Splatoon invitational

Get in here guys, it's japs vs fats now on E3 nintendo treehouse. Who is better?


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Nips will dominate

>Anonymous message boards

>so called europeans
>one of them is clearly not european

hehe, the french team has a EU flag on their t-shirts with a red star for the UK

Obviously the Japanese

''So called Europeans''

Man nintendo threw some shade at france

the nips better fucking destroy them

Fully expect the japs to win the tournament

>we call it a meta

Everyday I hate my country more and more
But I still love it, kinda

Why fucking bother?

The Japanese team knows if they don't win they'll get the shit beaten out of them when they get home. They have a reason.

it's a blood bath


That 3rd Japanese guy looked cross-eyed and retarded.

France BTFO

>"pro splatoon player"
>not retarded

choose one

This is my experience with Canada.

I am also reminded of youtube.com/watch?v=JFzk0oGKqUw

t. B rank shitter

>near all female

Can't wait for them to get 90-10'd

>Team all women but 1

They lose.

holy fuck, female team. they even brought a seal, wow, the diversity

So how hard is is japan going to shit on everyone, and does the USA stand a fucking chance?

>Nintendo in her blood
and her stomach

Madi-kuma is fat as fuck.



please do good and prove people wrong please

Is this supposed to be funny?

Are Madi's tits actually big, or just fat?

It's all fat. She's disgusting.

LATIAS a cute

>A team of 3 girls and 1 guy

Tits are fat

These commentators are worse than Michael fucking Cole.

I want to fuck them

Isn't that a pokemon?


Latias is a good


I can't wait until Japan shows them why women stay in the home and mind their fucking business.


Aussies good!

How old is Latias

Can I fap to her and not feel bad?

What was up with US_Power's play?
He had prime opportunities to use that ink-spray special to counter those chargers whilst he was on high ground, but he didn't.
That shit can attack enemies through cover!

If she's over 9 you can do that.

>you will never be latias

He must've underestimated their power.

Cutest girl have Latias as nickname, awesome

Japan knows they fucking won already, smug nips.

>Tim got the Splat

>Japan has one stay back to paint their spawn
>US has everyone run out

First mistake.

Can you charge a Splatling while jumping in Splatoon 2? I ask because I do that all the time while playing as Heavy in TF2 and not being able to do that in Splatoon was what made me use the Slosher instead

Is that Marie doing the vocals for this song?

Might as well migrate to the treehouse thread

This is the first time I'm seeing actual Splatoon gameplay. That game looks weird and all over the place, what the heck is going on?