You can load up a menu seemingly at any time and return yourself to the “Last Checkpoint” or the “Last Save.”
The game does have 3D effects. (Hey, these days with 3DS games that’s not exactly a given...)
Going by the menu screen, it would seem as if there are 40 total Metroids (of different evolutions) scattered about the game for you to take down.
Samus acquires the Spring Ball not by finding a statue, but by defeating an evolved Metroid.
You can bomb-jump. (Respect to the Treehouse lady who did a bomb jump live on stream.)
Samus Returns has “Teleport Stations” that let you fast travel between areas. Convenient!
The Varia Suit is in the game, which helps you survive in “extreme heat.” You don’t even need authorization to put it on!
You lose your Aeion Gauge when you get hit by enemies, too, so you have an extra incentive to fight enemies rather than just run through them taking damage.
There are “audio cues” that let you know when to melee the Metroids, one of the Treehouse streamers says.
You can use the grapple beam to rip enemies off the wall.
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a remake
this is fine
Don't forget most important part
>30 FPS
>With drops way below that as seen in trailer
why bother playing this when you played M2 and AM2R?
Should have stuck with sprites.
Fuck Nintendo.
Why wouldn't you if you're a Metroid fan?
30 FPS, all previous Metroid games were 60 FPS.
Thanks for the info but you must be new here.
>You can load up a menu seemingly at any time and return yourself to the “Last Checkpoint” or the “Last Save.”
The 3D effect is absolutely magnificent guys. There's so much depth to the game it's unreal.
Maybe it'll be optimized. Most other games like this for 3DS are 60fps.
Mirror of Fate had pretty good 3D too, it still played like utter shit and forever killed 2D Castlevania and Lords of Shadow killed 3D Castlevania.
Not with MercurySteam's programmers. It uses same engine as Castlevania Mirror of Fate (it even had the same block-counter-massivedamage gimmick) and that game ran at basically 15-20 FPS at any given time.
they were saying 30 solid, no drops.
60 is a pipedream in 3DS
Because I already fucking played/own Return of samus. I'm not gonna give Kiketendo money for a prettied-up version of games I own, I'm not a consumerist normie retard.
>You don’t even need authorization to put it on!
Seems like they sorta acknowledge that they fucked up
At least we're getting Prime 4.
Now I have a reason to buy a Switch.
>they were saying 30 solid, no drops.
The trailer and stream gameplay was anything but solid 30. And even solid 30 is unacceptable in a game like Metroid.
the fps metroid games have always been gay shit.
It feel like this was rushed after AM2R
>Going by the menu screen, it would seem as if there are 40 total Metroids (of different evolutions) scattered about the game for you to take down.
Oh no please be longer than 2 hours.
>Samus has a Melee Counter: Right before an enemy charging at you hits your body, you can press X to knock them away and score a counter hit.
I hope it's well made and it has some sort of a cooldown. Else every important fight you will just block to win.
>The game’s soundtrack is being composed by two of the composers from the SNES game Super Metroid.
Ost is going to be 10/10.
>Mercury Steam
Nope Nope
Nope Nope
>italian fag: i literally spent 3 years making this only for 2 boobies to present the game for me
Did you not watch the treehouse
No, you're just a retard. Keep missing out on fun, it makes me happy.
MercurySteam are Spanish, not Italian you dumb burger.
>Oh no please be longer than 2 hours.
Remember that it was the original count. Metroids are pretty spaced out and that they could actually have more suddenly appear later. Just because initial scans say 40, doesn't mean shit.
>$0.25 have been deposited into your account, thanks for defending a rehash of a 25 year old Game Boy game on the internet!
Smash Bros was 60 fps, and that game is almost 3 years old. How are they getting LESS optimized?
You are asking me why? Look at the link you've just posted.I think there is even a high posibilty that you are from reddit and most definitely underage.
source on the 30fps?
Made by MercurySteam, the people behind the abomination that is Lords of Shadow and Mirror of Fate that killed Castlevania entirely. Mirror of Fate ran at 15-20 FPS most of the time on 3DS and this uses the same engine.
Trailer, Stream.
Why didn't they just develop it for the Switch as launch title while waiting for Prime 4? What the fuck.
single screen maps.
way less polygon density
this is going to perform like federation force
>Samus acquires the Spring Ball not by finding a statue, but by defeating an evolved Metroid
You get the Spring Ball by beating Arachnus
Did you retards not watch the fucking trailer AND stream? They even explicitly said in the stream they're targetting solid 30 FPS (but so far they're failing at the "solid" part it seems).
We could have had a metroid on the switch
>They are Spanish not Italian!
Lmao still the same folk.
Trailer and stream doesn't mean anything.
eyah, some info seems a bit off, mostly Kotaku not paying attention..
isn't anybody here GREATLY bothered by the checkpoint thing?
>Trailer shows footage with blatant 30 FPS lock and sub 30 FPS drops
>Stream has developers themselves saying the game has 30 FPS lock
0.05$ was deposited into your account
>Did you retards not watch the fucking trailer AND stream?
Trailer and steam of a game still in development aren't indicative of anything.
3D effect work better at 60fps, anyway.
Post above yours, shill.
Another 0.05$ has been deposited into your account. Only 998 posts more to go and you will get a raise 0.01$ per post! Keep up the good work!
Shoulda bought that New 3DS dumb goyim. :^)
Luckly, we take pity on you dumb goyim, and theres a nifty New 2DS XL coming out soon for only $149.99 that will run Metroid at a constant 30FPS with no slowdown
First trailer of Majora 3D was at 60fps, the game still ended up 30fps. those kind of info are meaningless.
>0.05$ was deposited into your account
>people disagreeing with me must be chill.
Stop pulling fact out of your ass to start with.
they said 30 FPS locked
the "drops" that guy is "seeing" is just slowmo after melee and hitstuns
but 60 fps was neves at the table
>oh no, someone pointed me out I am making pure speculation
>better calling him a chill.
Just admit that you don't know the final spec of the game.
Why not just hire the guy who made AM2R? Give him the keys to the kingdom let him play around with the property legit. Nintendo gets a Metroid guaranteed to please fans and make money, and fans get a Metroid that's actually good. Literally everyone wins.
See you nigger shill.
>they said 30 FPS locked
what part of source don't you get?
you do know they also announced Metroid Prime 4 on the Switch as well?
How does the 360 degree fire range work? Can you move while shooting freely? Do you control the arm canon with the analog and move with abxy?
>Most other games like this for 3DS are 60fps
And again, Source? and by that, the actual time in the video they actually say this. How fucking hard is that to understand?
Timestamp. There's no fucking way the weakass 3ds can run that at 30FPS constantly.
How about you fucking scroll yourself? It's not hard. Get cancer and die cause I sure as hell ain't spoonfeeding Nitentoddler shills.
not here to fucking spoonfeed you. Christ I know it's summer but shouldn't you be mowing lawns since school let you out instead of shitposting
How about you actually back your own statements, which is what I sipmly asked in the first place.
I hate Nintenbros even more than the next guy but calm down with the reddit spacing dude
Welp, it looks like I still have many hours of 3DS use with this, US/UM, FE: SoV, and M&L: Superstar Saga.
I love me some Metroid 2, but I must admit many of the things listed as upgrades seem to be things AM2R implemented that I never expected Nintendo to do, like the warp points and checkpoints.
I now have three versions of my favorite guilty pleasure Metroid game to play, so I'm quite happy by this news.
Link Between Worlds was 60fps