oh yes! jarra's wrath!
Oh yes! jarra's wrath!
Why does Ubi keep doing this shit? Can't they see how fake and cringy it sounds?
Is this that new bioware game?
yes. Basically third person destiny.
This is Bungie's game m8
>Oh. nice....
It's Destiny+Division in bulkier Iron Man suits. That's about it.
So they've completely abandoned any pretense of trying to make an RPG, at least they're being honest now.
>That abysmal range for a rifle
Why not just get an SMG you fucking retarded bitch.
Anthem was honestly the worst game shown in any of the press conferences this year.
Its so incredibly derivative that it somehow makes Desitny and Titanfall seem like they took some creative effort. I felt genuine disgust when watching it in action, and that takes some doing.
Bioware is officially, 100% dead.
>ah dude, four strength four stam leather belt?
Worst? Nah, but it is definitely the most overrated/hyped game.
>scripted game events
>scripted "dialogue" of players
>even fucking laugh is scripted
>Mass Effect gameplay improves over time while the story gets worse
>Dev known for absolutely master tier writing (by gaming standards) and shit gameplay is now gameplay focused with little story
What a world
Andromeda could've been good if they didn't hand the project to Montreal
>>Mass Effect gameplay improves over time
I'm no bio shill but that's some pretty intense hate boner there.
I thought it looked ok, it looks more interesting than the division but that's not saying much.
haven't bought a game from Bioware since ME3 though and I'm gonna have to be way more impressed to consider getting this.
oh sweet jared's wraps
It did you fag, and this games gameplay is basically a reskinned Mass Effect and it looks great.
>absolutely master tier writing
Yeah I cant believe Bungie did it again!
You'd think she would've been more excited about finding a legendary weapon.
>You could use the XP
Okay, since you keep saying "Mass Effect" but avoiding being specific, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean ME3.
Because if you are talking about Andromeda being a step up from 3 gameplay wise, you can get fucked.
otherwise, we're cool.
That line legitimately made me angry. No one says "XP". No one. You say experience, or levelling. It's like they don't even know how people talk to one another.
Jarra's Wrath is trash
I like the suit design and the jetpack movement.
However everything else about this game looks like shit
Maybe legendary isn't the highest tier. Maybe mythical or something
Level 18?
>"We should do this with Kim"
>"Yeah he could use the xp"
>later kim comes in as the highest lvl guy in the group
Interesting. Everyone in my group of friends is in their 30s and we all say "XP".
>No one says "XP"
You fucking what
A lot of people say xp you cretin.
Out of all the scripted, fake bullshit coming out of their mouth, you pick the only thing that people could genuinely say.
The problem with fake comm is it's waaaay too acted. They're better off just dubbing with presentation info.
I dunno, Days Gone was pretty derivative too.
This was honestly a really lacking E3. Oh well. Not every year can be a winner.
>not Thorn
I say XP.
It looked pretty fun to me desu
People say XP all the time you autist.
but bioware
I'm now convinced that hating anthem is just a bioware hate boner meme
We're suffering from adjective creep. How the fuck are we supposed to tell if Mythical is better than Legendary, Artifact? Superlative quality rifle?
really hoping the real gameplay and customization is ok
I'll fucking bomb my shit if the nice mech designs are wasted
I hate it because what it did to Andromeda
This entire sequence made me want to barf and just made me think "The Division" even harder
Oh nice
It really just seemed like Xenoblade Chronicles X turned into a third person shooter with Iron Man suits instead of mini mobile suits.
I hate it because it looks bland and boring.
The flying looks really nice. That's all I care about.
It looks like a really shit shmup with press x to win but in a third person over the shoulder perspective with memesuits after 25 years of evolution
I hate it because I thought it would be a big RPG using a new IP and not yet another online shooter with XP and probably gambling and crates.
My bad, I meant turtle rock studios
Now you got it.
>oh yeah im gunna grind for some leveling
The downgrade is going to be depressing as fuck.
Game looks like it will have good exploration
How is Mass Effect Andromeda gameplay not better than 3? It's basically the same with more mobility
>we finally became... Quake Champions
I say XP, all my friends say XP.
You're a faggot.
Hey user, have you been in there yet?
No, I'm gonna go with anonette later
she could use the leveling
Hmmm xir could use the ecks dee.
>you say xD I say XP! haha we are true gamers
Okay buddy, but actually people say experience, not XP. Maybe EXP sometimes, but never XP
I'm so tired of this fake bullshit in games.
The Division was bad with it, but this is even worse.
I wonder when normalfucks will wise up to it.
Oh boy, it is a "I saw a 6 minute trailer that focuses entirely on specific gameplay elements and I now know everything about this game that will be release over a year from now" episode.
That all felt so forced...It was actually highly off putting
First time seeing pre-downgrade E3 presentations? It's alright, you'll learn like the rest of us.
Drop it you moron.
How sheltered were you to be unaware that most people say XP?
EX + P = XP Same pronunciation. You can stop being a retard now.
>Maybe EXP sometimes, but never XP
People would rather say the one that is one syllable longer?
>I wonder how much more experience I need to level up
>Gonna go grind for some leveling
Yeah, no. Autistic conversations you have with yourself is not indicative of how non-retarded humans communicate.
EXP and XP are pronounced the fucking same, unless you're some retard who says EE-EX-PEE
I am not contesting graphical downgrades. I am sure it will happen. It always happens.
I am talking about people who treat their own assumptions as prophecies and form opinions based on that.
I mean, I didn't even talk about visuals, do I dunno wtf you are talking about.
>EXP, not al XP.
When say EXP it sounds just like XP. Do you just pronounce each word like an ape? E-X-P.
I never heard someone say it like that. You are absolutely retarded.
Well, the other user made a distinction between EXP and XP so I can only assume he thinks people would actually rather say EE-ECKS-PEE rather than just ECKS-PEE.
Reminded me of the "oh shit its Havoc" cringe in the R6 Siege gameplay
Literally everyone says XP you fucking 12 year old retard what do you and your mongoloid friends say? "experience points" you fuckin faggot.
Life would be so much more enjoyable for you guys if you didn't jump to conclusions so fast and weren't cocksure of it.
But I guess having knee jerk reactions is an amusement of sorts. If you are a retard.
Life would be so much more enjoyable for you if everyone was gay, faggot.
I am unironically hoping that it will be good
I want to fuck that suit
I never heard this one before, actually. I have no response.
I still say EXP
When will they learn?
I cringed so hard I'm pretty sure I burst something
Memes aside, it looked super comfy with all that padding.
that's so lame when they hire professional 'actors' to make those fake ass in game chat and deliver cringy punchlines
I don't get it. Can someone explain?
Really? At least the mobility looked pretty neat and the graphics were good (incoming downgrade aside). The Sony zombie game was way worse.
they scripted a "casual play session among friends" at an e3 presentation, once again
Imo Days Gone was the worst game shown. The trailer was boring as fuck and it looks like generic zombie trash.
I say experience points
People say XP all the time but I've never heard anyone say EXP. You're the freak here. Post more ironic xD smileys to hide the fact that you're utterly wrong.