New Kirby

New Kirby
>no one cares
New Yoshi
>no one cares
Metroid Prime 4
>Prime was never good
Super Mario Odyssey
>open world meme for autistic children
Metroid: Samus Returns
>it's just a remake

Why the fuck do you stupid Sonybros want movies instead of games?

B-b-b-but muh 4K!! I LOVE buying the same console twice OP!

>Prime was never good

I'm sorry Sakamoto, but you need to fuck off.

>Prime was never good

He didn't lie so good.

New Kirby has 64's power-mixing. I care a shit ton.

>Metroid Prime 4 by not-Retro Studios, lead by the guy who brought us Federation Force. Not even a teaser, just a shitty logo that isn't even final art, 2019 at EARLIEST
>Literally Another Another Metroid 2 Remake: Remake, by a literally who developer
>Xenoblade 2 confirmed for autoattack MMO (offline) gameplay
>Hat capture mechanic in Mario Odyssey completely disrupts classic platforming worse than FLUDD ever did
>Kirby (2018) now with shoehorned couch co-op, you know, that thing that was so successful with the Wii U
>Yoshi (2018) now with even more arts and crafts vomit art style
>More musou reskins, complete with bad voice acting
>"We are making a game so here is a video of a developer saying so"
>Monster Hunter confirmed for no longer on Nintendo consoles, but enjoy this 3DS port (like the Wii U got)
>FIFA, Skyrim, STEEP, Rocket League and other 5 year games represent the extent of 3rd party commitment
>Rabbids. Full stop.

Wow user, maybe if you add "literally" a couple more times you'll seem even smarter!!
For one the hat mechanic looks great, and the only reason YOU don't like it i because it's different, or as you put, "disrupts CLASSIC platforming"
as for "shoehorned in Co-op", nobody bitched when that was in superstar saga, which this not only looks like, but borrows heavily from along with kirby 64.
The yoshi game also looks perfectly fine gameplay wise but seeing as you bought into the sony meme I'm sure graphics is the only reason you ever care for "games", or as your console will actually get, interactive movies. after all you're probably fine with buying the same console twice just for 4K.

>now with shoehorned couch co-op
now I know you're just being a fag, almost everything is fun if its CC

>*friends not included
And Nintendo still can't into proper online multiplayer

>after all you're probably fine with buying the same console twice just for 4K.
Just like you're fine with buying the same console twice for portability?

I'm not even a Sony fan, my last Playstation was the PS2

Except it's not, it has a completely different lineup, with ports that are superior for reasons OTHER THAN GRAPHICS.

>it has a completely different lineup
Yeah, former Wii U games that were cancelled because Nintendo doesn't care about fucking their biggest fans.

At least Sony is still supporting the original PS4. There isn't a single game on the Switch that couldn't have run on the Wii U, but tough shit, buy our Wii U 2.0, now it's portable

And you know what, another thing, portability is a much better, more practical reason to buy a console because unlike a minor shift in graphics, it effects how and when you can play your games, so don't even go there.

Whether it was planned for wii u or not is irrelevant, it's dead now and the lineup for switch is different because of it.

nintendo is fucking garbage I don't know why Sup Forums is so obsessed with them when they didnt even grow up with the good nintendo consoles and their first system was ps2

Dont feed the troll.

>lead by the guy who brought us Federation Force
You mean the producer of every fucking Metroid Prime game? Yeah, of course he's leading it.

The new Yoshi on UE4 would not run on Wii U.

I care about Kirby.

Alex Jones is such a beautiful man, same with Tucker Carlson.

ITT: Microsoft bros can't get over that nintendo had more games then their useless 4k paper weight.

Not movies, but better games like Bloodborne, Nioh, Yakuza, Red Dead Redemption, that kind of shit. I'm not interested in playing yet another Mario & Co, i never liked Kirby or Metroid. Shame that Sony is giving us movies.

Those are all pre e3 and irrelevant despite being admittedly good, the point was nintendo had a better lineup for e3.

That's the thing, Sony should invest in more of that kind of games for every E3, along with their cinematic ones for please both normies and hardcores. I agree that Ninty won E3, Mario Odysee looked great.

Sup Forums is full of manchildren so remember they still like kirby and mario

I agree too, glad we could reach an agreement.