Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

More /ss/ is good with me .

>female has breasts
This is a problem?

So what would those be on someone her size?
G cups?

It is.
All females should have complete breast reduction surgery. We are not here for you to ogle at.

Big fat tat sacks.

Yes you are.
Now show your tits or leave, cunt.

I'm going to WIELD those breasts

actually you are there to be ogled at

Jesus Christ, fuck off you pricks.


tits or gtfo

That is legitimately why breasts grow at all.

Don't worry, it won't be in the American version

Falling for bait this simple? Man you kids.

Stay fucking mad you tiny breasted chestlet

They grow to supply children with nourishment, not to be stared by people tripping on their own sex drives.

>combat looks incredibly dumbed down from XCX
>No mechs in a fucking Xeno game
>MC is a manlet
I fucking hate Sup Forums.

Those are huge

there werent any playable in xenoblade, and that was fine

Can swords produce milk?

Nintendo's been leaning on the moeshit a little too hard between this, BotW, nuFE, and nuPokemon. Makes me really uncomfortable.

Maybe I'm just finally getting too old for this shit.

Much like abs, muscles and dick size, breasts and asses are indeed sexual features meant to attract mates

This is basic evolutionary theory, whether you like it or not

Clothing/armor does not work that way

I think this is tied with WE WUZ for my most hated memes ever.

So if you get breast reduction surgery like you said all women should, then they can't breastfeed, right?

We exist in a post-natural society, or at least are quickly approaching one.
Soon enough, the rules of natural selection will no longer apply to us at all.

No, it wasn't fine. The only people who were fine with it were people who started the series with Blade.

Well hey, some women can't get real jobs and will have to turn to prostitution or porn in which most of the time requires have large breasts to get the most out of it. So no, not all women need to have small tits.

Her breasts are perfect

>noticing the subtle jiggle on rewatch

But having children puts women in a position of oppression, basically having an anchor tied to your ankle. So isn't it, by logic, better if they were to be seen as sexual objects to be ogled at since it empowers women?

Why would a sword need armor?

>2 keeps 1's jiggle physics on the field

>combat looks incredibly dumbed down from XCX
The combo system they showed in the Treehouse seems neat, but we don't know too much about all the the details of the combat or about all the systems yet. Take in count that combat-wise what we have seen so far is only the start of the game, and in both Xenoblade and XCX we got introduced to new system even 20 hours into the game.

Neogaf is that way.

Even if somehow the rules of natural selection no longer apply, that wouldn't change how humans choose mates

Thinking that it's possible to become smart enough to transcend human nature is just plain naive

No we do not. The world is in a state of delirium where people, with so many options and choices, do not know what to do. The more freakier things turn, the more people will default to something that makes sense (which explains why even lefties and other fucks tend to stumble upon their own contradicting ideologies). Even technology will keep on adapting to our wishes rather than replace us. Just like how a shovel turned into an escavator (still being operated by man), so will the rest of technology.

Tig ol bitties are fine stop bullying girls that have them you'll make them feel insecure and make them do porn which would be entirely defeating your own purpose

I guess PC is the one for me.

>combat looks incredibly dumbed down from XCX
the director said it's an improvement from both 1 and X for what that's worth

How does the advent of greater technology result in things becoming less freaky?
If anything, advanced technology will allow the delusions of humans to become reality.

Our delusions can already be our own reality, that's what mental illness is and pretty much everyone who can't listen to someone else probably has some form of it

She's a magic and/or technology sword person who is also probably a robot knowing this series. I don't think it matters much.


If the Blades are basically buffbots for MC, does this mean I can't actually play as Pyra?

Buffbots? That sounds cool

It is true that a lot of things are being pushed now that make things a whole lot spoopy (robot prostitution brothers, obsession with AI, the latest advancements with genetical engineering etc.) but unless our current governments have taken complete control over our minds and sent the military boot up our asses, there is still a huge chance things will turn out not so bad. In terms of Europe, there are still traditionalists elements with enough influence to hinder what ever progresist and transhumanist agenda since the social and educational policies haven't been evenly implemented. You got the entire Eastern Europe (everything East of Austria and south of Scandinavia) who have different attitudes to these current problems. There are many other factors, but I can't be arsed to get into details cuz this is Sup Forums.