to be playable in every level in all 3 games.
Angel Gomez
Liking little girls is a-ok!
Nolan Collins
I hope they don't skimp too many death animations
Luke Powell
>No puffer fish death. Guess I'll have to settle for this deviantart drawing.
Isaiah Hill
>kangz thread >_____ company won threads >15 different Mario threads
Isaiah Howard
Good to see that they've continued to make changes to levels, even after unveiling them.
Angel Reyes
so far from what we've seen, outside of the Hang Em High sword one,all the ones Crash had in the originals, Coco got as well.
Zachary Adams
>better water texture >better shadows >more moss on the platforms Nice.
Charles Brown
Ryan Hernandez
>Crash has a photo of Drake >Coco watching the Uncharted 4 Crash Bandicoot easter egg on her laptop
Christian Carter
fuck ur shit . METROID IS BACK BABY
Michael Davis
Posting picstures from previos thread.
Brayden Morris
Joseph Rogers
Brayden Parker
Should've gone the extra mile and made an alt-story mode 2bh
Jayden Young
I don't understand why she carries her laptop all the time but otherwise I'm happy that we get to play Coco.
> tfw people start shipping her and Tawna because you can play as Coco through Crash 1 now
Cooper Reyes
At least a friendly drawfag delivered on this
Benjamin Morris
Couldn't type properly it would seem. Damn it.
David Wilson
This is glorified market research project, they won't have been given anywhere near enough of a budget for that.
Kayden Adams
Honestly, I think playable Coco is going the extra mile
Lincoln Martin
just gonna keep my eyes peeled for new footage right now
Since E3 it's likly we'll get a wave of new vidoes, of shitty players not playing Crash properly
The only thing those guys are good for is proving if Coco/Crash death animations have changed or stayed the same, as well as any new Coco death animations
Connor Robinson
Jayden Gomez
She has to keep her furry yaoi doujins safe at all times.
Nolan Flores
It has gone full circle.
Luke Hall
I wish crash had his simple rounded shad when he jumps
Oliver Harris
Threadly reminder that Coco is a Cortex spy and is most likely forwarding all her selfies to N. Gin.
Logan Russell
This would be so much better with anything but that furry head.
Sebastian Smith
There was a stream interview with some of the developers a few hours ago and they basically said "there was zero time to add Coco as a playable character, we're amazed we even managed it."
Camden Turner
Honestly Im surprised at the lengths they HAVE been going to. You're not wrong that it's a glorified test but someone on the project sure as shit is giving all kinds of fucks
Nolan Jackson
I know, and playable Coco is good enough in all honesty but still it would've been that one little step that made it all the better.
James Thomas
Henry Perry
Jesus Christ don't remind me about that abomination.
Kevin Long
Ayden Morris
>Nina >abomination
Jeremiah Morales
What the fuck is that thing
Daniel Adams
But nina is cute
Zachary Lee
Why did they over-animate the way characters' eyes and mouths move in these remakes?
Bentley Ramirez
Coco so far is the only voice actor that hasn't bugged me at all
Chase Ward
miracle of the universe
Ryder Morris
Kevin Jenkins
I want to hold hands with Coco
Thomas Carter
Andrew Russell
would coco hold hands with a human?
Brandon Powell
Jackson Cooper
Because Crash and the entire set of characters were described as Warner Brothers cartoons turned into a game by Naughty Dog. The only reason you didn't see this level of animation in the original games was graphical limitations.
Leo Sanchez
Hunter Jackson
Post bandicoots
Gabriel Jones
Why kind of person do you think Crash would let date his sister. I bet he's the protective type.
Cameron Kelly
>he doesn't know
Jason Fisher
>30 fps
Greatness Awaits!
Justin Anderson
In Twinsanity Cortex says something along the lines of when he's hugging her: "Ahh, my daugh- I mean, niece!"
Colton Moore
That is a real term, you know. It's like those 90s wannabe-Disney shows that had characters gesturing like they were made out of jelly.
Luis Lopez
In Twinsanity, there was a scene that involved Nina being kidnapped by Crash's alternate evil counterpart. Cortex refers to her as his daughter, but is quick to mask the freudian slip.
Xavier Mitchell
Crash Bandicoot was a wannabe Warner Brothers cartoon. The animation fits.
Kayden Cruz
>over-animate the way characters' eyes and mouths Fucking thank you. They move less like WB cartoons and more like those ugly 3D Sony movies.
Jayden Cooper
yeah he's pretty much a non asshole Tazmanizan Devil
Robert Johnson
Mason Cox
it's literally just deviant art tier crap. Do not mention the games after CTR, they should not exist
Evan Robinson
Even WB had constraint. These remakes treat every keyframe like an in-between. It's jarring.
Lincoln Martin
What are you two autists even talking about? It looks fucking great, the animation is extremely endearing.
Parker Williams
Nathan Green
You have no idea how relieved I am they got rid of the arm tats
Andrew Thompson
>It looks fucking great Not really. The idle animations are fine though.
Hunter Morgan
Yeah, this is clearly the inspiration. He's even got Taz's iconic tornado spin
John Morris
It still weirds me out that Lex Luthor isn't Cortex anymore.
Jacob Watson
I don't want to settle with this though.
Brayden Harris
>hating Twinsanity oh come on it might not have been what you wanted but the game was conceived as a loveletter
if only they had more time to develop it
Carter Foster
I don't like her face
Ian Nelson
The Wrath of Cortex was not that bad in hindsight compared to what came after it.
Noah White
I really miss Cortex and Uka Uka's old voice actors, they were so much more menacing.
Sebastian Flores
It still weirds me that Lex Luthor isn't Lex Luthor anymore. Clancy's voice is just too iconic.
Hunter Reyes
I don't like YOUR face
Chase Morgan
That's okay, she doesn't like your's either
Benjamin Johnson
sauce on that pic
Jose Barnes
>Coco ahaego yes please
Nolan Williams
>In a few more years >Kevin Conroy won't be voicing Batman >Mark Hamill won't be voicing Joker (he's still doing it despite what he said after Arkham City) >George Newbern won't be voicing Superman
Owen Butler
>when you bandinoot but he keeps on sucking
David Reed
Jace Ross
Charles Butler
>>Kevin Conroy won't be voicing Batman >>Mark Hamill won't be voicing Joker
You know? GOOD! We've gotten other great versions of the characters and Im sick of everyone nostalgia wanking over them.
> Daughter of the main villain fraternizes with the protag
top trope
Justin Bailey
Liam Edwards
she takes advantage with him and treas him like a toy because he's mentally challenged.
Nathan Johnson
To be fair, when it comes to animated Superman, George Newbern and Tim Daly are completely interchangeable. Tim Daly originally voiced the character in the Timmverse 1996 animated series but couldn't reprise it because of The Fugitive, so George Newbern took over and honestly sounds exactly the fucking same in Justice League.
Jonathan Adams
Ikr new themes are fine (except the chinese wall one) but that one is just annoying.
Joseph Nelson
So did Cortex fuck his brother's wife or his own sister?
Jacob Garcia
He probably cloned himself at one point and used mind control on his family.
Grayson Rivera
>So did Cortex fuck his brother's wife or his own sister? >He probably cloned himself at one point
Parker Rogers
Am Crash and Coco have mommy?
Logan Long
There's a Naughty Dog logo made of craters on the meteor in the Crash 2 intro cutscene.
Alexander Phillips
Jonathan Carter
Evan Gonzalez
Nah m8, Cortex genetically modified them from regular ass bandicoots, like all the other animals in the game for the most part.