Show me your identification papers, please
Show me your identification papers, please
You first, scum
It'd be funny if the poster in the back changes based on difficulty level
Hail Hortler
No problem, Herr Oberscharführer. As you can see, my papers are in order.
Now, on to the topic of this diner's owner, and his visibly hereditary ties to the untermenschen...
>nazi america
>everyone is united, happy
>capitalist america
>everyone is divided, angry
Cobrastan is not a real country
Someone please photoshop his face with Todds face
i assume there is no problem
>Helps lady
>Gets a milkshake
>Ask for identification papers
>Somehow this justifies killing him
God, that scene was so tense! What a good moment. Where do you think they got their inspiration? How did they come up with something like that?
He makes a mean milkshake, so I'll let him slide
But user he's a NAZI, therefore he is evil incarnate even though he's just a guy doing his job.
B-but we even have our own flag and everything...
Aren't you going to pay for that drink?
What a nice game
Right here Hans
>Be rank and file soldier/officer
>This justifies being brutally murdered
He was up to something
current America is more socialist than capitalist
>Not getting the best kind of milkshake
What a pleasant Nazi, I'd hate to kill him in this Wolfenstein game.
Yes but not very nationalist.
*democratic socialist
What did they mean by this?
Soldier no, officer yes. International law makee a point that "just following orders" is permissible defense up to a certain point in the command chain because if you said no, your family would be imprisoned and/or killed. Once you're high enough in the ladder, you should have the power to refuse immoral orders.
*Points to the poster behind you and stabs you*
He seems like a nice guy, and asking for your papers isn't unreasonable. There could be commie shits around, and if there's anything that an American and a Nazi can bond over its mutual dislike for commie fuckers.
Gimme your exclusives, please.
makes you think...
only fags prefer strawberry, user. the only two acceptable choices for a real man are vanilla and chocolate.
You mean ordering the best milkshake?
good one
>he thinks nazis were about white power
>Not banana
seems legit
>take part in a military unit that's meant to actively suppress peoples freedoms and kill their Jewish, black, retarded, ect. neighbors
>wooooooooow why did i get killed by a resistance member? Typical liberals am I right guys?
you are a very special type of faggot
>ordering vanilla like a fucking commie
Ya, ein hot dog
>Just an average joe doing his job
helping women is sexist
milkshakes are alt-right symbol of white supremacy
asking for papers is triggering because it implies that identity isn't fluid
Nazis were evil goy!
I have never met someone that orders plain vanilla or chocolate milkshakes that wasn't a fag or a commie.
>dinking something that pink
He was secretly a commie, BJ was putting him down for the good of humanity.
he dindu nuffin wrong he wus a good bo
>join a military
>get killed
Yes they were and no amount of stormweenie brainwashing is going to convince me otherwise
>part of the oppressive regime controlling your country and taking your freedom
>but he picked up a purse so that's okay
there's literally nothing wrong with asking for ID. In fact, all citizens should carry ID at all times.
Typical libtard sticking his head in the ground. Consider doing some actual reading and maybe you'll stop seeing the world like a middle school textbook.
Good goyim!
Remember the 6 Brazilian!
>I can play at 60 fps sometimes
Like Dad of War said.
Close your heart to your enemies suffering.
Then we have nothing more to discuss, commie.
*unzips dick*
>opressive regime
>picking up purses
Pick one and only one.
>straight men prefer the brown instead of the pink
>Learning is brainwashing!
what stops them from killing your family when you're an officer
Imagine how fast America's illegal immigrant problem would be solved under Nazi rule.
>Thinking the nazis were bad and that the holocaust happened are something only an SJW would say
>enjoying your special snowflake flavors
Most other problems too, to be fair.
>*unzips dick*
Dude there's a whole underground resistance movement, the worst we have in the current US of A is some mobs of upper-middle class kids LARPING as "revolutionaries"
Holy shit not all of America's immigrants were pilgrims. They were a tiny minority.
I'm offended by the nazis and KKK getting along. For one the nazis were majority Catholic, and the KKK historically hated Catholics. Not to mention, it's an enemy army that invaded your country. You're telling me that the organization that was founded because they saw the Civil War as the North invading their soverienty, would be ok with an entire other nation taking over?
If anything the KKK should be in the resistance, there should be the token guy of, "I don't like any of you, but I'm 100% American, and I ain't bending over for no goddamn German, not after mah pappy bled in Europe fightin them!"
Does anyone know what engine this runs on? My computer ran Doom... okay-ish... so Wolfenstein...?
> cuck forcing his agenda onto others
>the worst we have in the current US of A is some mobs of upper-middle class kids LARPING as "revolutionaries"
If you don't count all the militia groups we have that call themselves Constitutionalists.
>be nationalist
>want a foreign power to control your country and stomp on your culture
Pick one and only one.
No one even mentioned "SJW".
I'm just congratulating you on being an upstanding goyim.
Well who're you calling black, pot?
>making fun of your retarded ass
>forcing his agenda
The holocaust has commonly represented is a false claim. Also not every Nazi party member was a twin-carving lunatic if your pea-brain can even register as not all Germans in WW2 being party supporters and officials. The racialism was only even known among certain groups.
By that logic America is ruled by Greece.
Who said sjw
Nationalism =/= Ethnonationalism.
This, the KKK were nativist to the core. They would've been lynching collaborators and coalburners alike.
don't allow yourself, your bull, or your wife son reply to my posts sever again
There's literally nothing wrong with Nazi occupied America.
There's also the nigger horde BLM
>be trumpeter
>not selling out to russia
Pick one and only one
Then the next scene is sonybro killing this nazi scum
Your autism broke so heavily that it fucked up your typing, user
This. Just means more Nazis to kill and democratize.
A lot of Americans of the time didn't like Germans ever since the Zimmermann Telegram.
t. moldylocks
hay can you show me all the games on xbox that do
>thinks nazis lost the war
>when tons of them escaped to america and got into positions of power
Scorpions are cooler than Cobras.