>monster hunter worlds
as a pcbro, i say they should have at least given us a REAL monster hunter
Monster hunter worlds
Have you even seen the trailer falseflagger? This is shaping up to be the best Monster Hunter game.
It's massively westernized, that I could see clearly.
>glowing item nodes for the blind retards
>press x to ''use da awesome trap bro'
>developers claiming there is a emphasis on said retarded traps
>entire trailer had button-mashing quality combat
>all new monsters (except for the raths, of fucking course)
>a fucking zamtrios reskin
Did YOU watch the trailer? It's not shaping up to be good.
also how could I forget:
>removed the meat cooking jingle
Why would Capcom abandon both the Japanese and portable markets though?
I've yet to receive an answer to this. My theory is that they didn't and you're being bamboozle'd
Nintendo was the only one who won E3
They already confirmed the jingle is in just not in the trailer. No trailer has ever had the jingle actually play when cooking was shown. Other stuff you said also hasn't been shown or confirmed or straight up lies.
You keep on spreading that misinformation like a true Scotsman though. The same shit that people parrot in every 500+ reply thread of this train of stupidity.
>thinks the trailer is indicative of actual gameplay.
i bet you're the same idiot that cried "it doesn't have a HUD!" yesterday
>he can't even call a fallacy right
>he didn't see the lizard not!zamtrios
ok, sorry, enjoy your game of reskins and open world cancer
>completely aimed towards the west
>not shit
I have almost no hopes for this, they will fuck it up
>different damage types deal different amounts of damage on each different body part
>only way to figure out what does more damage where is to look it up online
defend this faggots
>more deflection and chimping
Face it you fuck, you don't know what you're talking about and are just making gun jumping assumptions like you niggers did when Monster Hunter 4 was first revealed.
These threads are the worst E3 threads because of retards like you spewing shit that hasn't been confirmed yet.
will do
enjoy your denial and tears while everybody else has fun without you
>Muh meat-cooking jingle!
Already confirmed to be in. But still... really grasping for straws here Nin-toddler. Better start saving up for a PS4.
user next time do the usual MH Thread Intro, let's try and avoid consoleshitpostwarring.
Why is the MH Franchise so hard? This game is completely shit in comparison to the Souls series. The combat is godawful, no lock on? really? and what the fuck is with these shit weeb weapons like the dual swords? Also fuck this "hunt one monster 30 times for a helmet" bullshit, games should never be like this. This franchise is a piece of shit, and anyone who enjoys it is a living failure.
Monster Hunter Thread
Thats some shit music
I'm definitely getting MHW for my PS4 if I have the money when it releases (Pirate on PC if it doesn't.)
But no. Nintendo Won E3. Any other conclusion is nothing short of hair-brained delusion or denial.
None of these are even remotely indicative that it is being westernized or casualized. Try again assmad false flagger
niggers confirmed still trying to shill it as a PS4 exclusive when its on PC as well
If you actually watched the trailer, the bugs glow because of those being places where the bigger monster has been. It's the tracking system, not the gathering system. Besides, how is that any different from Tri and 4U's clearly out of place random generated nodes that put a massive "?" over the player's head. Are you mad that you don't have to switch to you pickaxe manually to mine anymore?
you really tried hard to get water out of a stone with that one, buddy
PC online will die in a week. You do want to play the multiplayer don't you?
Daily reminder that it is good for your health to avoid any and all Monster Hunter threads when a new announcement happens. The same kind of posts that you see constantly parroted in every thread are the same things people said when Monster Hunter 4 was first revealed.
Wait for the actual gameplay stream coming soon like any reasonable person and avoid this Autism fest.
Son. This is the end of Monster Hunter threads.
If people could just have agreed that this was a shitty spinoff it wouldn't have had to be this way, but you fucked up. Every MH thread form this point on will be 98% console war and 1% cuteposting/shitposting.
Only when the real MH 5 is announced will things go back to normal. Hopefully.
>Doesn't have the best upcoming game
>Won E3
Really activates the almonds...
This, the trailer for worlds worried me until I remembered 4's one and realized it's the exact same thing.
Damn, I even miss the
>No MH on Vita
guy, hope he's well and not participating in consolewars
>tfw long time MH fan
>will get called a drone for criticizing World even when you own a PS4 and no Switch
>Implying New Kirby isn't best upcoming game
>Not even posting the best cat for his own implications
>I-it'll be more popular on PS4!
Are you fucking serious right now, get over it guys, I'm sorry its not PS4 exclusive
why would people agree about the opinion that is dead wrong?
It's the end of an era user, MH threads are fucking dead. Just another casualty in Sup Forums's endless consolewarring and shitposting. MH didn't deserve to go out this way.
yeah. it's not ps4 exclusive, and that's fine. nobody is saying it is. you need to calm down; imagine how sad your mom would be if you died of a heart attack before you moved out to live on your own at the age of 42?
Imagine if MHW had been PS4 exclusive... a man can dream...
>B-but they casualized the tracking!
>Psychoserum and paintballs have existed since 2nd gen
How to spot retards who never played past Low Rank: the post.
>nobody is saying it is
>Save up for a PS4
Could have fooled me
>tfw long time MH fan
>will get called a drone for praising World even when you own a Switch and no PS4
what's worse is that Sup Forums keeps going into the /mhg/ threads and even consolewarring over there
Dream of what? Poorer sales, leading to Capcom not publishing their games in the West at all?
Exclusives are anti-consumer, I don't understand why you retards keep shilling for them.
>all new monsters
Enjoy your plessi then
Not to mention it takes minimal effort to have endless Psychoserums and Paintballs nowadays.
There's still the possibility that the glowy shit is the effect of the armor skill, because the armor in the trailer is the one that would always give you the location of monsters and a full map as its ability.
But nah we just need to shitpost and insist it's all doom and glood like with MH4
>tfw long time MH fan
>will get called a drone for saying the quality of World is irrelevant because it's a spinoff when you own a PC and nothing else
>glowing item nodes for the blind retards
pretty sure the glowing stuff was for tracking the monster. cause paintballs were hard right guy?
>press x to ''use da awesome trap bro'
wut? shit bro pressing triangle to set those traps was much harder
>developers claiming there is a emphasis on said retarded traps
>entire trailer had button-mashing quality combat
sure it did
>all new monsters (except for the raths, of fucking course)
this is bad because?
>a fucking zamtrios reskin
try harder bruh
kill yourself
>Literally confirmed by a Capcom employee that it's not a spinoff
It would have all been worth it just for the sheer anal devastation it would have cause. Might even have surpassed Bloodborne in terms of the butthurt.
>tfw in a year or two when this game actually releases and turns out to be casualized western trash everyone will conveniently forget defending it to the death and say shit like "We knew it was going to be shit from the beginning lmao :^)"
Or just do the hunt and pay attention. The blood spatter from your hits change size and even color based on the power of the hit. Bigger the spatter, better the hit. Open your eyes when you play.
>Capcom employee trying to promote a game
Holy shit
Japan doesn't have a term for "Spinoff", they use "Gaiden" which just means Side-story. For them, as long as a game's story is canon, it's not a spinoff. This is why Generations wasn't considered a spinoff either.
>thinks he knows shit about MH without taking 6 years of japanese
>TFW the influx of goldfaces posted before it was revealed to be multiplat
how embarrassing
Why do people make a big deal about glowy shit when Low Rank quests spoonfeed you paintballs every quest and by the time you reach High Rank you have a constant 99 stack of them? It's not micromanagement when the game gives you them constantly.
>Thinks he knows more about the game's development than the actual capcom employee because he spent 6 years jerking his micropenis to Taiwanese dynamic mosaics
No cats no buy.
Or at least Chaka-chaka
I fail to see how these random mushrooms are related to tracking the monster, yet the bugs love them.
And it's less about giving a prompt and more about making such a lackluster environment that you have to make things that are useable glow instead of making them visually distinct, like they have been for years.
The changes are great and much needed as the mainline games are getting kind of stale. You guys should stop being a barroth in the mud.
>Only ever played MH4U
>Didn't care for it at first but slowly starting to appreciate it.
>Idort with PC, WII U (Homebrew), Switch, 3DS (Homebrew), and PS4
>Get to enjoy new monster hunters without having to worry about credibility or consolewar camp nonsense
Actually I'm agreeing with them and they agree with me. You're a bit slow, aren't you?
Your answer was ambiguous and the previous thread had a retard who kept insisting that MHWorld is a spin-off title.
What the fuck is that little bamboo chute with a flip lid and why the FUCK does the character think he can fit a fucking giant ass monster carving in it?!?
just wanted to pop in and say that i love how butthurt people are about a game that's not out yet. for all of you that are not butthurt, greetings and enjoy the chuckles
>Nintendo had the worst conference by far
>Nintendo fanboys trying to say they won
It really is pathetic, isn't it? We all get to enjoy mainline Monster Hunter except them - they get some shitty handheld port.
Hey wouldn't want the Switch regret to kick in this early now would we?
>>Nintendo had the worst conference by far
You see what everyone's talking about on here right?
Literally MHW is the only thing people are talking about from Sony. None of their other games were worth anything
>W-We got a game too bros, hurr durrrrr.
And even then you have actual MH fans that think World looks dubious at this stage. Like what if it's bad? At least XX is familiar territory.
and none of nintendo's games are worth anything. your point?
>post yfw the upcoming stream shows good gameplay and the naysayers constantly shitting up these threads with their baseless predictions are eternally BTFO
Screencap this and string me up across the board if I'm wrong. But these annoying fuckers with all their assumptions of unconfirmed shit need to be bastardized if it's good.
>30 FPS on consoles confirmed
The entire internet right now proves otherwise
you're all literally hyped for a fucking logo
you don't get to talk, retard
I just wanted to say - I don't own a PS4, an Xbone nor a PC that could actually run it, yet I'm fucking hyped for this game.
Frilled-neck Rex is pretty cool.
This looks like one huge ass cash grab by Capcom. You can tell by how hyped people are by scripted gameplay to the likes of other industry cash grabs. MH was never marketed this way.
Better than the average 20fps on handheld.
A logo is still better than FF XV Fishing
>Meanwhile PC will get the superior 60 FPS version
I'll get it on my XOX
MH4U ran stable at 50-60 FPS on the new3DS.
'cept it fucking was, you uneducated Tuhu-cunt
You know, if it was called MH 5 I'd be a lot more hyped.
This shit just screams Generations/Online to me.
Have a look at this trailer.
Now consider what you actually saw in the MHW one.
>a remaster
>people thinking they're gonna release soon the PC version
screencap this post we're gona get the version in late 2019
A lot actually
>Sup Forums is discussing the most promising upcoming game
still sooner than bannerlord
>most promising upcoming game
That's not Mario Odyssey though
>That's not Mario Odyssey though
Of course it's not, he said "most promising".
PC release will just pull another Nier: Automata more than likely.
So 10-ish days.
made an analysis of the announcement trailer
slow mo and everything
can see a lot of new shit and how it works
lots of old shit still in it as well
Hopefully it won't be equally unplayable.
Right, and that's what Mario Odyssey
Capcom really has no idea how to make trailers for these games, do they. If that exact trailer played in place of this one the shitposting would be 10 times worse. It shows off new features but that's literally it. These idiots would be convinced MH was becoming a cinematic platformer because they want the Mario audience.
thanks man
>That trailer
I liked it dude. Actually I really liked MH4U, and makes me wonder what went SO wrong with gen? It's basically the same but at the same time it's not.
What about Oddisey? Its going to be the game of the generation :)
I was just going to skip Gen and just play XX when it came out on the switch for big screen and comfy controller fun. Now that it's not coming out, should I go back and play Gen on 3DS?