No new weapon classes = Not a new gen of MH. 2nd gen had 5 new weapons, 3rd gen had 1 new weapon and 4th gen had 2 new weapons.
MH 5, which will be a traditional MH released on a portable console, will most certainly feature new weapons. So doesn't that technically make it the next mainline game?
Both this and MHXX are spin offs. I dont know what platform MH5 will be on, but it will probably be the switch as well due to portability.
James Howard
The Vita would appreciate it more I think
Jacob Scott
Sony niggers will argue it isnt a spinoff.
Jonathan Cruz
g-guys it's a spin-off...
Michael Reyes
capcom marketing has said that it is without doubt not a spin-off
Jonathan Nelson
>i'm an american PR guy and i know what i'm talking about =)
John Allen
"Definitely not a spin-off" -Ad executive
Jeremiah Anderson
Who cares if it's a spin-off. More Monster Hunter. That's all I needed to know.
Elijah Mitchell
muh game is on a new console everyone please hate it
Brandon Young
>marketing No shit thats what they are going to say. They want the fucking sales.
Adrian Kelly
A Monster Hunter game that doesn't have the textures of a PS1 game? Sign me the fuck up.
Asher Morales
>MH >Abandoning portables >Abandoning the Japanese
This Sony delusion is magical.
That's what I'm saying, it's MHO 2.0
Y'know, unplayable garabge
Michael Clark
So is swimming back or what? Is the ocean going to be a scary place this time around?
Blake Hall
They don't call Frontier or Generations/XX spin-offs either. It's only a spin-off if it's completely different gameplay, like Stories or the Village games.
Juan Watson
Every thread it becomes more obvious that people are only supporting this trash in order to shitpost
It's another garbage overseas outsourced spinoff that will be forgotten just like both the Chinese and Korean spinoffs
Angel Baker
I'm getting more hyped by the day. Supposedly they will have more information on the 15th to share with us.
Gavin Sanchez
>have the textures of a PS1 game? Overexaggerating
Jacob Ramirez
>MHO is released >Trailers look decent, even though something's clearly off >Everyone agrees that it's a shitty spinoff
>MHW is released >Trailers look decent, even though something's clearly off >Everyone pretends it's god's gift to man
What's different?
Mason Foster
Robert Turner
MHO came out before Sup Forums tripled in size with newfags
Austin Morgan
We're getting more info in like, 40 minutes I think
Christian Hall
Sony is Japanese though
Anthony Green
Christian Reed
Kinda hard to get excited for a Chinese only MMORPG.
Zachary White
If it pisses fucks like you off so much then why would they lie about that?
Jacob Lopez
Yeah and Nintendo said the DS wouldnt replace the gameboy. Everyone will pretend none of this happened when a game that is actually called "Monster Hunter 5" is announced.
Luis Lee
I wonder how Sup Forums would react instead if this was a Switch exclusive?
Isaiah White
One is made by tencent the other is made by the big names in the monhun franchise.
Thomas Baker
Except X and XX are Gen 4 and not spinoffs. And Frontier and MHO are MMOs, which this is clearly not.
Angel Sullivan
>being so btfo you don't know what to type but you type something anyways.
Nolan Phillips
I'd sell my Switch tomorrow.
This isn't the MH we were promised.
Gen was made by the B-team and it's pretty damn good. What, did you not like the Fated Four?
Jayden Myers
We'd not be surprised, Monhun has been on nintendo exclusive (western) for like 6 years.
Ethan Hill
Justin Myers
Why are Nintendo Fanboys so upset? Who doesn't have a gaming PC in the year 2017? Just buy a damned video card and slot it in your computer. I promise you your life will improve substantially.
Jordan Anderson
contract is up boy. capcom moving onto hardware that can actually support a good looking game PC that is
James Martin
They only confirmed that all 14 existing weapons are still in, not that there won't be any new ones.
Capcom obviously isn't making another major title on the side. They will be seeing the reception of this new game before deciding which direction they want to take the series, and guess what; nobody ever actually liked the loading screens except Tri-babbies who were told they should.
World if mainline, deal with it.
Jack Nelson
>14 weapon types Seems like a pretty good variety, what's the issue?
Dominic Hernandez
I liked gen as well, I don't like tencent. I've played every generation since the first for monhun and I'll likely play this one too. I would like to see more combat though, I wish they would stop making awful trailers. This one was almost as bad as the MH4 trailer.
Andrew Russell
MHO is an MMO and this game isn't. Also, it's available to all audiences and not exclusive to China, a market they've literally never served until that game.
Ethan Campbell
A monster hunter without muddy textures and 240p? This was my dream for the longest AND it's coming to the pc? why would anyone be mad about this???
Hunter Bennett
Every new gen comes with new weapons. It's the single most defining trait of a mainline game as opposed to a spinoff/expansion.
Seriously, MHO is out now. Go play it, you filthy casual.
Kevin Reed
>This game is ruined because we won't be seeing stunning new weapons such as INSECT GLAIVE and CHARGE BLADE The Nintendo generation ladies and gentlemen.
Samuel Evans
That's clearly (you) though. You can't accept evidence.
Jason Harris
Y-Yeah it's a spin-off. Capcom wouldn't b-betray us like this fellow Nintenbros!
top kek eat shit
Brody Gray
The magical power of autism lets him conjure problems from nothing.
Camden Baker
Good thing you were never promised a Monster Hunter to begin with.
True veteran hunters want something fresh.
Elijah Taylor
>14 GS, LS, SnS, DS, H, HH, L, GL, LBG, HBG and Bow are all you need
fuck switch axe, fuck glaive, fuck charge blade and fuck that dumb tonfa shit
I still remember when this came out and everyone was calling it casualized garbage and that it was a "run away from monsters" game. Some even compared it to the mobile game subway surfer at the time.
Luke Foster
Because nothing is "clearly off." You obviously don't remember the reception of the MH4 trailer. Must be before your time.
Juan Anderson
They ain't.
Nonsense, it looks exactly like MH with faster climbing. I guess 3Ubabbies don't realize Tigrex wasn't a new monster, huh?
Gavin Cox
>what will it take for haters to realize this is a main series game?
Nothing they're either shitposters or nintenlards on suicide watch,
If MHW does well in the west they're never gonna see a MH on their 144p machines again.
I'm gonna preorder the sepcial edition as soon as possible and buy it both for Ps4 and PC.
Adam Hernandez
twitch dot tv / playstation
more Mon Hun news soon.
Alexander Young
Same here. I've been wanting a console MH for fucking years.
Colton Jenkins
I get the feeling most of the whining is from new fans or people who don't play the games at all.
Do you have any sort of source? Some of them had semi sources and you've got nothing.
James Myers
Jace Scott
>This game is shit! It doesn't have all the weapons! >No it has all fourteen. >This game is shit! It only has fourteen weapons!
God damn. If they added a new weapon I bet people would just scream that the new weapon was shit and 'not monster hunter' casualized garbage.
Ethan Williams
>N-No new weapons = not a real game!
They're adding tools instead. Grappling hook and ghillie suit are examples.
Thomas Phillips
>t. I only play MH when it's on the console I'm loyal to
Where are yours?
Ayden Johnson
>We have reached a point where spin offs are actually more monster hunter than the main series TOP KEKE