Do you agree with our boi pie?
This is the year of the Switch baby
Do you agree with our boi pie?
This is the year of the Switch baby
>You have no right to complain.
Anyone has the right complain about anything they want, dumbfuck.
Good to see the Switch doing well
>counting multiplats
back to /r/eddit
Compared to the wii u's launch year this is fucking amazing, at least they have learnt their lesson and are actually supporting the console this time and with pokemon coming down the line the future looks bright as well
now lets remove ports
A lot of kid games
I see two games on that list. Mario and Zelda. The rest doesn't even count.
Eh still leaves if you want to leave out ports and multiplats
Splatoon 2
xcom rabbids
xenoblade 2
fire emblem warriors
monster hunter
And all of those look pretty decent
And I am sure you prefer very mature games user
>wagglan gimmick shit
>kid shit
>autistic shit
>6 year old shit
>already on pc so why bother
>autistic shit
>sports shit
>already been on pc for 7 years
>a heaping pile of shit
wooouuuoooaaaahhhh so... this.. is.. the.. power of nintendo huh bros?
>remove meme shit like splatoon DLC and whatever the hell Arms is.
Solid lineup overall, but this Switch lineup is insane meme needs to die.
>Babbys second shooter
>nobody cares
>nobody cares
>Dynasty Warriors rehash
>Mario Oddysey (looks great)
>6 year old game
>Sonic Mania (looks okay)
>MonHun shit
Anyone who thinks the Switch has a good line-up this year is a normie redditor with a worthless opinion.
lol fucking epic bro, you have autism too?!
Not an argument, faggot.
Neither was your post, with your shit tier ""opinions""
>Also on the Wii U, also boring
>Rerelease of a Wii U game
>Dead within a month
>the same shitty fighting game no one played last time
>Stupid cross over
>A rererererererererererererelease of Todd's game, obsolete on launch since the PC version still exists
>Another multiplat
>OC Simulator
>SPORTS, also multiplat
>I'm sure the 5 year olds who own a switch will appreciate another platform to play Minecraft on
>who cares
>weeb shit
>"An...uh...a vague 'slew' of indie games that may or may not actually be worth playing"
sonyjabronis on suicide watch lmao
>list of games I'm not interested in.
I'm not complaining, but I'm also not buying a switch.
remove monhun
He's right, BUT, I'm worried for 2018.
We only have Kirby and Fire Emblem. Metroid Prime 4 literally entered production a couple months ago, otherwise there wouldve been something to show, we arent seeing that until 2019. Same for Pokemon Switch. I fear 2018 will be full of DELUXE Wii U titles for filler.
It truly will print money once pokemon comes out, it was the killer game the system needed so holiday 2018 is going to see a huge boost in sales which is promising for the lifeline of the console
ITT: Autists go through lists of games with high metacritic scores that sell well and bitch that they're not getting games
Look at Xbone or PS4 or Wii U's launch year and tell me that the Switch isn't better. Face it faggots, Nintendo is back on top again, and they're gonna keep making better games and running fucking circles around Xbone and PS4's SPORTSSPORTSSPORTS and cinematic experiences.
If the 3ds version comes out in the west before the switch version i'll be happy to
Sure thing.
People getting used to consoles having bad launches isn't an excuse to tell them to stop complaining about anything.
With Switch's price tag they better deliver something over competition.
Looking forward to see TLOU2 score a 98-99 when it comes out and you crying about how it isnt fair
>multiple Wii U ports
>multiple 3DS ports
>a port of a six year old game everyone and their mother has played
nintendo always wins baby!!!!
Too bad the only games switchfags have to play right now is the waiting game.
If you think more than 4 of those games are worth buying and playing, you need to fucking kill yourself. Besides BotW and Oddesey, this is a shit year for the Switch because it just fucking came out. This is pretty much a universal video game rule, and Nintendo isn't above it. Put down the Kool Aid.
Half of those are old ass multiplats. Lists of Switch games look like humble bundles ffs.
PS4 launch year exclusives were the following:
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Basement Crawl
Infamous Second Son
MLB 14: The Show
The Last of Us Remastered
Infamous First Light
Samurai Warriors 4
I was generous and included all sony games for the first year (nov 2013-nov 2014) that ran on the ps4 this ignores all multiplats and you really want to tell me that this is a better list than the switch exlusives that are confirmed for the first year? Face it unless you want to include multiplats the PS4 launch was fucking abysmal.
I aggree, but we have a short sight on the future, and the system can still suffer a drought. Drought is what killed the wiiU.
>B-but Sony!
Like clockwork.
>There are actually NEETs on this Mongolian throat singing forum so out of touch with reality and so prone to gimmicks they still hang onto the last remnants of their childhoods so fiercely they post things like this
>Monster Hunter XX
Have they even announced a localization yet?
>7/10 Zelda game
>Actually fun
>Unnecessary sequel
>Looks alright
>Single-player MMORPG
>Play for 5 hours and then get bored
>Looks alright
>6 year old game
>2 year old game
>Lol sonic
>Annual soccer game
>Not confirmed in West
>Port the power............of Nintendomination..............................
He posted a sarcastic response to a user saying that the switch launch year was better than ps4 and xbone and I was just providing proof. I can do the same for wii u and xbone. All I am saying is that this is a solid launch year for the switch
PS4 launch was shit. So was the Switch. And the Vita. And the Xbone. And the Wii U. And the PS3. And the 360. Video game consoles haven't had good launches since the fucking GameCube, user. Get with the fucking program.
>worse sequel
>rehash (good)
>good sequel
>laughable at launch
>rehash:the rehash
looooook mom I did it agains soooooony
>0 room for complaining
Sound like someone who trying to reassure themselves that they made a good purchase. Why do people do this?
Nope if anything i expect a localization of World if anything
Not disagreeing with you just saying that the switch launch year isn't abysmal, they should have waited to launch the console till October so Mario would have been ready but at least the console has a steady release of what look to be decent games in the first year which is a nice change
PS4 is still shit though. No games, besides bloodborne, to play.
>expect a localization of World if anything
Uhh, user?
>Breath of Wild
>Marior Kart 8 Deluxe
Might be neat but not worth getting a console for.
>Splatoon 2
>Pokken Tournament
>Mario Rabbids
Fuck no.
>Xenobodlade 2
Probably the only real one I'll miss.
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Super Mario Odyssey
Hasn't been a good Mario Game since Sunshine.
Already own it. To play it on the go seems neat but I can live without it.
>Sonic Mania
>Monster Hunter
Already own it.
>Puyo Puyo
>Disgaea 5
Nothing on that list piques my interest. Guess I'll just not buy a console this year.
>Getting localized
It's getting simultaneous release here.
ALright big boy, now rate the first year of PS4 games with your shit taste
Dude those games were all trash, ports, or underwhelming for their genre's standards. Except Infamous, sort of
No need to expect since a simultaneous launch is planned.
That was kinda my point user
Oh shit didnt know that, i thought it would a Japan title and then we have to beg for a localization
>calling MLB The Show good
Holy fuck user can you at least tone down your good taste a little, those games are great.
you seem to have not the best taste in consuming media, friend.
>ignores all multiplats
Why do you faggots always get autistic when it comes to multiplat? If it's a game you can play in a console then it fucking counts.
>MLB bros on Sup Forums
maybe this place isnt so bad after all
But most of those are on consoles that 90% of people already own, and it's fucking cringeworthy to see people acting like Skyrim and Minecraft are worth getting excited over when those games are more than half a decade old.
Nobody is denying that Mario Odyssey looks great, but if you wanna get technical about it, BoTW also has a Wii U version. So that makes only 1 Switch game worth playing this year. That's not a good year for any console. I'm not ragging on the Switch for having a weak launch, I'm ragging on the idiots saying it has a great one, which it does not.
>All those multplats
>"A slew of indie games" (((citation needed)))
Fuck this retard and fuck anyone who eats this shit up.
The Switch was released too fucking early and it's owners are basically starved of exclusives until the fall. I wish people could just admit Nintendo fuck up the Switch release.
Nah, it won't break 96.
Nah. Pokémon and Animal Crossing Next Holidays user. And that will be every main Nintendo IP on the Switch.
The people in this thread didn't want to count the switch multiplats so I didn't include the ps4 multiplats simple really. I did say in the post that the multiplats were the only good part of the ps4 till it got some games down the line but you could have them on pc or xbox so they aren't really system sellers
>Nier Automata
>New Guilty Gear
>And that will be every main Nintendo IP on the Switch.
You forgot F-Zero everyone forgets about F-Zero ;_;
The whole point of dropping money on a new console is to play the hot new game(s) that you can only play on that console.
Yeah Breath of the Wild was good but if you owned a WiiU there was no point in buying the Switch to play BotW.
Switch looks good going forward but its release was trash.
Pretty bad, considering consoles have few years of lifespan
Because retards on here don't understand that exclusives only sell consoles to retards like them and that the vast majority of people are going to be buying the Switch in order to play Skyrim with the Master Sword, FIFA and Rocket League.
Why would "the vast majority" buy a Switch for Skyrim, FIFA and Rocket League when those games are already out on multiple consoles that they probably already own?
>People are going to buy a NINTENDO console to play Skyrim, FIFA, and Rocket League
Youre a fucking retard
It's hardly most of them, all I am saying is that the launch line up isn't shit which is basically what you are saying as well. All I can say in the end is that I don't regret my buying of the switch the same way I don't regret buying a ps4 sure it isn't that powerful but nintendo is actually supporting it this time unlike the wii u.
In the end of the day I wish everyone could afford both a ps4, a switch and a decent pc so we could all enjoy games together but brand loyalty and money are issues that will never go away the only thing this board agrees upon most of the time is that xboxs are a waste of money nowadays and I say that owning a xbone
>monster hunter XX
do we even know if we are getting this
Not him but some people will buy it for those exact reasons plus minecraft, look at it this way they know they enjoy those games and this allows them to play it on the move or let their kids play it on long drives to shut them up
>computer, remove ports and multiplats
>Implying XX gets Western release
>hurr durr
We all know you're not pretending. That you're actually a retarded little faggot. Fuck off and die.
I never said the Switch launch isn't shit. It is shit. All console launches are shit nowadays. Nintendo is no different. And I'm not saying that you should regret buying a Switch, because I'll be getting one in the near future for Oddysey and Prime 4, definitely. But you need to stop saying the Switch had a good launch, because it absolutely did not. This is a false narrative.
This is the least I would expect considering they have practically had no console games for the past 2 years.
>port 90% of WiiU's good games - at full price
>port 3DS's best selling franchises like MonHun - at full price
yes.. very... impressive.
>not reading the entire post
>not realizing he was criticizing ps4's launch
Cmon guys
Are you for real? I would only play Nier out of all those. And I would not choose a PS4 to do so.
I'm sure PS4 and Bone fans don't know how that feels right?
Those all seem neat, but Indie games are objectively shit.
The entire scene is filled with spoiled, angry, self entitled little snots from upper-middle class homes, and when someone actually comes around and makes something that isn't a boring, generic, 2deep4u side scroller they get pushed into the dark because it isn't 20 minutes long and about oppression of a black lady.
I am kind of mad, yeah.
I am saying it has a pretty alright launch "year" as in the exclusives for me at least are enough to warrant owning the console yes the launch itself was fucking abysmal with there only being 1 game worth playing and that was a port
Why is it so hard for you to accept defeat with dignity?
>not seeing the irony and metafun in
Wow look at all those ports, it truly is the year of the switch. At least it would be If they ported these games about 5 years ago when people still cared.
>implying any of those games are good except Odyssey
He used to be okay when he did speedruns of Paper Mario
Now he's a sad man trying to remain popular
When the Monster Hunter game for the PS4 was announced, Sony fags fucking shit posted to the enth degree about how they 'stole the IP from Nintendo', then went oddly quiet when it was confirmed to be on Xbox One.
Called it.
if you have to make a list of videogames that's about something good with skyrim and minecraft on it, you are wrong on sheer principle
Impressive! Now let's compare it with PS4/Xbone's year one...
>nintendo without multiplats
Ha, no gaemz!
>nintendo with multiplats
T-those doesn't count!
Nintendo's been catering exclusively to kids for almost 20 years now.
It's not a great year either, dude.
>Ps4 had Skylanders:Trap Team in hte first year!
mah sides
>our boy
>indieshit, indieshit everywhere
Yes and go back to my post earlier in the thread and see how many exclusives sony has, and do the same to microsoft, they were fucking shit mate and you can't sell a system off multiplats alone which is why the ps4 got better over time.
>Year 1 has been so empty you can fit the entire game list on a small screencap of notepad
ho hum
Shit I got rused
Pretty alright does not equal great