This is the normal video game industry, now

this is the normal video game industry, now

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump wasn't enough. We need a full purge of the system


>we have to ensure that we don't let certain undesirables into our organizations
>if this bothers you then you are a bigot who discriminates against certain people you consider undesirable

this is the normal video game industry, now


Whose this fag

they be kangz again hwite boi

>Sup Forums - retweets from literal who's

It's there a bigger fucking tool than that chubby cunt

>welcome to 2017

It's an arbitrary number, nothing suddenly changes from year to year. Fuck.

thank you captain obvious
go back to your filename and THICC threads now.


if only these random shitty literal who tweets didn't push those threads off for him to go to, faggot

>muh black people
>not even about black people

Wew. Obsessed


>Human labor and creativity has

This triggers me. Have, motherfucker. Have.


Fuck, so much for that game.

So the developer is saying modern feminism is crazy bullshit or is he pro feminism?

no matter how much you bitch these threads will not be going anywhere.

>everyone gets free money, no one starves or dies from curable illness in a future of flying cars
>oh no this is so terrible reeeeeee
This is the goddamn dumbest SciFi dystopia ever

has is correct if you are dealing with multiple things

have is only correct if you say "have both"

dumbass, go back to school.

Sounds good. This person isn't saying anything unreasonable or untoward. Whats the problem?

The wrong kinds of people are working on something they should never have been allowed to, dear universe.

he's saying mondern feminism isn't egalitarianism.

Not that it matters, he's crumbled under SJW pressure. This is the first overt example in years of post-announcement immediatel-self-censorship due to SJW exclusively inside the video game industry pressuring him/forcing him to do so.

Numale female-defense-force guys are just the fucking worst

>Human labor and creativity

And, motherfucker. And.

I'd say "most overt"



if you are dealing with multiple things, HAS is the correct word to you

HAVE is ONLY correct if you say BOTH HAVE OR HAVE BOTH...

can you not read either?

seriously, go back to school you dumb shit

>we need to oppress people more to be free of oppression
>in other news, we have always been at war with eurasia

Explain to me how any of this will make better video games?

The developer seems like he would know that the SJW crowd doesn't buy games anyway and that there's no point in pandering to them.

>we have always been at war with eurasia

Grade A post there, Friendo

The publisher put out a statement before he ever said anything, Microsoft has also put out a statement.

This is the video game industry now.

If we had no fears of starving to death we'd have more time to create art. What a retarded dystopia.

They are employed in the HR departments of these companies. It's not about sales. It's a poison that is killing them from within.

Oh this poor fucking bastard trying to bring logic and reason to a SJW Shitfit.

Microsoft doesn't know that though.

Because it filters out reddit-tier cringelords from Sup Forums and kekistan. The gaming industry and gamers would benefit greatly if it were to shield itself properly from that cancerous bullshit.

>people actually read paragraphs on paragraphs from literal whos in order to get mad and complain

Riddle me this, retard.
What happened to creativity? It was surpassed by AI.
What happened to human labor? It was surpassed by AI.

Both human labor and creativity were surpassed by AI.
Human labor has been...
Creativity has been...
Human labor and creativity have been.

If you use the word "was" you still need to address what happened to human labor. It's incorrect English.

It's really super simple shit.

Is it really that much of a stretch for you to imagine the existential ennui that comes when all conflict is removed from life?


not him, but isnt the "both" implied by the "and"?

anyone complaining about tiny details about how this is not cyberpunk is a NeoGAF poster. It's entirely intellectually disingenuous. Don't even reply to them, it's a distraction.

What did he mean by this?

> everyone is an artfag
That would be a very bleak dystopia

Progressives are the problem. If you don't align with their opinions 100% you're a nazi and deserve to have your life's work ruined. They're poison.

Didn't this faggot backpedal and beg forgiveness on stage?

you mean the existential ennui that already exists alongside the conflict and strife of modern life?

It is. He's treating the subjects like they're separate because in some sentences they can be. He never learned better.

The de-cucking of notch is my favorite part of this timeline.

gamejournos are low-key implying they're not gonna cover this game because the developer is racist

>still cant read



you have two objects

object 1
object 2

if you have two objects, you use has

object 1 and object 2 has been

this is correct

the only way have would be correct is if you drop a both in there

object 1 and object 2 have BOTH been

this is correct

object 1 and object 2 have been

this is WRONG

go back to school, because you can neither read nor write. probably dont even know the difference between who and whom or to and too

Apparently. I didn't see it but people said he was basically in tears when he did it and the interviewer ignored it.

the most shocking thing is that someone in the industry actually believes this is how piracy works

Conflict doesn't magically dissapear because you no longer struggle to survive in the most basic sense.

music is an art, would you really be angry if everyone was somewhat proficient in a musical instrument? you could use art as an umbrella term for anything constructive or creative, as Im sure that user was

I know I would use my free time to study engineering more. It doesn't have to be art.

>parisian thinks the whole country is like Paris
Fuck off, you guys can take all the dick you want but don't larp us with you

>Object 1, object 2, and object 3 have ??? been
>Object 1, object 2, ..., object n have ??? been

according to this "The Last Night" isn't cyberpunk people, it does. Apparently if you have corporate regulations in cyberpunk everything is automatically great and by definition, not cyberpunk. There is no such thing as badly implemented anything, it's all just labels.

Like I said, it's all very intellectually disingenuous.

Im sure the 3% that hear about games from jurnos will be very sad they missed out.

Words cannot begin to describe how fucking stupid this drama is. But of course the people care about this pixel shit overlaps with the people who still give a shit about Gamergate.

>his house and his car were destroyed by the tornado
>his house and his car was destroyed by the tornado

What a coward

I don't think you know English remotely as well as you imagine you do.

This person is already 90% kissing the ass of the proggressive. They vilified him for 10% short of going 100%

it means a lot to their publisher, as per their letter.

Yeah Day9 didn't even acknowledge the shit, it was funny.

But The Last Night is DOA.

How much is this gonna honestly affect sales. It's a shit show and stupid but I don't really feel as if it will have that great of an affect on the game. Or am I wrong?

lmao imagine forming your political views off of shitposting and tweets from literal whos

>if you have two objects, you use has

My friend and I has gone to the store.
My dog and your dog has never been happier.
Both of them has jumped.
You and your mom has sucked a lot of dicks.
Your parents and your teachers has failed you.

These are not complex sentences that use some obscure English exception. These are sentences toddlers should recognize as wrong.

Sure, but Empires fall when that peak is reached, since Rome to today America, good times turn citizens into faggots.

>I don't agree with them so they are a racist
And still no one sees how this is a problem?

When did notch become so based holy fuck. I'm going to have to follow this nigga now.

nigga this shit just increased his sales by ten fold.

>everything is perfect
>obviously we must rebel and make things shittier

The first text is exact thoutgh. A world of free gibs is basically wallee. You live in a bed from start to finish, and die.
Drive to create is 0, because you only ever had to consume in your life. learning is futile if it doesn't guarantee a better life, so it's nignogs making sound animals and learning how to press the button to get pizza.

Is Notch, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

I don't care what kind of Punk this game is. Cyberpunk is just as cringy as Steampunk and all those other shitty subgenres. But the game's story premise is fucking stupid and for a story heavy game that's going to suck shit. At least it looks pretty.

I don't get it, is the reason there is drama is because a game dev is outspoken about the feminism and diverse meme?


Meh, I was interested in his game, but seeing him backpedalling in front of sjw nutcases hurts.
Fuck that coward.

So the game looks good AND it makes scumbag feminists feel not welcome in the industry?

I'll buy 10 copies

Didn't some experiment with rats prove the complete opposite?

>CA Labor Code
>§ 96(k)
>Authorizes the California Labor Commissioner to take assignment of claims for loss
of wages as the result of demotion, suspension, or discharge from employment for
lawful conduct occurring during nonworking hours away from the employer's

>CA Labor Code
>§ 98.6
>Provides that no employee shall be discharged or otherwise discriminated against
for conduct described in § 96(k). Entitles any employee who is discharged,
threatened with discharge, demoted, suspended, or discriminated against in any
manner in the terms and conditions of his or her employment to reinstatement and
reimbursement for lost wages and work benefits.


Rats can't create art

Somebody should report that nu-male juden trash to the authorities.

There's drama because certain people need a way to make themselves relevant again as to not be overshadowed by E3.

When he got rich enough to never give a fuck about anyone's opinions.

this guy really does deserve to suffer for even trying to reason with these people

the only response to them is complete and total rejection

What are the chances that they are actualy going to censor the game now and remove the whole feminism out of the game?

Only white people give a shit funnily enough

For god's sake read Brave New World morons.

It already happened.