Knox is /ourape/
What does he have to do with rape
Oh I got it
That's racist
why did they intentionally bait the racism by giving him a london nigga accent and making him a thief?
Do the French actually find this kind of character likable?
>show no gameplay at all
>don't talk about the game at all
>somehow people are still praising Ubishit for this
More interestingly: Why havenÄt the SJWs jumped at this opportunity and called Ubisoft bigoted racists? When I saw the trailer I thought the articles on Polygon and Kotaku would be only a matter of minutes.
You must be new.
What's o u rape?
I bet he would make a decent sopa de macaco
Looks like che gueverra. A spic nigger.
Sorry but Bruz is already /ourguy/
So is this pig Peyj? Is that supposed to be his early days of edge?
>Oui, rape
Pretty much sums up the Ubisoft conference.
HEY! I think I know that guy.
>Che Guevara
Che Guevara was Argentinian, and Argentinians are white.
Because if you see the analogy you're also racist
He reminds me of a white inner-city British man trying to imitate hip-hop culture than any black man. Hearing him speak, all I could think of was Ali G.
You rape in French
>implying Marx and Engles weren't white
Knox is /lesliejones/.
>ywn be the girl that was running her hand down his back
>THREE black protagonists
Ali G. was black tho.
Who would win in a fight?
Why did the first game have a pig?
Because comparing blacks to apes doesn't really make sense anymore that we know that all of humanity came from apes
I hope the game has sexy asian NPCs at least
I actually wouldn't mind seeing more of him, he looks like a fun character.
Same, although I think they should tone down the language.
I don't find it offensive, just very lame.
They are racists fucks
They blown out the brit muslim stereotype so much it's eye jarring
Good work
checks out.
What is the endgame of these dissidents in the story anyway?
The way it's explained seems like the system they're fighting against is a necessary evil for humanity to survive the times.
Say hi.
Yeah, it felt too forced. They said they will take our feedback really seriously so I think we dont have to worry about it that much.
>black character and a monkey are literally lovers
>beginning of the game they rob someone on a bike they stole
The trailer screamed French humour to me honestly. I don't think it was supposed to come off as edgy or try hard just goofy/funny.
Fuck off. You fags ruin everything.
How come none of the women are disgusting animals?
knox looks like a jamie hewlett character, pretty gud
So you actually liked him swearing every 2 seconds for no reason?
>beginning of the game they rob someone
Riiight because that pig is obviously nothing but a honest upstanding citizen
>They said they will take our feedback really seriously
>tfw you actually thought the monkey and the black woman would make a pretty fun main duo
That being said, doesn't fit Beyond Good and Evil
Oi you fuck off mate, you fucking cunt stupid bitch suck on my sjw cock piece of shit
I want to play as the fackin monkey!
I want a stinky cow-woman
>What is the endgame of these dissidents in the story anyway?
Seems to be liberation of the hybrid animals from enslavement to humanity.
>The way it's explained seems like the system they're fighting against is a necessary evil for humanity to survive the times.
Well they use the hybrids to do societies drudge work and help fuel their colonization of space but I'm not sure if they're necessary for humanities survival though.
>black woman and monkey doesn't fit beyond good and evil
>main characters of the first game were a pig and an asian woman
porn when?
I mean their personalities and them swearing like sailors
but then again, apparently the game's going to be a GTA clone
This shit triggers me, because I'm watching Dr. House and the monkeyman looks like the guy from their made up video game.
me on the right
Just fuck off.
Why do literal virgins get so fucking TRIGGERED by curse words?
I bet you fags hate chicks with piercings, too. Fucking beta males.
p r e q u e l
>racism kek
>First game didn't have constant swearing
>Trailer for second one comes out with constant swearing
It just comes off as trying to make it edgy as fuck
Both Jewish
>apparently the game's going to be a GTA clone
Eh? Really? But the whole reason I liked the first game was because it was a Zelda clone.
Fuck, this is Jak 2 all over again.
grab m'chassy knoxy
>Find out there's actually a new BG&E2 trailer
>'Holy fucking shit got to watch that ASAP'
>Fucks thrown about throughout the trailer
Why. I'm fine with swearing, I swear a ton myself, but it feels so out of place in BG&E and it feels like Ubisoft forced them to have it to be 'mature'.
No, it's just some criminal chinese pig. Don't even know if Pey'j is in this one, or Jade.
>Sup Forums is now home to pearl clutching christians offended by a cursing monkey
this site is so dead
>reading comprehension
Engels wasn't Jewish you idiots.
You misunderstand. Vulgarity for its own sake is cheap and immature. It doesn't even have shock value anymore, it's just trashy.
feels forced like when r*ddit says fuck to get upvotes
Ou rape? Is that French for something?
U-Ubisoft always listens to their fans, s-shut the fuck up.
>"Heh, watch this Yves"
>"Good one Michel"
>open world online multiplayer experience
>prequel when the whole thing that kept people holding out hope for a sequel was that the first ended on a cliffhanger
Far more worrying than the "we want an M-rating so we'll be taken seriously" dialogue.
It doesn't matter.
Communism is inherently Jewish.
Now stop shitposting so the thread wont get derailed.
Reminder to brush and floss, anons.
It was quite off-putting how they sweared like 13 year olds for some reason, but otherwise I really liked that trailer. Carefully optimistic for the game.
Except 50% of the founding fathers of communism weren't Jewish.
So, is this monkey thing the Donte of the current generation?
>Long awaited update to a beloved franchise
>main character is an unlikable, profane hipster with no sense of class
>I bet you fags hate chicks with piercings, too.
You mean you like them? Fucking cuck.
>Monkey character is archetype nigger
what did they mean by this?
We didn't come from apes, we share a similar ancestor.
Over 3/4th of all Communist Russian leadership were Jewish, and 470 of the 520 original Commissars were Jews.
That's Marxism-Leninism, not communism.
One half of the guys who invented Communism wasn't. So it's not "inherently Jewish".
It's about tone you seedgargling dickhole
Me too! Just like my favorite streamers and the seniors at my school!
This is just offensive. In the first game at least they let the blacks be the cool Jamaican rhinos.
wow check your maturity levels
The cursing worked for me because that is how all the trashy people I know speak and it was coming from a criminal.