My friend talks about it and says It's pretty good. I don't want your bullshit "I'm a special snowflake and all games that don't appeal to me ARE SHIT" talk.
If you've ever played it, is it good?
My friend talks about it and says It's pretty good. I don't want your bullshit "I'm a special snowflake and all games that don't appeal to me ARE SHIT" talk.
If you've ever played it, is it good?
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked it, but not for the story it told.
Just the teenage angst everywhere and "seemingly" attention to detail and visual presentation.
The plot goes off the rails in chapter 4/5 just to squeeze something tangible out while seeming deep.
Don't pay full price for it (it's $5 or less often), don't play on console, don't play with KB+M.
The story is supposed to be the appeal, but I found it a pretty derivative mash up on groundhog day/the butterfly effect with teenage girls.
If you can get it cheap, I'm sure you won't hate it, don't buy into the hype some idiots online gave it though
I would've been annoyed if I'd paid for it.
Its actually fantastic, can't really say why without sounding like a moron but its just a really great comfy experience and when the drama did kick up I felt invested in the characters and cared about them.
Looking forward to the prequel even though a sequel would be much better, I'm sure it'll get made eventually.
Whoever wrote the game should have his fingers broken and his computer taken away for 5 years as punishment. It's quite possibly the worst game ever made. It has basically zero gameplay and seems like it was written by an alien who visited Tumblr once.
Reminds me of high school so by default it's pretty great
shut up special snowflake
shaka brah, hella this
there are also meme images plastered all over the game
Its really nice. Im replaying it now before hitting Before the Storm in August
No. I say this as someone fond of both time travel stories and stories set in small comfortable towns. It's poorly written, nothing interesting is ever done with the time travel, both with gameplay and in the story and characters are neither engaging nor likable. It's a game for /u/fags that have no standards so long as there are lesbians, teenage girls, adults desperate to re-live high school and western waifufags. It's not good, but if you're one o those you'll probably like it.
Bae > Bay
>reddit spacing
>likes SJW:The Game
not surprised
it's a terrible game and all the your choices matter stuff is bullshit. they also try to push the least likable character ever written on you.
no snowflakes allowed on this thread, fuck off.
Are you a teenager that just wants to know that no matter what you do the world is fucked, and it really isn't your fault? Buy the game
If you are anyone else? NO.
thank god someone with actual sense
>likes snowflake the game
>wanting tumblr electric boogaloo 2
>calls others snowflakes
that's not it works user
I knew this was going to be a point of contention, the only reddit spacing there is the one between the second and third line.
Lead in, thoughts (unfortunately reddit spaced), lead out.
But I recognized that there are people who will enjoy it, it's just still a bad game in spite of that.
>implying that matters to people who unironically enjoy a shit tumblr game
user save yourself
Not really, but it's free this month so why not?
fair enough
OP here, never played the game. Was asking if it was good or not, but you insert your 'waahh gatekeeping' bullshit. So fuck off, thanks.
pretty good.
worth playing if you are into that type of game.
It's also a free fucking plat. Go through with a collectibles walkthrough, you just need to take optional pictures.
>give accurate criticism
>fuck off
>asking Sup Forums if a game is good
>asking other people what you should enjoy
No, you fuck off kid
I'm not into scat
'shit tumblr game' wow nice "accurate criticism". Really explains a lot.
Just play the first episode, if you don't like the story or Chloe you won't like the rest of the game
remember most of these idiots haven't actually played the game
that's why they're special snowflakes and get all defensive.
but you arent supposed to like her in episode one the creators even said so
>i only read what i want to read
We've said multiple things on the story and characters being absolute dogshit. seriously, fuck off kid
It seems like your just writing off any detractors of the game immediately. Not to say that calling it tumblr or SJW is good reason to say it's bad, but just saying "it's good" is not good reason to say it's good either. It seems like your mind is already made up on this, so why don't you just play it already? Or did you just make the thread for people to validate your decision to play it even though your mind is already made up?
it's a great game OP one of my favs, comfy as hell when it wants to be
I finished up with episode 5 last night. It's a decent game with its fair share of emotional moments. I appreciated the characters and art style. The game is pretty much (((free))) on PSN so just play it and come to your own conclusion. Also, for the fags who have obviously not played the game and keep calling this an SJW game, the most paranoid character, gun-nut, right-wing tier character in the game ends up being right. OP you're reading this from a guy who considers Red Dead Redemption to be his favorite game. Play it for yourself, don't let the shitposting kids on here who don't even play games make up your mind for you.
I have not a single idea of the game. Haven't even seen gameplay of it.
But when people flat out call it 'tumblr garbage' of course I'm gonna call them out. And no shit, they haven't played the game and recycle garbage they here, their opinion is immediately nullified.
More or less. I hated the illusion of choices as none of these matter besides some misc shit since whatever you do you get the same 2 endings
No, the dialogue and story are only good if you're a fucking retard who has never experienced anything outside of comic fag movies and shitty anime. The dialogue is literally a 24/7 cringe fest. Shaka brah!!!
actual criticism
>Red SJW Redemption
Not even subtle.
>somehow calling a game shit and listing various facts as to why it's shit isn't valid
I'm honestly very confused.
I got blackout drunk throughout all episodes and cried like a girl
only good with alcohol/10
>Red Dead is considered SJW now.
Mhm. Here's that (You) you wanted. Don't spend it all in one place.
Game is alright, Chloe is annoying she almost ruined it. Other than that overall enjoyable
>calling a game shit
>calling people who play it a ' fucking retard who has never experienced anything outside of comic fag movies and shitty anime.'
what don't you understand? This isn't criticism, this is just blatant gatekeeping
And again, I agree that calling it that isn't good reasoning, but just to take my own post as an example I made no mention of SJWs or tumblr and you called me a snowflake. Or the other posts in this thread that are hostile you just call them snowflakes. How is this a snowflake post? It maybe hostile, but its a completely fair criticism and the dialogue does come off like that.
Prequel hype!! Backed on kickstarter!
It's a pretty bad game. Artistically it's consistent, but it's such a messy style that you will feel claustrophobic in its art style. The dialogue is incredibly cringey and painful to sit through sometimes, in effect it's hard to care about the characters because of how dumb they sound whenever they speak.
She doesnt get likeable in any episode though
I jumped the gun on your post
but this is just gatekeeping, dude has never played the game.
There's no helping you people
What's wrong with that?
hell, i liked her from the start but i think they tried around episode 3
Free on psn, and i just finished it this morning. I actually really liked it, didn't get into it for a while but it was actually quite compelling.
Bad UI and art design makes me not want to play a game. Sometimes it can work if it's laid out in a nice way, like Persona 5. But Life Is Strange does it poorly. The UI isn't even metaphorical in its claustrophobic design, it's just ugly and overdesigned.
For how much Sup Forums shits on it you'd think at this point they would have attempted to spoil the /actual/ ending or the irrelevant chapter 4/5 twist.
Good guy Sup Forums. Or they haven't played it so they don't know.
They just make you feel bad about her after you save her dad. Other than that she still keeps being the same annoying pool of terrible ideas who refuses to listen.
Until the final choice, but by then was too late to redeem her.
are you saying "splish splash" was a bad choice
Its alright, I think its worth a playthrough. The time travel stuff is not well written at all though
Did you play Night in the Woods? If you liked it this is a no brainer is way better while still being hipster shit.
It's well written and cohesive for the kind of people that compose the story but keep in mind that at the core most of the game is teenage drama and if you roll your eyes at things like 13 Reasons Why you probably won't like it.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did play the game. To say he didn't just because he's hostile is just close-minded. I can accept writing off criticism of it being SJW because it's just not true, but just looking at any hostility and saying they didn't play it is too far.
why not just try it? first episode is forever free on steam, and a literal toaster can run it.
Probably because nobody cares. They could just look it up and spoil it after all. People like the game for the comfortable atmosphere and lesbians, not because off its story.
I can appreciate the game because the writing is accurate to the setting, and that's impressive.
I loved it really, was actually my game of the year when it released
Seems like I touched a nerve. Maybe try reading a book sometime? Midnight's Children is pretty good.
Played through it today, It's an ok game. Kinda like Twin Peaks + Donnie Darko.
The characters are fairly well written and feel like real people with pros and cons. If you like story driven games then go ahead. Otherwise you'll be bored out of your mind.
I really disliked Chloe's whining the whole game.
I know she has issues and that she's your best friend / crush but I was really struggling to sympathize with her at the end. They just made her too much of an overreacting cunt.
Every decision Chloe makes is terrible.
Time control power thing was neat conceptually. The writing is atrocious, the characters are just annoying stereotypes, overall it's pretty shit.
I feel like people who play this game and reflect on their time spent with it through the prism of their own life experiences \overthink it give the game more value than it has on its' own. So it's very "personal" kind of game. Atleast that's how I feel. Ultimately for me it was about friendship rather than timetravel or whatever. Ending is botched but in such a way that actually fits the whole "overthinking" aspect. I'd get it on sale cause the only way you'll 100% love it is if you love high-school teenage drama series or movies.
How can I get a gf like Max? I've never met any females like her. I like her hair and how she dresses and talks. She is very funny and quirky. She is also a pure KV like me so that's good. Do girls like her even exist IRL? I live near an art college but I don't know if I should look for a Max gf there. Please help anons, I can't handle these no max gf feels. I can't stop thinking about her.
>actually fits the whole "overthinking" aspect
I think it was brilliant, the whole time you think having the powers is what fucked the world up but it's just that Chloes was the biggest cunt on earth and the universe didn't like her
splish fucking splash
walk into any college and take a gender studies course
Literally any art/architecture related college and there's gonna be a petite quirky girl around.
The only rare thing about Max is that she didnt have short and/or bright colored hair
>They just make you feel bad about her after you save her dad
Terrible sequence. Felt like it was just there to have a cliffhanger on the previous episode. Just when they start to finally do something interesting it turns you to be a wasted hour with no relevance to anything in the actual game. Chloe was such a different person that she was basically a completely different character. She lead a completely different life and she didn't resemble the Chloe we knew at all, which was a nice because the Chloe we knew was insufferable, but it was still such a waste of time. And before someone says "oh but it shows us that actions have consequences", that was already explained in less time without obstructing the story. It might have been fine if I cared about the characters at all or if the story was already going smoothly so having an hour away from it wouldn't be such a bad thing or if it tied into the story in some way, which it actually may have, I didn't play the fifth episode because I had had enough of this shit, but to me, it seemed like such an awful part.
When you put it like that it actually makes the ending worth it.
To me the game is a perfect example of wasted potential. Great music, great atmosphere, cool concept, dogshit writing. Regardless, I finished it and enjoyed it for what it was at the time and only get mad because of the squandered potential.
I also cried like a bitch but only because it reminded me of my high school years/high school love and made me realize I'm going to graduate college soon. Was a very sobering feeling. I genuinely get irrationally nostalgic or upset whenever I even try to touch this game again.
Plenty of bland bitches everywhere in life.
>implying your choices matter
It will never be worth it
Damn savage. Thanks, fellow elevated thinker. Upvoted.
I wouldn't want a gf with blue hair. Max has shorter hair that I like. I like the style too. Sadly I never see girls with that style and 99% of girls here just dye their hair blonde and it ends up looking awful. I want a qt girl with bangs like max.
>that spoiler
don't fucking remind me
Maybe you can find one around in a midwestern town, you know somewhere with people less pretentious
>cried from a tumblr post gone digital
>not getting emotional upon realizing the good days are far behind you and your time is slowly running out
>high school
I mean it hasn't gotten any better either but good is pushing it.
Maybe, I live in a wealthy town on near the beach in Florida so every girl here is a beach slut stacy and parties everyday. I liked how max never liked parties or drinking or drugs. Maybe I should go to Seattle or Oregon.
>Living life this degenerately.
>Thinking it is worth contributing to the conversation.
>good years are behind you
>some early 20's faggot
just stop posting
its SHIT
This. I honestly have no idea why people think that the story is in any way good.
You would rather listen to US than to your FRIEND? OP, put the koolaid down, don't believe everything the claikbait articles tell you about this "edgy Sup Forums"
Shaka brah!
>It's also a free fucking plat.
Now that is actually important, and is certainly not an incredibly trivial thing that only a complete moron could possibly care about.
I wish instead of being linear and episodic it were one big game where you get to solve several mysteries and discover new ones throughout the story. I expected there to be some big dark secret behind the Prescott family but sadly it was all pretty simple in the end. Also wish you could have deeper relationships with all of the characters. I thought you would be able to become friends with Kate, Victoria, that fat girl that got bullied and go on some dates with Warren. Going to lessons and answer questions would be fun. Maybe even go on photo assignments. But then after EP1 it was all a bit of a letdown. Guess they just didn't have the budget for that? It was still an enjoyable and memorable experience though.
>people falling for it
The trophies are otherwise within arm's reach.
>Interact with thing
>Tee hee
>Press button to watch a 5 second cinematic
>Bronze trophy, like 60 times
And a few of them are stashed behind "characterization" (you have to make characters do certain things), so you either see a bit more or would stumble upon it anyway.
It's better to do it on the first playthrough instead of actually replaying the game in any form. But "hey, cheevos XD dudebro!" is an argument.
it's barely a game
Also you'd be surprised how many trophy hunters not only have PS+ but will also eat up anything including easy plats like LiS.
Dismissing them is just as bad as accepting them.
I liked it at first but I ended up despising Chloe the more it went on and getting sick of max as well.
I did like some of the characters,Warren, Kate and David especially. The black Jock and Skater dudes were pretty chill, and the cheerleader and Chloe's mom were alright. Nathan and Frank were pretty good as well.
The problem for me is most of your time you'll be dealing with max and Chloe, who has I said before I started to get sick of at about episode 2.
I also never played episode 5, I heard it was shit, I couldn't give a fuck anymore and I was happier with how episode 4 ended.