.hack//G.U. Last Recode remaster collection announced for PS4, PC

New thread, since nobody will be talking about this until it's actually out after today.

1080p and 60 frames per second
High-resolution movies
High-detail backgrounds and user interface,

Retry feature added
Movement speed increased
Auto mode (play with your strongest levels and equipment)
Maximum items you can possess has been increased to 90
Item menu shortcuts and sort features
Feature to use the same item over and over
Empty equipment slots are easier to understand
Maximum Chim Spheres and Virus Cores you can possess has increased to 999
New recovery method “leisurely break” added to the platform, available from the early stages
You can choose between Saku and Bo in the party
Decreased the probability of allies selling the items you give them
Improvements made in Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 have been applied to Vol. 1
Attack power has been increased and hit stops during attacks have been reduced to speed up the battle tempo
Learning weapons proficiency increased and acquired experience points increased
You can skip Awakening scenes
Some tough enemies have been made a bit easier
Keith’s general shot bullet speed has increased
Avatar battle balance revised
Added suspend feature during Avatar battle gameplay
In Vol. 3, changed it to make it possible to do the marriage events with all characters that can become your ally, without having to redo them


2017 is the 15th anniversary since the release of .hack and the 10th anniversary since the release of G.U., as well as the year G.U. is set. In order to commemorate that, we thought to reboot the series.
This is a remaster rather than a new work because we want introduce the younger generation to .hack since it has been so long.
As for the new elements, you will be able to meet a “Haseo” you “don’t know.”
Since it’s the 15th anniversary of .hack, there are also other projects moving along.

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>Since it’s the 15th anniversary of .hack, there are also other projects moving along.
Excellent news, GU sucked so I'm more interested in this. No more mobile games please.

This is great, I loved G.U.
Any possibility for an english version?
We never got Link or the movie.

>All these casualization features
>It's a remake of sign, not even the original

Never played any of these, is it something worth getting into?

>No more mobile games please.
That's not CC2's call. The only real reason they only did phone games for so long is because those are all Bamco wanted.

And we'll never get them because Link was panned and the movie was mediocre.

//Link was fanfiction tier, you're not missing out on much.

MC was literally the worst kind of self insert faggot you can imagine. Haseo is gay, but Tokio was a fucking faggot. Saika or whatever her name was had nothing on Blackrose or Atoli either.

Pretty sure it's being retconned.



>remake of //sign
The only thing thing casulizing it is the increase in EXP which is totally unneeded, and nerfing certain enemies, whatever that means. That being said I distinctly remember certain optional bossfights before insanely drawn out, but they weren't hard. You just had to keep getting rengeki over and over, doing no damage, and then using awakening to actually hurt them. The rest of the changes are QoL and amazing.

>Japan only

Why even bother making threads?

They'll probably/hopefully remake IMOQ if this does well.

There's the multipart .hack series and then the .hack// series

We're almost certainly getting a NA release since it was announced for PC. PC is not a market in Japan that exists in any way shape or form.

Both series of games were multipart. //Sign was an anime. I have no idea what you're fucking on about.

Can we get a remake of the original games instead?

I literally said series twice, this is a remake of exclusively the second multipart series, .hack// (pronounced as dot hack sign based on the source material). If there's something you don't understand please ask so I can explain it to you

>PC is not a market in Japan that exists in any way shape or form.

Think again newfag.

>.hack// (pronounced as dot hack sign based on the source material)
but that's wrong

>dot hack forward slash forward slash
Nice to know that you and your friends are autists then


Sign is the anime, dude.

.hack//SIGN is a show.

The original games were just called .hack ("dot hack"). The animated series that serves as a prequel to the games was .hack//SIGN ("dot hack sign"). The sequel games is collectively .hack//G.U. ("dot hack gee you"). And the game for the PSP is called .hack//Link ("shit").

Have you never heard of a stylized title before

>And the game for the PSP is called .hack//Link ("shit").

What game are they playing? It looks like a flight simulator?

World of Warships.

Japs are crazy about it and World of Tanks.

Why are they so ugly?


>That awful UI
What the fuck is this, a fan game?

>I just wanted IMOQ.

I talked with people on stream as I was playing Infection like a week ago about HD remakes and how I'd spend my unemployed savings on IMOQ HD. I'm glad they're continuing .Hack, but dammit, start at the beginning!

you're a fucking faggot...


I agree it's depressing, but I get it.

I thought that was never released in English. Patched custom game?

What the fuck the screenshot on that page has a different UI

coldbird project but is over

>replaying IMOQ due to announcement
>level 7
>need to meet Mia
>getting fucked stomped by everything

Grind to at least level 10 before meeting her in the dungeon and grab a ton of earth/lightning spells and healing potions/fairy wire. Go level Blackrose and Mistral on a level 4 area + dungeon then a level 6 and you'll be set

>I just did this a few days ago
>I died two times before researching

Holy shit there was a multiplayer One Sin battle?
but I fucking missed it?

Shit, thanks user. I just went to a level 6 zone with them to try and grind up, Mistral was getting one shot and the enemies were out healing our damage.

I can't believe 10 year old me beat this shit.

yes and yes

Hack G.U was one of my favorite PS games. I am looking forward to this.
Thanks for the heads up user, papa bless.

Talk to Mistral. She has a weapon called Sotetsu, which is the strongest Twin Blade weapon you can get at that point in the game. Trade for it.

There. Now you break everything.

>Haseo with an unfamiliar look appears…
B-st form? Novel form? Other new form?

>"Unfamiliar look"
>List a bunch of familiar looks


Unfamiliar to the games

Hoping it's his prototype costume, though maybe It's Sora, or a Kite skin or something.

>sonic the hedgehog faggotry

Maybe an Azure Haseo boss fight.

Fragment was kinda fun

you don't like videogames?

>Fragments of Aura ended up making an Azure Sora that Haseo has to fight to show he's grown from being that type of person and to at last face himself
Honestly the only thing the entire Azura angle was missing, but I could understand why they didn't do that in the first retelling of the games given there was only 3 legit azure knights. Yet the fact that there wasn't fragment Sora data to kinda make for one last inner battle always had me disappointed in Haseo's growth.

What are the chances of IMOQ being remastered?

Chances are depends on how well G.U. does? Honestly trimming down some of the fat would be nice.
Being able to use the remastered IMOQ to ensure Mia carry's over to G.U. legit though would be the truest happy ending.