I'm not even trying to be an asshole, but how is there anyone at this point that wants to own an XBONE...

I'm not even trying to be an asshole, but how is there anyone at this point that wants to own an XBONE. We all shit on each other a lot but, I see some pretty cool games coming out for the Switch and the PS4, while it sort of seems like there's nothing for Xbox. Do you guys regret your purchase? Am I just missing these games because I'm not an Xbox guy so I'm not seeing them? The Microsoft E3 presentation was so damn boring.

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I like the games coming to Xbox and prefer it to Windows 10 gaming.

Microdudes coming out of the woodwork to hype up their multiplats, they're really trying hard to dig themselves out of their grave it's that time of year.

You're expecting logic from large groups of people. Millions of people bought this thing, DESPITE E3 2013. Think about that for a second. Some people are beyond rationality. Thankfully, most people saw through that shit when the media (again, not people doing it of their own volition) turned on Microsoft.

They have 22 exclusives coming out, and not everyone, in fact I'd say a good 90% of gamers who buy new AAA games don't have a gaming PC.

Xbox has always had a problem with exclusives. Their studios aren't a match for Sony or Nintendo and they put all their games on the PC anyway.

>22 exclusives coming ou
such as? dont mention the ones that will be on pc though

What are you talking about, man? There were like 20+ exclusives announced. Sup Forums is not the audience at large. Even if Sup Forums is mostly PC (somehow with an extremely fucking vocal console minority) most of the world is console only

Did you even read the post you're replying to? Why can't he mention the ones on PC? That was his whole fucking point, you braindead fucking idiot.

Random everyday joe #345398 isn't going to say "oh wow this game is on PC and Xbox, I better make a gaming PC instead of buying an xbox"

if you don't want a gaming pc it makes sense to get an xbone.

You have to be legitimately retarded not to recognize the merits XBone/X has as a console right now. PC will always be superior for video games as a hobby, but for the average consumer in the West, XBone is probably the strongest purchase. The only reason PS4/pro is better in the Jipponland is because of the incredibly tilted ownership counts. If you own a PS4/Pro and no other gaming device in the West, you're a faggot.

That being said, consoles are inherently for faggots.

>If you own a PS4/Pro and no other gaming device in the West, you're a faggot.
Why? The PS4 has the best western exclusives as well.

Crackdown 3
The Darwin project
Deep Rock Galactic
Forza 7
The Last Night
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Super Lucky's Tale

to name some that came up on google

I regretted my purchase and traded in for a PS4. Best idea I ever had. Xbox won't win the multiplat war meme PC will always be king there.

You're not an asshole but you are asking a nonquestion.

PS4, Switch and new GPU are what people are lately considering. Xbox is not really a question nor a platform you should support.

I think a lot of people seem to be under the mistaken impression that a lot of the games announced at E3 are PS4 exclusives. They're not. A ton of them are multiplat. There are only a handful of PS4 exclusives.

if you can guarantee that it can
1. Play 4k 60fps
2. Play 95% of all games at 60fps or higher on high settings consistently

I'll buy it.

Which we all know it won't

Your list is made entirely of "also PC" games.

These are the Xbox One's only exclusives. Not just "good" exclusives, but literally the only retail games exclusive to the Xbox One. There are only four titles here.

Halo 5
Sunset Overdrive
Rare Replay
Powerstar Golf

Two actual games, a collection of Nintendo gems (all of which require downloading from the store app and use Xbox 360 emulation), and shovelware. But now you can do it all in glorious 4k.

Which leads into my next question. Why fucking bother anyways? It basically will just be a slightly better PS4 pro but with no consistent promise of high fps or 4k just like the Pro.

I want the backwards compatibility, cross play and better performance. Microsoft is also more focused on my kind of games than anyone else. Ill get a used PS4 if they ever come out with another MAG though.

I've never really been into Xbox games. There were a few here and there that interested me but not enough to get any of thes systems. I've always had Sony and Nintendo consoles, and any games that I wanted that were on the Xbox could usually be purchased on the PC so I've never had a need to get one.

>Do you guys regret your purchase?
Nah, not really. Haven't been playing it quite as much recently, but it's still a fine little platform. Most of the multiplat stuff from 2015-2016 I bought for the Bone, so I'll keep it to play those games at least.

Not that it wouldn't be nice to get something new. Here's hoping for a worthwhile halo sequel one of these years.

I'm considering it because though I own a PS4 Pro, Switch, N3DS, Vita, and a PC with a 1080 in it, I never owned a 360 last gen so if I buy a bone I can play both the exclusives that have already come out for it and the ones that I missed for the 360. Also, future proofing for any worthwhile Xbone exclusives that come out later.

well... all my multilplatform games will be bought on the Xbox from now on, since I know that MS is into the whole games work in all generations of xbox now. so in the future when the console gets upgraded the game will just continue working and perhaps even better.

I completely agree with you though it's absolutely pointless, there is no incentive whatsoever to buy one of these

I have a PS4
gf has xbox one
I can't navigate worth a fuck on the xbone, the store in confusing and the games take forever to play after you buy them. If they would just rework the UI and you can play the games off the disc it wouldn't be bad but fuck its a pain in the ass.

>Why can't he mention the ones on PC?
because otherwise they wouldnt be exclusives, boy

soft lol
>Crackdown 3
>The Darwin project
>Forza 7
>Sea of Thieves

>State of Decay 2
>Super Lucky's Tale

>Another minute passes, the PS4 gets another exclusive.


Just wait a year until they announce the new and exclusive (and nothing at all like the PS4Pro's) turbo function.

Not an argument

This doesn't look like a game I would ever consider buying. I wouldn't even know it existed had I not frequented weeb forums. Ps4 has many such cases like this

>remaining speechless after getting BTFO
LMAO! if i were you i would just turn off my computer from embarrasment

>end of 2018
>Halo 6
>Exclusively for Exbocks One Ex
>Look at package ("This game is only compatiable with xbox one x")

>weeb forums

not every jap game is weeb you retarded triggered dipshit.

Who's triggered here? Because it's not me my otaku friend

I'm still playing bargain bin titles on my 360. Just got EDF 2025 yesterday. This game is way better than anything i've played in the last 5 years.

I don't like pc gaming so I own an X1 and ps4. It's fun to kick Microsoft when they're down but ps4 fags are delusional thinking it's fulll of amazing exclusives. I usually end up buying multiplat fps games on xbone. I'm obviously interested in a one X if its going ho be ghe most powerful console though.


>I'm not even trying to be an asshole

You must be retarded if you can't navigate the xbone. All you do is go home and in the upper right corner click games and apps, from there you can pin anything to your home. I don't know how it's works on ps4, but I own a ps3 and that UI sucks compared to the 360's, although it is a lot less laggy.

I know majority of Sup Forums are pc gamers but console specific exclusivity is still a big deal to non pc gamers. I never understood rooting for mega corporations like they're college basketball teams. I play video games I like on any platform I can get my hands on.

Because it goes better with my w10 gaming PC, and PS4 has no good racing or FPS games