This is what Capcom has to compete with Dragonball FighterZ

>This is what Capcom has to compete with Dragonball FighterZ

Holy fuck Capcom is finished

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That's three more characters than DBF will launch with, and that game's supposed to be 3v3.

>X, Zero, and Ultron
It already is better

what the fuck even is that UI

marvel is finished

I'm pretty sure japan considers this kusoge anyway

only reason they're making it is to make some american fans happy

I might give it a try when it's on sale since they made it 2v2 tag based. I didn't like mvc3 at all desu

i want off this shitty ride

DBF has 24 confirmed chars and graphics that dont look like theyre intended for a 2008 LG Sidekick 2

Guilty Gear XRD Sign launched in 2014 with 17 characters, and that is 1v1.

Rev 2 currently has 25 characters.

Safe to say Dragonball FighterZ will have atleast a 35 probably 40 character roster considering it is 3v3.

Hell, BlazBlue CF has 35 characters and that's a 1vs1 game too made by ArcSys

Wait really?

I just hope we get some classic DB characters in, and it'd be an instant day 1 buy.

>X and Zero in the same fighting game
Is the universe going to implode?

BlazBlue took 8 years to get that roster size, there is absolutely no way they're going to have 35 characters ready at launch unless they've been working on this for 5 years.

Well I'm glad that in a few YEARS after paying hundreds of dollars worth of re-releases we'll get a decent roster
I'm sure they're working hared on cosmetic costumes that cost 4.99 each as we speak

Why is Wesker on the marvel side?

Because Capcom killed him and he's mad.

G-graphics aren't everything!!!

The 24 number is pulled out of his ass. There are only 6 confirmed so far. But there will obviously be a lot more, considering it's a Dragon Ball game and a 3v3 game.


>modern crapcom

You do know they say it takes them almost a year to make one character in xrd right

Dbz is confirmed 18 fighter at best

Maybe DLC lol

>people still watch DBZ

Okay manchildren, isn't it past your bedtime? Atleast read/watch a good series like JoJo

Dragonball is for autistic neckbeards who never grew up

That's not the final roster sans DLC chars ... is it? Just looks like a shortened MvC3 roster with 2 newcomers along with Thanos and X.

Also I was half surprised when Nathan was revealed, I understood why he was in MvC3 but didn't figure he'd be returning due to his game (and franchise) not doing too well.

No Farmer with shotgun, no buy.

>people still watch DBZ
Some do, mostly it's DBS that's garnering attention.

I would go apeshit for a 1v1 ArcSys JoJo game

Since the first Avengers movies got going, Marvel noticed that they didn't actually have any notable female characters that weren't mutants or Fantastic Four. They've since been pushing every single C-list woman they had in the hopes of getting at least one of them ready for a movie.
Ironically, the only female-fronted solo series with actual consistency at Marvel right now is X-23.

This is the prettiest 2.5D game of all time

God bless Arcsys

i hate it when you can play as the final boss

You can complain about reused assets, terrible graphics, horrendous voice overs, small roster, simplified control schemes, change in playstyle and on disc DLC shilling all you want but do you know what the biggest problem with the game is?

Western developers.

idk why Sup Forums gets triggered about down down motion. Lots of games use those. Guilty Gear has those, injustice, the list could go on...

only invincible DPs like ryu has should be DP motion if at all, and he still has DP motion. down down is easier and better input design tbqh

Just wait til they get done raping their fans with DLC.

>it's 3 v 3 it's must have a big roster

You are a special kind of retard aren't you it arcsys the same guys who sell 2 characters as 40 dollar updates

They never made a roster bigger then 19 at launch


Fighterz cutscenes have the most impressive cgi anime style I've seen, they should've used it for the new show

No Xmen, no buy

Yeah but JoJo is for autistic neckbeards who never grew up and are also gay.

It sounds like you're trolling, but I know you're right.

How come the Graphics look worse than MvsC3


yeah but all the saiyan clones are going to suck

they better dig up some cool characters and give them unique moves

Not quite right, it takes 4 months for modeling and animation according to the GDC talk. But yeah, sub 20 is realistic. Can always hope for more though.

But which waifus will they beautifully animate to include tiddie bounce?

At first yes. But Since Revelator they've been improving the modeling and animation process as they've been going along. Rev2's afterstory is a huge jump in quality and Team Red is able to do the process much faster than when they've started. On top of that DBZ characters are much more visually simple than GG characters because Akira Toriyama's artstyle was always based on keeping design simple in fear of having to draw something that would be a pain in the ass to draw weekly for months on end.

>Revealing DLC characters before the base roster is unkown
>Revealing DLC characters before the base roster is unkown
>Revealing DLC characters before the base roster is unkown
>Revealing DLC characters before the base roster is unkown

If you buy Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite you are literally cancer with shit taste


You want a good marvel game?

Just emulate MvC2 with netplay, shit is infinitely superior. UMvC3 was casualized as fuck

Android 18, she's really the only waifu in DBZ though.

I like Jotaro's old clothes better, more colorful

Why does Cell look so imposing in this game?

I mean he was always a big guy but he just really pops here

>dlc already
>game isn't even out yet

fucking dropped lol

fuck this turd just buy rev 2 and wait for the new dbz game if you want a good arcade style fighter

this is fucking trash and if you buy this shit you are literally supporting capcoms jewery cancer

Videl, Teen Chi Chi, Fasha, Zangya, the U6 Saiyan girls with tingly backs.

>Disney marketing power
>MvI finished

Although I think Dragonball Fighter Z will sell well because DBZ has a BIG fandom and the game itself will probably be great, so mouth to mouth publicity will help, not to mention DB Super has resurrected the hype for the franchise, even if Super itself is bad (I don't know, haven't wathed it), you must be delusional if you think MvCI won't neither fail, but also surpass by a lot DBFZ sales.


So is Dragon Ball Fighters going to have Super characters like Kali and Zamasu? And they can't not have swordman Trunks, he's like one of the more remembered side characters of DBZ.

Not to mention we need Tenshinhan, the strongest human.

>these shit characters like nova and "spencer"
>more shit characters like arthur
>make chun ugly as shit

who does this even appeal to? Surely capcom could make another game with better characters (darkstalkers?) or licence something else...Hopefully for them, marvel is paying a bunch of the cost

>already revealing DLC
>still no characters people actually want because Disney's a bunch of jews who can't comprehend the fact that FOX has Movie Rights to the popular characters from Mahvel's Past

DIMPS should take notes

All terrible.

Even though there's an absolute zero chance of this happening, it'd be cool if they added DB era Bulma as a joke character.

The only Super content they've revealed is Gold Frieza.

>sell 2 characters as 40 dollar updates

it was $20 and included story and balance and trials updates

yeah jojo is so epic bro, ora ora ora! epicu stando da

How the hell do you preclude comic book characters from appearing in a game because of MOVIE *licensing* rights? This is what *I* don't get, unless a transfer of ownership occurred with the comic book IPs themselves.

these fucking graphics man

i would literally drag my dick through a mile of broken glass to get early access to the closed beta

You better pray it has more than 16 chars: pro tip : it wont, from rev to rev 2 there was more than a year in dec time and it added 2 whole fucking characters, TWO

They don't want to advertise for a competing studio.

Is that even really Super? I mean that was a form in Return of F and that wasn't necessarily Super.

Disney sees it as free advertising for FOX Movies if they include any FOX-Owned Rights in any form of Media.

All good waifu material, except Chi Chi because she ends up being a shitty character nobody likes.

and Bulma or Launch as a joke

>yfw this happens

>How the hell do you preclude comic book characters from appearing in a game because of MOVIE *licensing* rights?
Advertising. Anyone who has any working knowledge of modern video games should know all about this and see it immediately.

Yeah, techinically it could fall under DBZ:RoF.
Personally I'm not expecting any Super content.

All I can tell is that Fox owns just the screenplay and film rights themselves and just rented the IP to make them. So they're worried about free advertising for these old movies that probably aren't in theaters anymore?

what if bulma was the smart moba character who planted machines and drones and shit kinda like Jack-o

never played her so idk how it works though

I love how Goku starts the fight by going SSJ with SSJ3 being his Dragon Install type super. Half the concern with meter management in DBZ games is needing a a flat 50% to 60% of your max meter at all times because everyone has 4 different transformations.

>stuff on head below mouth actually move when talking
Fucking sold

Who are the two guys from the bottom left? They look so generic.

What the fuck is wrong with spics? This was in a random video about DBFZ.

Translated its basically "this game sucks its a SF copy / budokai tenkaichi 3 was better / we just want budokai tenkaichi 4 / lol arcade fighters in 2017"

Videl and Zangya would be great. Fasha is fine too.

>"For you, Rocket, anything."

What did he mean by this?

Six fucking characters for extra edition.

That's unprecedented horse shit.

>Not making a Goku x Frieza team

Best tsundere partnering since Early Vegeta teaming up with Kid Gohan and Krillin on namek

They fell into the realism meme, trying to copy injustice most likely cause some retard disney or marvel rep saw thats what makes money so they though capcom should do it too.

Such a shame, with less shit going in the screen and more focused colors, the arstyle of MvC3 could have been fantastic, its great now but applued to infinite it could have been so much more

>everyone complaining about 2v2 instead of 3v3

Did you guys just forget the first MvC and X-Men vs SF was 2v2 though? What's your point here?

This most likely isn;t true but

This person is claiming that they were told to make Capcom characters ugly on purpose

Ooh baby, I haven't even looked at the numbers recently.
>Mighty Captain Marvel 4 $3.99 Marvel 17,893
>7000 issues below cancellation threshold on issue 4.
Wew, lad.

I really want Hit, Merged Zamasu, Vegito Blue, and Rose Black. Fuck the U6 Saiyans

Casuals, user. Same reason why Pokken was in theory a huge hit but dropped steam: Once people realized it was an actual competitive fighting game and they couldn't just button mash the buzz died.

FighterZ will probably do better though because it's already got the FGC crowd on lock, wheras Pokken, being published by nintendo, isolated that potential half of it's audience as well since they (incorrectly) assumed it was casualshit

It really seems like Marvel asked Capcom to make it look like Contest of Champions, the fucking mobile game. The game uses all the same costumes as those games for the Marvel Characters.

chris and spencer
i'm wondering why chun and morrigan look like they have FAS

g-g-g-graphics don't matter

I don't see anyone complaining about it, maybe you're making it up.


He's ridiculously tall and stands in an upright position while most of the cast are crouching in a martial arts stance.

Bulma's Makarov pistol could work like Elphelt's 6HS with less damage output and used as a spacial control tool. Plus her capsules as Jack O' style support could be a neat idea. Although there would either need to be less of them out at once, or making it so they do utility instead of damage to balance it with a 3v3 format.

So Jedah wasnt in after all?

Spics genuinely think that Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is the best game of the world and can't accept a new DB game that doesn't plays like that. I had friends complaining that the trailers looked to "arcade".
We fucking have BDTK3 tournaments here every month.
T. Spic

>told to make Capcom unappealing

But they made Rocket ugly too...

>we were only pretending to be retarded!
what a shitty excuse

Well, in the first thread before the post limit was reached I mean.

>comparing the process of actual developing a character in context of the story and world it is set in with an established series which is around for 30 years and have a vast ensemble with defined fighting styles.

Is that really the way you want this to be?
Vegito Blue burned out very quickly, which is how a lot DBZ games go, and Merged Zamasu ended up winning