What are some games in which you play as a kid?
What are some games in which you play as a kid?
Ape Escape
Based Jordi
commander keen
I played a lot of games as a kid, like Mario, Zelda etc. But now that I'm an adult, I just don't enjoy them as much.
What is Jordi's endgame?
Nier Automata lets you play as an Albino manlet. Idk if that coun'ts.
Do you think he dies a bit inside each time he finds out he has to bed some haggard old pile of silicone and HPV?
Splatoon, but only half the time.
fuck exponentially larger women
More like his dreams are coming true.
Redpill me on this kid.
Oh shit, it's that ugly kid from my milf porn videos.
>some haggard old pile of silicone and HPV
Still better than anything I could fuck without pay
Jordi is a 10
t. woman
Can I get a quick rundown on this guy
Weird Spanish boy who fucks milfs for a living.
There are no women on my secret club. Don't lie to me user.
And also makes a top tier perfomance
>Fucked all the girls you jerk too daily
/fit/ triggered
I fucking a jordi vids. the dude can't even speak english. ruins my immersion.
>September 11
Ape Escape
Tekken 2
Crash Carting.
why does this guy look so familiar?
>I fucking a jordi vids
Damn straight!