I'm honestly not sure if I should be hyped for this or not I want to be bit I just don't know I hope it's not another other m
I'm honestly not sure if I should be hyped for this or not I want to be bit I just don't know I hope it's not another...
Dont be hyped. wait and play the game. Dull i know.
I'm cautiously optimistic, but there are plenty of things that can still go wrong between now and release.
But if I buy the game and it's not any good then I wasted money
It won't be another other m, it's an actual 2d metroid. Gameplay look fun, at worst it will be short and easy
Well the gameplay looks pretty good
didn't any of you niggers see the treehouse?
the chick almost got halfway through the game and it was so good, it's no mystery if it's going to be good or not.
it's great
>halfway through the game in 30 minutes
Please tell me they skipped around
then you return it. Holy shit what fuck hole of a country you live in that doesn't let you return goods?
Remakes and remasters are okay when it's Nintendo :)
looks fun
This is neither a remaster or a remake what the fuck crack are you smoking?
>didn't any of you niggers see the treehouse?
No. Is there a stream of it being played?
user pls.
There's a difference between remaking/remastering a black and white game from 25 years ago that hasn't been touched since and a game that came out literally the year before.
there was
you should be able to find it
they took down 3 bosses
looked pretty fun
I loved Samus' animations and how fast she was
but I've never played any of the other games and only watched speedruns of them, so don't listen to my pleb opinion
really? holy shit.. dont you have like a law that protects you for 14 days?
It's a remake of Metroid II, you fucking retard.
They rushed out this piece of shit to take advantage of the interest in AM2R.
Although it looks completely inferior to it in almost every way.
It's going to suck dick like every other Nintendo game since the gamecube
I know there's something like that in Europe, but here places really hate taking things back if they've been opened.
It was already remade though
What?? No. That seems easy as fuck to abuse.
sucks to be an american
They did
Not everyone is a cunt user. Trusting the people is a good thing. Sorry you live in a country that hates you.
This is something most Americans with a brain will tell you. About the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that I like about living here is cheap tech prices. Not sure what they're like elsewhere, but I've got non-American friends who complain that tech prices are three or so times higher where they live.
If you ever played a 3DS you know every game looks and feels much better on the 3DS screen
>muh guns
>muh no refugees
they showed like a full half hour of gameplay and it looks fucking awesome, i don't know what kind of metroid fan exists that isn't fucking hype for a real metroid game in 2017
am2r is awesome and was released, you can't really complain and you can find it anywhere on the net
have they shown gameplay?? does it play like rabi ribi?
I've never watched a Nintendo presentation or Treehouse before, it's pretty comfy.
It plays like Metroid, retard.
The ability to uppercut dudes looks awesome
in terms of aesthetics, it looks like fucking garbage. also >3ds
fucking gay.
It's still getting updates. There really is no reason to get upset over this. You get to (hopefully good) 2D Metroids in two years. What's to dislike?
>have they shown gameplay??
yes, look on youtube
What update has it gotten past 1.1?
For anyone who didn't watch the gameplay rundown:
>It has close to Metroid ZM physics. Samus's jump and space jump looked almost exactly the same
>There is a free-aim system that either replaces or compliments the original 45 degree angling of past games. It looks like you have to stop to use it
>There is a "melee counter" where you press X to uppercut an incoming enemy and get an advantage. Looks like it's very helpful against Metroids as it triggers a cinematic takedown
>Being co-developed by MercurySteam, the guys who made Castlevania Mirror of Fate
>Being co-developed by MercurySteam, the guys who made Castlevania Mirror of Fate
Uh oh
Hey retard, Zero Mission is a remake and it's fantastic.
the aim system compliments the standard one, doesn't replace it
doesn't know what metroid 2 is
The game looks good based on what was shown. Maybe they learned some shit.
gamestop has used games that you can return
there's usually used versions of any title within a couple days
you seriously don't know how to use youtube? what the hell is wrong with you?
Various bugfixes, NG+, Randomizers, Gameboy filters, you name it.
I could give you a link to the current patch (1.2.9) but sadly it's only available on reddit. You gotta google it yourself.
Couple more notes
>Beam switching seems to be in, in more of a Prime fashion. Footage showed switching between Power, Ice, and Wave beams, as well as a special "Beam Burst" ability.
>Grapple Beam shows up, new to Metroid 2. Spider Ball returns. Samus has Power Grip from the start, it looks like.
Nintendo is giving people what they want after the five and a half years of the 3DS going without a proper Metroid. Plus, Other M was pretty good too. People just hivemind bitched about it until it was relegated to shit-tier by the general gaming community. Stop being a whiny bitch.
are you fucking retarded? i couldn't find the gameplay video or i wouldn't have asked in the first place.
>Mercury Steam
>killed Castlevania twice over and have only done trash to mediocre level stuff
>get handed a bonafied 2D Metroid game with full backing from Nintendo
>Next Level Games
>fucking Mario Strikers 1/2, Punch Out Wii and Luigi's Mansion 2
>all fantastic games and more than proves their worth
>get stuck with Fed Force and get shat on by everyone and set to die by Nintendo
Why should I care for this again?
I actually really liked how Other M played. What I hated was the story, lack of open exploration, and the first person segments.
Looks like that Metroid on Wii, even with the QTE animations.
begins at 10 minutes
New Aeon Abilities
Scan Pulse
Electric Armor
Beam Burst
Super Missiles, Charge Shot etc. return
Ice Beam is selectable in a different slot?
Beam stacking (wave + spazer)
type nintendo into youtube.. you're welcome.
your stolen asset game won't fly here buddy
I'm not liking the look of those grapples, to be honest. Could really trivialize fighting metroids.
It seems to be bogged down with cutscenes and QTE's, but does seem to be more action oriented (melee counters?)
Im worried it might be too easy or floaty on top of that. The gameplay they showed was sparse at best.
>metroid 2 for ADD children
>are you fucking retarded?
Its literally on the Nintendo official youtube page you fucking mong. Holy shit don't ever get a woman pregnant. We don't need retards like you breading.
looks absolutely nothing like it but i'm assuming you have never played a metroid game before so I forgive you
I'll admit that AM2R was pretty good from what I played but at least we're finally getting a legit M2 remake. 1/10 shitpost for making me waste time to respond.
>anyone on Sup Forums ever reproducing
am2r fags btfo
welp looks like I'm buying a 3DS now
>metroid II
>super metroid
>samus returns
gonna be worth the money for these games alone
>Everyone is as pathetic as me
Sorry kiddo. Date a fat chic, they will fuck anything.
If you hack it you can play Fusion and Zero Mission on it too
Day 1 pirate. I'll buy the physical release and the amiibo if the game can get an 8/10 from most reviews
i have a legit Fusion on mine
great argument. faggot.
This guy gets it. Good advice, senpai. If you don't mind me asking, what color fedora should I buy at the hat shop later today? A solid color one (was thinking a cobalt or a dark blue maybe) or a striped one (potentially a light gray)?
Me too, but that user can't get it legit if he's buying a new one, dummy. He'd have to go back in time 6 years.
but I'll get banned from buying games on the shop though right?
how's GBA emulation on PSP?
>clunky platforming
>unity-tier graphics
>cutscene grabs
no thanks
I hope you don't bread either, user.
It's an enhanced remake of the best Metroid with new locations and powers.
It'll be fun.
>Basing your opinions of a game on reviews written by apes who are no more qualified than you are to review a game.
Day 1 amiibo buy for me, regardless of how the game turns out.
I mean back when they sued etc people claimed they just wanted to forget metroid and that there was no way they would remake it.
I guess everybody was wrong and the reasons were legitimate.
Everyone should by these fucking Metroid games over generic nigger kill whitey simulator fps garbage coming out this year
No, you won't. The only thing anyone has been banned from using is online multiplayer, and their hasn't been a credible claim of someone getting banned since the first day.
Also, it's incredibly easy to go around the ban anyway
No, you only get banned if you play out of region games on the wrong region system or play games online before they're released.
Says the retard that cant type simple shit into a web browser.
Mom was scraping the barrel when she scooped that cum off her chest into her vagina to make you huh.
do I need a certain model/firmware update?
I'm not that guy, I was just making fun of your typo. There is no need to be upset.
Actual gameplay starts about 10 minutes in.
>Let's kill the fan remake so people have to pay $60 for our worse looking remake instead
Fuck Nintendo
Any model and pre-11.4 I believe. If you get one on 11.4 you'll need two systems, one of which must already be hacked.
1. The remake is only $40 ($50 if you want the Special Edition release).
2. If Nintendo wants to protect their intellectual property from being reproduced/parodied in any manner, then that's their prerogative.
3. Nothing in life is free. If you want something, you have to pay for it.
4. I'd tell you to go eat a bag of dicks for being a fake, unappreciative fan but you're probably already drowning in black cock.
after playing am2r, i know not to expect much from this game, but i know to expect enough to satiate my need for metroid. so i'm mildly hyped
Is it me or the uppercut strike was in project m first?
AM2R was good but the new stuff in the new remake sounds interesting
>the chick almost got halfway through the game
lol wat
>>Let's kill the fan remake
They let it be released when it was pretty well known for years, once it's out there on the internet they can't actually get rid of it.