This board has been shitting on Nintendo for months.
Apologize. Right now. Open this thread. Type "I'm sorry." and hit post then leave the thread.
Right. Now.
This board has been shitting on Nintendo for months.
Apologize. Right now. Open this thread. Type "I'm sorry." and hit post then leave the thread.
Right. Now.
I'm sorry you're a fucking faggot, OP.
Manchildren rehashed games for children that are the age of men.
Doubling down? Hubris is the downfall of man.
I'm sorry for mocking Nintendo fans..
so lightly, those fuckers are completely fucked and delusional.
You guys manage to outdo your delusions every year
I'm sorry. I can't help it, I need to shitpost on a Mongolian miniature gardening forum to forget all the times daddy raped me. Forgive me please, you won e3.
Yours sincerely, every Sony fanboy ever.
Sorry your shit console didnt get any 3rd party support, sure didnt see that coming a mile away.
Reported for announcing reports
I'm sorry.
Who gives a shit about 3rd party support when you have a PC? I want exclusives, and 3rd party exclusives are a thing of the past.
I'm sorry.
>nintendogaf is shitting on nintendo
Kill yourself pathetic manchild neckbeard
Why are people implying Nintendo won? Their conference was terrible.
Microsoft unironically won. I'm getting a One X on release.
Y'know, Nintenbros get a bad rap for acting like entitled children.
Now I know why.
I'm sorry for what ever reason you want me to apologise for. I am also sorry for being white, the patriarchy and Indian people.
Ubisoft you mean
I just woke up. What did they have at E3?
I'm sorry
Can I get the quick rundown? Can't be arsed to watch the whole thing.
Games instead of ETHNIC DIVERSITY
Mario 32 with extra party functions and metroid 57. Probably some JRPG with graphics from 2003 on a handheld console that nobody uses for other manchildren.
I'm sorry.
Why? They are 3 years behind this console generation with 5 year old tech and no games. It qill be another 2 years to even have 10 games worth playing on the switch to justify buying one and guess what. It will still be full price for system and games.
Ubi had a better one.
What did they do to earn my apology?
>AM2R but worse
>nothing on MP4 besides "we're making it, guys, believe me"
>Port of Yoshi wiiu
Go fuck yourself
I'm sorry.
Metroid Prime 4 for Switch
Metroid Prime 2 Remake for 3ds
Pokemon mainline RPG for Switch
Rocket League with cross platform play for Switch
Thats about it.
The only Nintendo games I have played were the Pokemon ones on Gameboy. What do you see in those childish outdated games?
sorry not sorry
It's about god damn time Nintendo started catering to my shit taste instead of normie shit taste
>they are so far removed they think a logo won the whole show
>not EVEN a cgi trailer, literally a logo that could be made on a phone in a minute
>pokemon switch
>2 metroid games
>plenty of weebshit
holy fuck, how do they do it? sony shits the bed hard while nintendo gives us exactly what we want
Im sorry Nintendo will make another console that will get cracked open and be emulatable in less than two years :^)
As in a handful of weeb losers?
Meanwhile you get to enjoy rooty tooty point and shooty #23453245 and press x to be awsome #698769876
Stay buttblasted that we get to play actual games while you have liberal propaganda and cinematic crap shoved down your throat.
you thought this was really clever, didn't you?
Eat shit op.
Because E3 isn't for nip shit, Sony always just puts in TGS.
But no one cares for TGS, and that blows.
Only reason Nintendo 'won' was because they didn't screw over metroid. Thank god
The games nintendo showed were phone tier games besides zelda dlc and maybe mario which could probably be done on a phone. Even the new 3ds metroid remake could be played on a phone.
Answer me
Much appreciated.
>T-they were just phone games!
Not an arguement
I'm not OP
>Zelda DLC
>FE Musou
No, I'm not sorry.
>bright colors and boing noises for toddlers
>actual games
Sure thing bud.
nintendo's e3 was utter shit, all of the e3's were utter shit. literally the most exciting thing to come out of this e3 was a remake of a 20 year old strategy game that is absolutely mediocre by now, at best
literally microshits presentation was best out of the big three, and all they had was multiplats. im happy i all but quit this dying hobby
I got over AM2R but I'll always be salty about Prism.
FIFA too
>Everything needs to be gritty and realistic
>These are REAL games
Go back to playing your movie games
Sony fans, really, just get over it. Your games are secretally movies.
This board has been sucking Nintendo's dick for years.
The only exciting thing they showed at E3 was a title for an in development game, and then have the gall to say that won them E3 after spending years sandbagging that any hype reveals don't count if they don't have gameplay.
I'm sorry
The Metroid games were pretty cool, but everything else I was pretty much expecting.
The only thing that looked mildly interesting was the 3DS Metroid. And even then it looked like they scaled it way the fuck back.
Except they didn't actually announce any games.
What would be the best playstation console for me?
Just play video games rated E for Everyone on the ESRB.
I hate indie (independent) games
I hate violent video games
I do not like to play online
I like direct Games and without DLC's or updates
i hate pokemon games
and i hate The legend of zelda Games
I'm not sorry.
You didn't say that was all we had to type.
>missing the point this hard
But then, trying to explain jokes to an autist is like trying to describe a painting to a blind person, so never mind.
I'm sorry they did less than tease the games we were interested in seeing. Hey just so you know, Nintendo will have a better e3 next year!
How does announcing that they might have something to show us later make for excitement? I think this is equally true about CGI trailers that show nothing of actual gameplay. But this was even worse. Here's a still image for metroid prime 4! Oh also Pokémon! (Someday)
Coolest thing I saw at the Nintendo conference was Rocket League on the switch. So have fun paying money to play online with other switch users.
"I'm sorry." and hit post then leave the thread.
Right. Now.
This has to be on purpose.
>No monster hunter
They lost when they let this happen.
Drink bleach lol
What has to be on purpose? ....
Not everything has to be gritty and realistic, but there's got to be more to visuals than feeling like someone's melting down primary crayons and pouring them onto your eyes.
>Press X to shitpost!
im sorry you lost e3
But that's not how the entire game looks
I'm sorry.
dont worry, we own PC's
>playing 3rd party on console
Press Nintendo to stay forever a manchild and enjoy moms tendies while filling piss bottles! =D
>those 2001 graphics
Is this a joke?
>I'm mature, playing my mature games like Spiderman and Crash Bandicoot!
I'm sorry
That feel when you lost hope for metroid games, and then papa nintendy drops 2 on you
I'm sorry
I get serious Sonic 06 flashbacks from this. Nintendo is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.
>one has no info and the other is made by mercury steam with sakamoto in the lead role
thanks, papa nintendy.
no really. thanks.
im sorry so so sorry .... im a gaychan retard i will not do it again buAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I'm sorry that all you got again was NOGAEMS and just some fucking static logos. lmaoing@ at your life right now.
I'm sorry.
keep hoping the 06 meme sticks. Unfortunately this will be a 98 on metacritic and goty
Good luck
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry
what fucking trash taste. I don't even like Nintendo and they won hands down sugar
I'm sorry.