are there any games other than Red Orchestra in which I can play as a German soldier during WW2? You don't even have to be a nazi, you could just be a German boy defending his homeland from the communists.
Are there any games other than Red Orchestra in which I can play as a German soldier during WW2...
silent storm?
>You don't even have to be a nazi, you could just be a German boy defending his homeland from the communists.
But Hans, that is exactly what National-Socialism was all about.
Fighting for Germany=/= being a member of the Nazi party
day of infamy
Nazi party = fighting for germany.
>Defending their homeland
It'd be nice if you fuckwits who keep asking for this game nobody wants knew the slightest thing about history that didn't come from an artifact-ridden jpg you found on Sup Forums
The regular german army was different than the SS. SS had the most elite soldiers that did all the dirty work involving the jews. Regular army just had the leftovers and mischlings
>America gets invaded
>defending it automatically makes me a Trump supporter
see how this logic doesn't really work?
I don't really get what you're implying, that Germany was at no point in time defending against invading armies? Even when they were losing the war?
We're not talking dirty work, we're talking about elements which were entirely pro-german.
Eh, you may be right though, considering how being pro-Kaiser is also a form of pro-germany, even though the national-socialists were in its entirety anti-monarchy.
That the Wehrmacht committed war crimes, and that the clean wehrmacht was made for the US to rearm Germany. Also nice whataboutism.
Germany was the aggressor you dumb slut.
but again, every country has committed war crimes. Does that mean we should vilify them in the same way we do the Wehrmacht?
Yes Germany was the aggressor, but after a certain point they were pushed back and forced to defend against invading armies from both sides. Is this really that hard for you to understand?
>Does that mean we should vilify them in the same way we do the Wehrmacht?
To be fair - yes
day of infamy
>Does that mean we should vilify them in the same way we do the Wehrmacht?
Sort of. We should admit it and try to separate heroes from those less heroic whenever possible.
From a legal sense or from a twisted form of "moral" sense, that would be justification for the rest of the world to retaliate against Germany. But considering the effects it had today, it is understandable why many people end up wishing that things would've turned out differently, especially since the Third Reich didn't even want to enter an open conflict with England and the U.S.
>defending his homeland against communism
>Germany invaded Soviets
Come on man, I'm about as anti commie as they come, but lets be real here.
>Does that mean we should vilify them in the same way we do the Wehrmacht?
People already do that anyway. Ruskies gloat about US war crimes and Americucks cry about muh rape. All while most of the Asians not giving a shit because they were hardly involved in the conflict with the Germany. After all they have other countries to vilify, like Japan. At the same time most of the people on the west don't really give a shit about Japanese war crimes. Sure, they know about them, at least partially, but there's hardly any involvement in the media to hide the fact, just the fact that the setting of war in China during WW2 is alien to most audiences.
Stalin would have made the first move eventually and they had the chance to stamp out communism 4 decades before it happened on its own.
>destroy half of Europe and genocide millions
>complain about consequences
Wehraboos in a nutshell.
>defending germany from communist
Well then they shouldnt have invaded russia then!
Hitler was running his own form of communism.
>invading another country forbids you from any right to defend your homeland
Just play RO2, it's the best game for wehraboos
>breaks into your house
>you shoot at me
>kill you
>"look I was just defending myself ok?"
>Germans are so autistic they cannot invade a country without destroying half of the towns and killing half of the popultion
When will the world learn that Germany should not be allowed to exist?
WE FuggGght TeH BoLsheviks U ComMUnISt
more like
>I break into your house
>you shoot at me
>I escape
>you break into my house
>I shoot at you
if you're not trying to take their land and their women what is even the point of a war
>I broke into several other homes
>I will break into your home again
>I will try to murder you again
From the thumbnail I thought that was Todd.
-return to castle: enemy territory wolfenstein has online
-day of defeat
-battlefield 1942
-old medal of honor games online
There's probably a few more. I'd say day of infamy but the developers didn't stay neutral with their politics.
but I still have the right to defend myself regardless.